"""# Visualize a specific image and its label for images, labels in data_loader: sample_image = images[0] # First image in the batch sample_label = labels[0] # Corresponding label plt.imshow(sample_image.squeeze(0).numpy(), cmap='gray') plt.title(f"Label: {sample_label}") plt.show() break # Inspect image and label properties for images, labels in data_loader: print("Image batch shape:", images.shape) # Should be [batch_size, 1, 64, 64] print("Label batch shape:", labels.shape) # Should be [batch_size, 6] print("Image min:", images.min().item(), "Image max:", images.max().item()) # Values: 0.0 to 1.0 print("Sample label:", labels[0]) # Check one label break # Visualize multiple samples with labels for images, labels in data_loader: for i in range(5): # Display the first 5 samples plt.imshow(images[i].squeeze(0).numpy(), cmap='gray') plt.title(f"Label: {labels[i].tolist()}") plt.show() break"""