I want to: - remove old cython recipe - remove 3.9 package. Stuff that needs Cython: [x] borgbackup - 3.10 [ ] libplist (doesn't specify which Python version [x] lxml (uses "--without-cython") [x] multidict - 3.10 [ ] numpy - 3.9/3.10 - recipe needs cleanup. [ ] pandas - 3.9 -> move to 3.10 / update if possible. (nothing uses it) [ ] pyenet - 3.9/3.10 - recipe needs cleanup. should at least drop pyenet 3.9 only used by "unkown_horizons", "cmd:python" !!! newer unkown_horizons doesn't even uses pyenet, is being ported to godot, and declared "dead". [x] pygame - 3.10 [ ] pyzmq - 3.9/3.10 - recipe needs cleanup. only 3.10 needed (openshot) [ ] sphinx - 3.9/3.10 (only use 3.10? it is a cmd: after all) - sphinx_argparse - 3.9/3.10 - sphinx_rtd_theme - 3.9/3.10 - assimp_docs - 3.10 (why the hell do we even have this on-tree?) - sphinxcontrib_applehelp - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_devhelp - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_jquery - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_jsmath - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_qthelp - 3.9/3.10 - sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml - 3.9/3.10 [x] yarl - 3.10 ---- so, plan is: - remove old cython recipe - pyzmq, cleanup, drop 3.9 - pyenet, cleanup, drop 3.9 (unkwon_horizons can wait, it is already broken). - numpy, cleanup, drop 3.9 - pandas, move to 3.10 - sphinx / sphinx_* / sphinxcontrib_*, drop 3.9 - cython, drop 3.9