local CooldownMsg = "Door Cooldown" local modem = peripheral.find("modem") modem.open(10) while true do local event = {os.pullEvent()} print(event[1]) if event[1] == "redstone" then print(redstone.getInput("right")) if (redstone.getInput("right")) then modem.transmit(10, 10, CooldownMsg) redstone.setOutput("left", true) redstone.setOutput("top", true) sleep(1) redstone.setOutput("top", false) redstone.setOutput("left", false) sleep(0.1) end end if event[1] == "modem_message" and event[5] == CooldownMsg then print("correct msg") redstone.setOutput("top", true) local CooldownEvent os.startTimer(60) while true do CooldownEvent = {os.pullEvent()} if ((CooldownEvent[1] == "redstone") and (not redstone.getOutput("right"))) then break end if (CooldownEvent[1] == "timer") then break end end redstone.setOutput("left", false) end end