Notes: - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect. - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything. - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care. - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted. - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns. - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart. - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart. - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart. - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked. Agedmilk deaths:7 Dragonbreath Chili 7 (9g 43s 81c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Dreamtonic 5 (14g 43s 40c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (64s 8c) Elixir of Greater Firepower 3 (3g 62s 28c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 45s 55c) Fire Protection 5 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 5s 83c) Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 69s 57c) Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (4g 53s 98c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 3 (13g 94s 97c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Stratholme Holy Water 5 Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 41s 89c) Tea with Sugar 1 (28s 47c) Winterfall Firewater 6 (6g 17s 22c) total spent: 112g 51s 31c Ajdra deaths:5 Brilliant Mana Oil 4 (5g 82s 24c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Elixir of Fortitude 3 (1g 92s 24c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 2 (2g 97s) Mana Potion - Superior 4 (1g 99s 88c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1 Nature Protection 1 Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 42s 35c) total spent: 24g 73s 45c Ayeya deaths:8 Anti-Venom 2 (2s 84c) Bogling Root 4 (3s) Crystal Ward 5 Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (4g 71s 54c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 7 Flask of the Titans 1 (76g 98s 88c) Free Action Potion 4 (5g 65s 40c) Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (5g 8s 71c) Greater Stoneshield 1 (2g 91s 60c) Increased Stamina 9 Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Medivh's Merlot 6 (11g 19s 12c) Mighty Rage Potion 6 (23g 68s 86c) Nature Protection 1 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 56s 6c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 22 (6g 26s 34c) Winterfall Firewater 9 (9g 25s 83c) total spent: 169g 8s Ayeya (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 39s 14c) total spent: 3g 39s 14c Boggum deaths:6 Elixir of Fortitude 1 (64s 8c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 39s 36c) Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Increased Stamina 2 Invisibility Potion 2 (1g 59s 90c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (58s 17c) total spent: 8g 45s 56c Britainsand deaths:7 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (4g 19s 98c) Dragonbreath Chili 10 (13g 48s 30c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Dreamtonic 2 (5g 77s 36c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (4g 71s 54c) Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 78s 72c) Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 91s 10c) Flask of the Titans 1 (76g 98s 88c) Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 49s 96c) Potion of Quickness 3 (6g 98s 55c) Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 52s 2c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 7 (1g 35s 73c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 83s 78c) Tea with Sugar 1 (28s 47c) Winterfall Firewater 7 (7g 20s 9c) total spent: 149g 66s 90c Burtles deaths:6 Anti-Venom 1 (1s 42c) Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (8g 39s 96c) Elixir of Fortitude 3 (1g 92s 24c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 2 Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (6g 78s 28c) Healing Potion - Major 7 (3g 38s 59c) Holy Protection 2 Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Noggenfogger Elixir 1 Potion of Quickness 1 (2g 32s 85c) Shadow Protection 3 (13g 94s 97c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Strike of the Scorpok 3 (10g 25s 67c) Tea with Sugar 4 (1g 13s 88c) Thorium Grenade 2 (1g 85s 18c) total spent: 58g 99s 76c Carcloch deaths:3 Agility 2 Arcane Protection 1 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (16g 79s 92c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 39s 36c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 45s 55c) Fire Protection 5 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 69s 57c) Shadow Protection 2 (9g 29s 98c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 41s 89c) Winterfall Firewater 3 (3g 8s 61c) total spent: 38g 95s 36c Chickensalt deaths:8 Arcane Protection 1 Brilliant Mana Oil 5 (7g 27s 80c) Demonic Rune 13 Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (48g 98s 47c) Free Action Potion 2 (2g 82s 70c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 49s 96c) Mana Potion - Major 17 (25g 24s 50c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 3 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) total spent: 98g 28s 57c Dags deaths:7 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (16g 79s 92c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (64s 8c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 45s 55c) Fire Protection 1 Healing Potion - Major 2 (96s 74c) Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 48s 50c) Potion of Quickness 9 (20g 95s 65c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 27s 76c) total spent: 49g 23s 19c Darkshadowx deaths:13 Agility 1 Arcane Protection 1 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (16g 79s 92c) Elemental Sharpening Stone 2 (12g 9s 30c) Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 18s 8c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 2 Flask of the Titans 1 (76g 98s 88c) Free Action Potion 2 (2g 82s 70c) Invulnerability 7 (10g 49s 72c) Jungle Remedy 2 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 41s 89c) Winterfall Firewater 9 (9g 25s 83c) total spent: 148g 68s 92c Dblcheezbrgr deaths:8 Anti-Venom 1 (1s 42c) Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (7g 79s 94c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 99s 89c) Dreamtonic 5 (14g 43s 40c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (5g 99s 34c) Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 26s 99c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 4 (5g 94s) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 7 Nature Protection 1 Regeneration 2 Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 11 (3g 13s 17c) total spent: 45g 65s 90c Dragonfury deaths:3 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (4g 19s 98c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 45s 55c) Mana Potion - Greater 2 (24s 68c) Shadow Protection 2 (9g 29s 98c) total spent: 15g 20s 19c Exacerbate deaths:11 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 59s 94c) Dense Sharpening Stone 4 Elixir of Fortitude 3 (1g 92s 24c) Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 35s 77c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Flask of the Titans 2 (153g 97s 76c) Free Action Potion 2 (2g 82s 70c) Goblin Sapper Charge 10 (16g 95s 70c) Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 37c) Invulnerability 4 (5g 99s 84c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mighty Rage Potion 9 (35g 53s 29c) Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 56s 6c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 6 (1g 16s 34c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 9 (2g 56s 23c) Winterfall Firewater 10 (10g 28s 70c) total spent: 267g 84s 65c Gnoops deaths:18 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (25g 19s 88c) Elemental Sharpening Stone 2 (12g 9s 30c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (64s 8c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 2 Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Goblin Sapper Charge 5 (8g 47s 85c) Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 45s 11c) Increased Stamina 1 Invulnerability 1 (1g 49s 96c) Nature Protection 1 Rage Potion 2 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 56s 6c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (77s 56c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 15 (4g 27s 5c) Winterfall Firewater 8 (8g 22s 96c) total spent: 82g 41s 47c Gudlevski deaths:9 Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 1 Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Goblin Sapper Charge 11 (18g 65s 27c) Healing Potion - Major 9 (4g 35s 33c) Increased Stamina 2 Invulnerability 1 (1g 49s 96c) Medivh's Merlot 1 (1g 86s 52c) Mighty Rage Potion 10 (39g 48s 10c) Powerful Anti-Venom 3 (2g 99s 61c) Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 4s 4c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (19s 39c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 10 (2g 84s 70c) Winterfall Firewater 8 (8g 22s 96c) total spent: 97g 37s 54c Jiginator deaths:9 Demonic Rune 5 Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Fire Protection 1 Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 9 (13g 36s 50c) Noggenfogger Elixir 9 Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 27s 76c) total spent: 22g 63s 4c Kavax deaths:8 Brilliant Mana Oil 4 (5g 82s 24c) Dark Rune 2 (8g 13s 16c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (48g 98s 47c) Mana Potion - Major 4 (5g 94s) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5 Shadow Protection 3 (13g 94s 97c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Swiftness of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 17 (4g 83s 99c) total spent: 95g 27s 57c Kimaen deaths:9 Arcane Protection 1 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 59s 94c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 39s 36c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 45s 55c) Fire Protection 11 Flask of the Titans 2 (153g 97s 76c) Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Greater Stoneshield 2 (5g 83s 20c) Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 37c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Nature Protection 2 Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (77s 56c) Shadow Protection 3 (13g 94s 97c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Stratholme Holy Water 8 Strike of the Scorpok 3 (10g 25s 67c) total spent: 210g 36s 45c Kujanu deaths:10 Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (11g 69s 91c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Dreamtonic 7 (20g 20s 76c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Fire Protection 4 Flask of Supreme Power 2 (94g 11s 66c) Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (4g 53s 98c) Healing Potion - Major 5 (2g 41s 85c) Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 3 (12g 70s 62c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 49s 96c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 48s 50c) Mana Potion - Superior 3 (1g 49s 91c) Nature Protection 1 Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (77s 56c) Shadow Protection 2 (9g 29s 98c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 26 (7g 40s 22c) total spent: 176g 52s 39c Kyneswide deaths:6 Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (4g 71s 54c) Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 91s 10c) Fire Protection 1 Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Invulnerability 2 (2g 99s 92c) Mighty Rage Potion 1 (3g 94s 81c) Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 4s 4c) Regeneration 1 Restorative Potion 1 (1g 32s 99c) Rumsey Rum Black Label 2 (38s 78c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 3 (85s 41c) Winterfall Firewater 5 (5g 14s 35c) total spent: 35g 86s 52c Melanoma deaths:10 Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 36s 68c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Mana Potion - Major 12 (17g 82s) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2 Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 14 (3g 98s 58c) total spent: 35g 77s 89c Newsom deaths:5 Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (2g 91s 12c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (8g 47s 8c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Mana Potion - Major 2 (2g 97s) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 2 (56s 94c) total spent: 22g 80s 51c Ramsus deaths:6 Arcane Protection 1 Brilliant Wizard Oil 5 (7g 58s 35c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Fire Protection 1 Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Holy Protection 1 Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (4g 23s 54c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Mana Potion - Major 4 (5g 94s) Nature Protection 2 Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Swiftness of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 17 (4g 83s 99c) total spent: 38g 52s 67c Shadowhelper deaths:4 Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (6g 6s 68c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 99s 78c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 48s 50c) Tea with Sugar 3 (85s 41c) total spent: 14g 67s 64c Shamancheese deaths:14 Demonic Rune 1 Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 1 Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) Mana Potion - Major 16 (23g 76s) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Tea with Sugar 19 (5g 40s 93c) total spent: 35g 60s 98c Shermstab deaths:13 Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 18s 8c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 36s 65c) Fire Protection 2 Free Action Potion 3 (4g 24s 5c) Gordok Green Grog 2 Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 37c) Nature Protection 1 Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (77s 56c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 41s 89c) Tea with Sugar 10 (2g 84s 70c) total spent: 22g 11s 78c Superchoc deaths:11 Agility 1 Brilliant Mana Oil 7 (10g 18s 92c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (48g 98s 47c) Free Action Potion 2 (2g 82s 70c) Mana Potion - Major 21 (31g 18s 50c) Nature Protection 1 Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 32 (9g 11s 4c) total spent: 110g 9s 78c Thedos deaths:14 Anti-Venom 1 (1s 42c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 51s 67c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Fire Protection 5 Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (6g 80s 97c) Healing Potion - Superior 2 (12s 60c) Increased Stamina 1 Mana Potion - Superior 3 (1g 49s 91c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 64s 99c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 42s 35c) total spent: 25g 64s 54c Troblemaker deaths:6 Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 99s 89c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 80s 48c) Tea with Sugar 2 (56s 94c) total spent: 4g 37s 31c Unknown deaths:1 Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (99s 11c) total spent: 1g 79s 6c Vakos deaths:8 Anti-Venom 2 (2s 84c) Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (7g 79s 94c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 3s 34c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Dreamtonic 11 (31g 75s 48c) Elixir of Fortitude 3 (1g 92s 24c) Flask of Supreme Power 2 (94g 11s 66c) Goblin Sapper Charge 10 (16g 95s 70c) Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (6g 80s 97c) Healing Potion - Superior 3 (18s 90c) Holy Protection 1 Increased Intellect 9 Increased Stamina 4 Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 3 (12g 70s 62c) Invulnerability 12 (17g 99s 52c) Mana Potion - Major 5 (7g 42s 50c) Nature Protection 3 Rumsey Rum Black Label 6 (1g 16s 34c) Shadow Protection 3 (13g 94s 97c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Stratholme Holy Water 7 Strong Anti-Venom 1 (18s 91c) Tea with Sugar 18 (5g 12s 46c) total spent: 230g 77s 2c Vidda deaths:8 Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (7g 79s 94c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 3s 34c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 99s 67c) Dreamtonic 7 (20g 20s 76c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 28s 16c) Elixir of Greater Nature Power 3 (2g 27s 97c) Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (4g 71s 54c) Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 5s 83c) Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 39s 14c) Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (6g 80s 97c) Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 3 (12g 70s 62c) Invisibility Potion 1 (79s 95c) Invulnerability 3 (4g 49s 88c) Mana Potion - Major 8 (11g 88s) Mana Potion - Superior 2 (99s 94c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2 Nature Protection 2 Noggenfogger Elixir 1 Regeneration 2 Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (19s 39c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (3g 60s 96c) Stratholme Holy Water 6 Tea with Sugar 16 (4g 55s 52c) total spent: 141g 81s 58c Cooldown Summary Warrior Death Wish Gudlevski 12 Darkshadowx 11 Ayeya 11 Gnoops 9 Shield Wall Kyneswide 1 Gudlevski 1 Exacerbate 1 Recklessness Kyneswide 2 Gudlevski 2 Gnoops 2 Exacerbate 2 Darkshadowx 1 Bloodrage Exacerbate 88 Darkshadowx 79 Gnoops 76 Ayeya 56 Gudlevski 40 Kyneswide 38 Kiss of the Spider Gudlevski 14 Gnoops 13 Kyneswide 10 Ayeya 8 Slayer's Crest Ayeya 8 Badge of the Swarmguard Gudlevski 4 Ayeya 2 Blood Fury Ayeya 9 Mage Scorch Vakos 3 The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron Thedos 21 Vakos 20 Kujanu 7 Mind Quickening Gem Vakos 13 Kujanu 9 Berserking Vakos 22 Shaman Nature's Swiftness Kavax 18 Chickensalt 15 Jiginator 14 Vidda 3 Windfury Totem Jiginator 142 Chickensalt 119 Shamancheese 85 Kavax 63 Vidda 4 Grace of Air Totem Kavax 40 Tranquil Air Totem Vidda 43 Kavax 1 Strength of Earth Totem Chickensalt 90 Shamancheese 87 Jiginator 69 Kavax 49 Vidda 3 Mana Spring Totem Kavax 127 Chickensalt 116 Shamancheese 93 Jiginator 91 Vidda 12 Searing Totem Vidda 55 Fire Nova Totem Vidda 14 Chickensalt 7 Magma Totem Chickensalt 10 Vidda 4 Ancestral Spirit Chickensalt 24 Kavax 16 Jiginator 13 Vidda 10 Shamancheese 8 The Eye of the Dead Vidda 1 The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron Vidda 20 Zandalarian Hero Charm Shamancheese 11 Kavax 8 Blood Fury Vidda 15 Berserking Chickensalt 16 Jiginator 9 War Stomp Kavax 1 Druid Nature's Swiftness Superchoc 18 Troblemaker 16 Rebirth Superchoc 2 Boggum 2 Troblemaker 1 Kimaen 1 Britainsand 1 Swiftmend Superchoc 64 Troblemaker 37 Kiss of the Spider Boggum 1 Hibernation Crystal Superchoc 38 Priest Inner Focus Dblcheezbrgr 16 Melanoma 10 Resurrection Melanoma 9 Dblcheezbrgr 8 The Eye of the Dead Melanoma 13 The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron Dblcheezbrgr 17 Will of the Forsaken Melanoma 1 Dblcheezbrgr 1 Paladin Holy Shock (heal) Ramsus 250 Ajdra 112 Newsom 71 Shadowhelper 35 Redemption Ajdra 18 Ramsus 15 Shadowhelper 13 Newsom 13 The Eye of the Dead Ramsus 23 Zandalarian Hero Charm Shadowhelper 16 Rogue Adrenaline Rush Shermstab 13 Carcloch 10 Blade Flurry Shermstab 23 Carcloch 22 Kiss of the Spider Shermstab 14 Carcloch 13 Agedmilk 4 Jom Gabbar Agedmilk 3 Badge of the Swarmguard Agedmilk 4 Berserking Carcloch 11 Will of the Forsaken Agedmilk 3 Hunter Rapid Fire Burtles 13 Dags 12 Dragonfury 3 Jom Gabbar Burtles 19 Earthstrike Burtles 7 Blood Fury Dragonfury 9 Dags 1 Proc Summary Clearcasting Britainsand 269 Vidda 190 Kimaen 186 Vakos 174 Kujanu 146 Thedos 117 Boggum 115 Enrage Exacerbate 100 Gnoops 85 Ayeya 84 Gudlevski 43 Flurry Ayeya 417 Gudlevski 383 Gnoops 367 Darkshadowx 348 Spell Blasting Vakos 122 Kujanu 93 Thedos 81 Extra Attacks Hack and Slash Carcloch 118 Hand of Justice Britainsand 3 Sword Specialization Exacerbate 8 Kyneswide 2 Windfury Totem Gudlevski 426 Britainsand 374 Ayeya 356 Kimaen 300 Gnoops 296 Shermstab 295 Exacerbate 223 Darkshadowx 221 Kyneswide 208 Agedmilk 164 Boggum 161 Carcloch 118 Burtles 9 Dragonfury 3 Chickensalt 2 Troblemaker 1 Annihilator Log 1/1 21:17:01.550 Patchwerk is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:17:21.516 Patchwerk is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:17:27.763 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Patchwerk. 1/1 21:17:51.692 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Patchwerk. 1/1 21:18:06.512 Armor Shatter fades from Patchwerk. 1/1 21:18:19.372 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Patchwerk. 1/1 21:18:21.879 Patchwerk is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:19:00.573 Patchwerk is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:19:45.498 Armor Shatter fades from Patchwerk. 1/1 21:24:03.015 Stitched Spewer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:24:04.654 Stitched Spewer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:25:55.208 Grobbulus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:26:00.518 Grobbulus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:26:15.731 Grobbulus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3). 1/1 21:27:00.676 Armor Shatter fades from Grobbulus. 1/1 21:30:57.951 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Gluth. 1/1 21:35:43.107 Thaddius is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:36:05.798 Thaddius is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:36:50.742 Armor Shatter fades from Thaddius. 1/1 21:36:57.935 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Thaddius. 1/1 21:37:17.312 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:37:24.638 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:37:29.811 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (3). 1/1 21:37:41.013 Ayeya 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Thaddius. 1/1 21:38:10.339 Ayeya 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Thaddius. 1/1 21:41:09.645 Necro Knight is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:45:07.622 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Deathknight. 1/1 21:45:46.841 Deathknight is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:45:52.736 Deathknight Captain is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:49:19.734 Death Lord gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:52:02.701 Instructor Razuvious is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:52:47.626 Armor Shatter fades from Instructor Razuvious. 1/1 21:56:35.985 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Instructor Razuvious. 1/1 21:56:46.082 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 21:57:12.503 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 21:57:20.443 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (3). 1/1 22:03:33.044 Unrelenting Deathknight is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:18:42.972 Thane Korth'azz gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:18:51.660 Thane Korth'azz gains Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 22:19:36.632 Armor Shatter fades from Thane Korth'azz. 1/1 22:19:58.513 Highlord Mograine is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:20:42.435 Armor Shatter fades from Highlord Mograine. 1/1 22:38:46.075 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Thane Korth'azz. 1/1 22:42:24.686 Lady Blaumeux is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:43:09.640 Armor Shatter fades from Lady Blaumeux. 1/1 22:48:43.837 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Stoneskin Gargoyle. 1/1 22:49:22.706 Stoneskin Gargoyle gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:50:07.591 Stoneskin Gargoyle gains Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:55:16.372 Frenzied Bat is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:56:19.357 Frenzied Bat is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:57:06.677 Plagued Bat is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:59:23.125 Heigan the Unclean is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1). 1/1 22:59:57.658 Heigan the Unclean is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2). 1/1 23:00:02.422 Heigan the Unclean is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3). 1/1 23:00:06.326 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Heigan the Unclean. 1/1 23:01:07.345 Armor Shatter fades from Heigan the Unclean. Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log 1/1 21:16:56.290 Patchwerk gains Flame Buffet (1). 1/1 22:52:18.909 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Flame Buffet (1). 1/1 22:52:41.517 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Flame Buffet (2). Gluth Log 1/1 21:29:39.879 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:29:42.148 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:29:42.148 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:29:49.825 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:29:52.086 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:29:52.086 Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:29:59.843 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:02.747 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:02.747 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:09.859 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:12.670 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:12.670 Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:19.910 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:23.677 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:23.677 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:29.923 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:33.384 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:33.384 Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:39.919 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:43.900 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:43.900 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:49.935 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:30:54.327 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:30:54.327 Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:30:59.903 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:31:04.201 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:31:04.201 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:31:09.936 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Carcloch for 5665. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Kyneswide for 6069. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Agedmilk for 3965. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Shadowhelper for 5967. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Dags for 5432. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Exacerbate for 6954. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Kimaen for 11455. 1/1 21:31:14.518 Gluth 's Decimate hits Vakos for 5081. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Vidda for 5482. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Kujanu for 3609. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Jiginator for 5700. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Ayeya for 8816. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Gudlevski for 5910. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Darkshadowx for 7448. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Troblemaker for 5519. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Melanoma for 4824. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Gnoops for 5481. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Kavax for 5885. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Burtles for 6002. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Shamancheese for 4361. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Superchoc for 5559. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Dblcheezbrgr for 4568. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Shermstab for 5808. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Britainsand for 6634. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Chickensalt for 5719. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Ajdra for 6433. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Ramsus for 5635. 1/1 21:31:14.528 Gluth 's Decimate hits Thedos for 4380. 1/1 21:31:14.875 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 1/1 21:31:14.875 Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 1/1 21:31:19.716 Gluth dies. 4HM Zeliek Chain Log (4+) 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Dblcheezbrgr for 489 Holy damage. 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Carcloch for 1172 Holy damage. 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Thedos for 2081 Holy damage. 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Burtles for 3602 Holy damage. (1078 absorbed) 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Goomba (Burtles) for 8496 Holy damage. 1/1 22:28:43.328 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Agedmilk for 17472 Holy damage. 1/1 22:28:43.370 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Melanoma for 32083 Holy damage. 1/1 22:39:03.435 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Superchoc for 586 Holy damage. 1/1 22:39:03.435 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Shamancheese for 1162 Holy damage. 1/1 22:39:03.435 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Chickensalt for 2220 Holy damage. 1/1 22:39:03.435 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Kavax for 4288 Holy damage. Pets Goomba (Burtles) owned by Burtles TROUSERSNAKE (Dags) owned by Dags Tynamo (Dragonfury) owned by Dragonfury Class Detection Agedmilk rogue Ajdra paladin Ayeya warrior Ayeya (self damage) unknown Boggum druid Britainsand druid Burtles hunter Carcloch rogue Chickensalt shaman Dags hunter Darkshadowx warrior Dblcheezbrgr priest Dragonfury hunter Exacerbate warrior Gnoops warrior Gudlevski warrior Jiginator shaman Kavax shaman Kimaen druid Kujanu mage Kyneswide warrior Melanoma priest Newsom paladin Ramsus paladin Shadowhelper paladin Shamancheese shaman Shermstab rogue Superchoc druid Thedos mage Troblemaker druid Unknown unknown Vakos mage Vidda shaman Tech project version 2024.1082 project homepage prices server nord prices timestamp 2025-01-02T00:00:02.036853 (12 hours ago) log size 27.1 MB log lines 374652 skipped log lines 6146 (1.64%) processed in 53.47 seconds. 7006.30 log lines/sec runtime platform win32 runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064) runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]