Notes: - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect. - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything. - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care. - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted. - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns. - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart. - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart. - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart. - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked. Altinor deaths:8 Frost Protection 4 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) total spent: 4g 97s 94c Antiwet deaths:11 Blessed Sunfruit 5 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 26s 88c) Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 39s 99c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Frost Protection 1 Healing Potion - Major 6 (3g 74s 82c) Nature Protection 3 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 81s 16c) Shadow Protection 4 (19g 91s 76c) Tea with Sugar 7 (1g 81s 79c) Winterfall Firewater 12 (17g 99s 16c) total spent: 65g 92s 52c Bunniee deaths:5 Brilliant Wizard Oil 6 (8g 21s 40c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 96s 79c) Dreamtonic 1 (1g 51s 87c) Flask of Supreme Power 2 (92g 94s 22c) Frost Protection 3 Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (7g 54s 29c) Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 13 (3g 37s 61c) total spent: 135g 61s 66c Calamitas deaths:6 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (16g 35s 84c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Free Action Potion 1 (2g 3s 78c) Increased Stamina 1 Mighty Rage Potion 7 (24g 23s 75c) Nature Protection 5 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (8g 43s 48c) Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Stratholme Holy Water 1 Winterfall Firewater 6 (8g 99s 58c) total spent: 87g 86s 17c Celestie deaths:4 Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 20s) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Fire Protection 1 Free Action Potion 1 (2g 3s 78c) Frost Protection 2 Greater Stoneshield 1 (2g 92s 15c) Healing Potion - Major 1 (62s 47c) Nature Protection 4 Rage Potion 12 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (8g 43s 48c) Regeneration 3 Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 43s 44c) Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Winterfall Firewater 5 (7g 49s 65c) total spent: 47g 99s 67c Chiahna deaths:2 Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 93s 66c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Frost Protection 2 Lesser Mana Oil 3 (58s 74c) Nature Protection 1 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 1 (25s 97c) total spent: 24g 81s 71c Cletarius deaths:1 Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (12g 53s 10c) Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (4g 78s 56c) Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 80s) Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 93s 92c) Free Action Potion 2 (4g 7s 56c) Frost Protection 4 Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 2s 86c) Greater Stoneshield 2 (5g 84s 30c) Increased Stamina 3 Nature Protection 1 Regeneration 2 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) total spent: 52g 98c Devilbless deaths:0 Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Frost Protection 2 Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) total spent: 4g 50s 36c Drusthea (Lightabsence) deaths:4 Elysael deaths:8 Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (12g 53s 10c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Elixir of Greater Firepower 2 (2g 20s 74c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 2 Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) Nature Protection 5 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Tea with Sugar 7 (1g 81s 79c) total spent: 31g 1s 87c Ethano deaths:1 Frost Protection 4 Nature Protection 1 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Winterfall Firewater 2 (2g 99s 86c) total spent: 7g 97s 80c Feka deaths:0 Firemagi deaths:5 Brilliant Wizard Oil 5 (6g 84s 50c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Elixir of Greater Firepower 3 (3g 31s 11c) Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Frost Protection 2 Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 2s 86c) Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 24s 94c) Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) total spent: 76g 84s 26c Frozendew deaths:0 Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 36s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Frost Protection 2 Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) Mana Potion - 455 to 585 1 total spent: 5g 87s 26c Gorathorn deaths:6 Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 20s) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 1 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) total spent: 15g 8s 82c Guupta deaths:2 Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (5g 90s 49c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 70s 88c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 3 Increased Stamina 6 Mana Potion - Major 2 (4g 23s 16c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 6 (1g 55s 82c) total spent: 38g 41s 63c Hadooken deaths:9 Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (8g 35s 40c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 36s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Dreamtonic 10 (15g 18s 70c) Fire Protection 2 Flask of Supreme Power 2 (92g 94s 22c) Frost Protection 3 Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 2s 86c) Invulnerability 2 (3g 49s 30c) Mana Potion - Greater 7 (66s 1c) Mana Potion - Superior 2 (1g 52s 16c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) total spent: 142g 49s 29c Herzhafter deaths:4 Elixir of Superior Defense 3 (7g 17s 84c) Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 20s) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Flask of the Titans 1 (64g 57s 77c) Free Action Potion 3 (6g 11s 34c) Frost Protection 4 Greater Stoneshield 1 (2g 92s 15c) Increased Stamina 6 Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Strike of the Scorpok 3 (8g 60s 61c) Winterfall Firewater 4 (5g 99s 72c) total spent: 123g 48s 93c Hoopy deaths:3 ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 2 (3g 24s 96c) Brilliant Mana Oil 4 (7g 87s 32c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Flask of Distilled Wisdom 2 (88g 99s 12c) Frost Protection 2 Mana Potion - Major 1 (2g 11s 58c) Nature Protection 6 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 3 (9g 14s 40c) Tea with Sugar 3 (77s 91c) total spent: 126g 9s 3c Howardhill deaths:1 Arcane Protection 1 Demonic Rune 1 Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 70s 88c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 4 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Strike of the Scorpok 3 (8g 60s 61c) Tea with Sugar 2 (51s 94c) total spent: 31g 68s 13c Hulburd deaths:4 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 9 (36g 80s 64c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Frost Protection 4 Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (5g 39s 94c) Healing Potion - Major 11 (6g 87s 17c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 74s 65c) Nature Protection 6 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 81s 16c) Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Tea with Sugar 12 (3g 11s 64c) Winterfall Firewater 7 (10g 49s 51c) total spent: 83g 7s 79c Hulburd (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (5g 39s 94c) total spent: 5g 39s 94c Inflamer deaths:4 Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 1 Free Action Potion 4 (8g 15s 12c) Frost Protection 4 Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 24s 94c) Jungle Remedy 2 Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Stratholme Holy Water 3 Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 86s 87c) Winterfall Firewater 5 (7g 49s 65c) total spent: 40g 57s 60c Jubnik (Theadorc) deaths:5 Jubtuk (Scuzzle) deaths:4 Khela deaths:4 Arcane Protection 1 Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 80s) Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 93s 92c) Fire Protection 2 Frost Protection 4 Healing Potion - Superior 1 (4s 44c) Nature Protection 5 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Thorium Grenade 1 (66s 80c) total spent: 17g 41s 4c Krahun deaths:7 Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 96s 79c) Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 20s) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (7g 54s 29c) Mana Potion - 455 to 585 1 Mana Potion - Greater 10 (94s 30c) Mana Potion - Major 1 (2g 11s 58c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) total spent: 31g 65s 78c Kryaa deaths:2 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (16g 35s 84c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 40s) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Frost Protection 3 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 4 (19g 91s 76c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 86s 87c) total spent: 44g 31s 41c Kryaa (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) total spent: 1g 79s 98c Kwalo deaths:5 Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 40s) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 4 Invulnerability 1 (1g 74s 65c) Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Winterfall Firewater 6 (8g 99s 58c) total spent: 24g 7s 7c Lazpit (Lightabsence) deaths:1 Lightabsence deaths:2 Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (8g 35s 40c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 36s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Dreamtonic 6 (9g 11s 22c) Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (7g 19s 64c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Frost Protection 3 Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (7g 54s 29c) Increased Intellect 3 Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (10g 12s 24c) Invulnerability 3 (5g 23s 95c) Mana Potion - Major 4 (8g 46s 32c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 8 Nature Protection 3 Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (68s 98c) Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Tea with Sugar 28 (7g 27s 16c) total spent: 128g 81s 75c Matylda deaths:5 Arcane Protection 1 Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (11g 80s 98c) Demonic Rune 8 Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 56c) Frost Protection 4 Mana Potion - Major 2 (4g 23s 16c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 3 Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) total spent: 75g 53s 31c Milkturka deaths:5 Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1 (1g 49s 85c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 4 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Tea with Sugar 1 (25s 97c) Winterfall Firewater 7 (10g 49s 51c) total spent: 29g 21s 90c Mirriana (Scuzzle) deaths:15 Rosanthe deaths:4 Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (8g 35s 40c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Dreamtonic 4 (6g 7s 48c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 39s 28c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 40s) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 2 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Frost Protection 3 Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) Greater Stoneshield 2 (5g 84s 30c) Nature Protection 3 Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 7s 58c) Shadow Protection 3 (14g 93s 82c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Winterfall Firewater 4 (5g 99s 72c) total spent: 105g 97s 5c Ryuke deaths:6 Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (2g 73s 80c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Dreamtonic 1 (1g 51s 87c) Elixir of Greater Agility 1 (21s 14c) Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 40s) Fire Protection 1 Flask of the Titans 1 (64g 57s 77c) Frost Protection 4 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 2s 86c) Increased Stamina 3 Iron Grenade 7 Mana Potion - Superior 3 (2g 28s 24c) Medivh's Merlot 2 (3g 84s 28c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Tea with Sugar 1 (25s 97c) total spent: 95g 66s 51c Ryuke (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) total spent: 1g 79s 98c Scuzzle deaths:4 Blessed Wizard Oil 4 (16g 70s 80c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 36s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Dreamtonic 5 (7g 59s 35c) Elixir of Shadow Power 2 (4g 79s 76c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Frost Protection 2 Goblin Sapper Charge 5 (8g 99s 90c) Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) Healing Potion - Major 1 (62s 47c) Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (5g 6s 12c) Invulnerability 2 (3g 49s 30c) Mana Potion - Major 7 (14g 81s 6c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 4 (19g 91s 76c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Stratholme Holy Water 2 Tea with Sugar 14 (3g 63s 58c) total spent: 141g 3s 27c Scuzzle (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 6 (10g 79s 88c) total spent: 10g 79s 88c Senadi deaths:11 Frost Protection 1 Mana Potion - Major 1 (2g 11s 58c) Nature Protection 1 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) total spent: 7g 9s 52c Senpuu deaths:5 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 26s 88c) Crystal Ward 3 Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 56s 32c) Elixir of Superior Defense 3 (7g 17s 84c) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Fire Protection 4 Flask of the Titans 1 (64g 57s 77c) Free Action Potion 2 (4g 7s 56c) Frost Protection 1 Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 59s 96c) Great Rage Potion 4 (1g 71s 36c) Greater Stoneshield 2 (5g 84s 30c) Medivh's Merlot 1 (1g 92s 14c) Regeneration 3 Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Strike of the Scorpok 3 (8g 60s 61c) Winterfall Firewater 6 (8g 99s 58c) total spent: 133g 34s 80c Senpuu (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 59s 96c) total spent: 3g 59s 96c Shiahan deaths:7 Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 93s 66c) Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 56c) Frost Protection 1 Mana Potion - Major 12 (25g 38s 96c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 16 (4g 15s 52c) total spent: 93g 3s 10c Sneakaboo deaths:6 Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 93s 92c) Frost Protection 4 Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 24s 94c) Increased Stamina 2 Nature Protection 3 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Strength 1 Winterfall Firewater 6 (8g 99s 58c) total spent: 24g 14s 32c Tankingbot deaths:6 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 26s 88c) Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 93s 92c) Fire Protection 1 Free Action Potion 1 (2g 3s 78c) Frost Protection 4 Invulnerability 3 (5g 23s 95c) Nature Protection 3 Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 62s 32c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Winterfall Firewater 7 (10g 49s 51c) total spent: 50g 67s 90c Theadorc deaths:3 Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (12g 53s 10c) Dreamshard Elixir 1 (1g 98s 93c) Dreamtonic 4 (6g 7s 48c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (7g 19s 64c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Frost Protection 4 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 51s 43c) Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 24s 94c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 74s 65c) Mana Potion - Major 1 (2g 11s 58c) Nature Protection 4 Regeneration 1 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Stratholme Holy Water 3 total spent: 97g 54s 96c Theadorc (self damage) deaths:0 Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 79s 98c) total spent: 1g 79s 98c Urugakina deaths:4 Dragonbreath Chili 5 (6g 49s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 96s 79c) Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 20s) Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 90s 88c) Frost Protection 1 Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (7g 54s 29c) Mana Potion - Greater 1 (9s 43c) Mana Potion - Major 2 (4g 23s 16c) Mana Potion - Superior 9 (6g 84s 72c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Sheen of Zanza 1 Tea with Sugar 6 (1g 55s 82c) total spent: 47g 82s 93c Vyctor deaths:7 Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (11g 80s 98c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 36s 90c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 96s 79c) Frost Protection 1 Mana Potion - Major 2 (4g 23s 16c) Mana Potion - Superior 1 (76s 8c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 29s 85c) total spent: 31g 53s 36c Wizzo deaths:4 ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 3 (4g 87s 44c) Blessed Wizard Oil 1 (4g 17s 70c) Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (4g 10s 70c) Dreamshard Elixir 3 (5g 96s 79c) Elixir of Greater Firepower 3 (3g 31s 11c) Elixir of Superior Defense 3 (7g 17s 84c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 47s 11c) Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (7g 54s 29c) Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 87s 41c) Nature Protection 3 Regeneration 3 Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Spirit of Zanza 2 (6g 9s 60c) Tea with Sugar 3 (77s 91c) total spent: 97g 35s 84c Wonkie deaths:2 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (12g 26s 88c) Crystal Ward 3 Dragonbreath Chili 10 (12g 99s 80c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 39s 28c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 5 Flask of the Titans 1 (64g 57s 77c) Free Action Potion 3 (6g 11s 34c) Increased Stamina 6 Invulnerability 1 (1g 74s 65c) Medivh's Merlot 3 (5g 76s 42c) Mighty Rage Potion 5 (17g 31s 25c) Nature Protection 4 Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 43s 44c) Shadow Protection 1 (4g 97s 94c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 86s 87c) Winterfall Firewater 3 (4g 49s 79c) total spent: 142g 82s 63c Yawnies deaths:5 Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 3 Mana Potion - Major 1 (2g 11s 58c) Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Tea with Sugar 2 (51s 94c) total spent: 12g 59s 40c Yordana deaths:5 Consecrated Sharpening Stone 8 (32g 71s 68c) Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 96s 96c) Fire Protection 1 Frost Protection 4 Healing Potion - Major 1 (62s 47c) Nature Protection 4 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 86s 87c) Tea with Sugar 1 (25s 97c) total spent: 51g 44s 63c Zaaparou deaths:4 Dreamshard Elixir 2 (3g 97s 86c) Elixir of Fortitude 1 (85s 44c) Fire Protection 1 Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 56c) Frost Protection 2 Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (10g 12s 24c) Invulnerability 1 (1g 74s 65c) Mana Potion - Major 8 (16g 92s 64c) Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5 Nature Protection 2 Shadow Protection 2 (9g 95s 88c) Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 4s 80c) Tea with Sugar 18 (4g 67s 46c) total spent: 95g 80s 53c Cooldown Summary Warrior Death Wish Hulburd 20 Celestie 18 Gorathorn 14 Calamitas 14 Herzhafter 5 Shield Wall Senpuu 2 Gorathorn 1 Recklessness Hulburd 4 Celestie 4 Calamitas 4 Tankingbot 1 Gorathorn 1 Antiwet 1 Bloodrage Antiwet 88 Celestie 62 Senpuu 61 Hulburd 60 Calamitas 59 Gorathorn 43 Tankingbot 33 Herzhafter 27 Badge of the Swarmguard Calamitas 14 Earthstrike Hulburd 22 Gri'lek's Charm of Might Senpuu 2 Will of the Forsaken Celestie 3 Bloodlust (received) Gorathorn 31 Hulburd 30 Senpuu 27 Antiwet 26 Mage Combustion Firemagi 20 Elysael 16 Scorch Elysael 231 Firemagi 68 Talisman of Ephemeral Power Firemagi 36 Hadooken 18 Zandalarian Hero Charm Bunniee 27 Elysael 8 Mind Quickening Gem Wizzo 14 Hadooken 12 Berserking Hadooken 12 Will of the Forsaken Bunniee 1 Shaman Nature's Swiftness Zaaparou 16 Chiahna 12 Windfury Totem Zaaparou 123 Kwalo 98 Chiahna 84 Milkturka 46 Strength of Earth Totem Zaaparou 95 Chiahna 64 Kwalo 42 Milkturka 37 Mana Spring Totem Chiahna 91 Zaaparou 57 Milkturka 38 Kwalo 13 Fire Nova Totem Zaaparou 4 Milkturka 2 Magma Totem Zaaparou 4 Kwalo 2 Ancestral Spirit Zaaparou 47 Chiahna 21 Kwalo 13 Milkturka 3 The Eye of the Dead Zaaparou 17 Berserking Zaaparou 12 War Stomp Kwalo 6 Bloodlust (received) Milkturka 44 Kwalo 44 Druid Nature's Swiftness Hoopy 25 Shiahan 14 Guupta 13 Matylda 6 Rebirth Hoopy 4 Shiahan 3 Guupta 2 Matylda 1 Swiftmend Hoopy 133 Guupta 55 Matylda 43 Shiahan 6 Kiss of the Spider Wonkie 14 The Eye of the Dead Shiahan 37 Matylda 10 Zandalarian Hero Charm Matylda 2 Bloodlust (received) Wonkie 13 Priest Inner Focus Vyctor 17 Senadi 3 Devilbless 2 Resurrection Senadi 9 Yawnies 8 Vyctor 5 The Eye of the Dead Vyctor 5 Will of the Forsaken Vyctor 1 Bloodlust (received) Vyctor 1 Paladin Holy Shock (heal) Altinor 35 Redemption Cletarius 14 Rosanthe 12 Urugakina 10 Ryuke 4 Krahun 4 Altinor 2 Zandalarian Hero Charm Cletarius 1 Bloodlust (received) Urugakina 29 Rosanthe 26 Cletarius 7 Rogue Adrenaline Rush Sneakaboo 19 Inflamer 18 Khela 13 Ethano 4 Blade Flurry Inflamer 47 Sneakaboo 33 Khela 23 Ethano 3 Kiss of the Spider Inflamer 23 Slayer's Crest Inflamer 34 Bloodlust (received) Sneakaboo 30 Warlock The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron Lightabsence 28 Talisman of Ephemeral Power Theadorc 40 Zandalarian Hero Charm Scuzzle 4 Berserking Scuzzle 9 Will of the Forsaken Lightabsence 1 Hunter Rapid Fire Yordana 17 Kryaa 15 Howardhill 14 Jom Gabbar Kryaa 21 Earthstrike Kryaa 23 Proc Summary Clearcasting Kwalo 189 Hadooken 177 Milkturka 159 Bunniee 142 Wonkie 127 Wizzo 85 Firemagi 83 Elysael 80 Frozendew 19 Elemental Devastation Kwalo 139 Milkturka 128 Enrage Hulburd 62 Calamitas 59 Gorathorn 42 Herzhafter 9 Flurry Hulburd 408 Gorathorn 366 Celestie 358 Calamitas 334 Kwalo 225 Milkturka 173 Herzhafter 98 Spell Blasting Frozendew 9 Vengeance Urugakina 155 Krahun 147 Extra Attacks Hack and Slash Inflamer 199 Khela 173 Sneakaboo 143 Ethano 37 Hand of Justice Krahun 36 Urugakina 31 Kwalo 11 Reckoning Rosanthe 54 Ryuke 27 Windfury Totem Inflamer 338 Herzhafter 313 Celestie 311 Khela 266 Tankingbot 236 Calamitas 225 Senpuu 216 Urugakina 204 Sneakaboo 199 Krahun 189 Antiwet 189 Hulburd 186 Wonkie 175 Gorathorn 171 Cletarius 163 Rosanthe 147 Ethano 59 Milkturka 43 Zaaparou 2 Windfury Weapon Kwalo 698 Milkturka 392 Annihilator Log Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log Gluth Log 2/15 21:29:59.528 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:01.879 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:01.879 Yordana casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:09.229 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:11.898 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:11.900 Kryaa casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:19.260 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:22.027 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:22.027 Yordana casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:29.316 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:34.206 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:34.206 Kryaa casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:39.424 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:41.443 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:41.443 Howardhill casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:49.473 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:30:52.373 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:30:52.373 Yordana casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:30:59.581 Gluth gains Frenzy (1). 2/15 21:31:04.907 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed. 2/15 21:31:04.907 Kryaa casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth. 2/15 21:31:09.686 Gluth dies. 4HM Zeliek Chain Log (4+) 2/15 20:39:22.842 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Wizzo for 559 Holy damage. 2/15 20:39:22.842 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Lightabsence for 1050 Holy damage. 2/15 20:39:22.842 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Scuzzle for 2124 Holy damage. 2/15 20:39:22.842 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Kryaa for 4048 Holy damage. KT Shadow Fissure Log 2/15 22:31:46.404 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:31:49.466 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Celestie for 82079 Shadow damage. (27359 resisted) 2/15 22:32:14.578 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:32:17.454 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Antiwet for 90571 Shadow damage. 2/15 22:32:29.587 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:32:32.733 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Yawnies for 118659 Shadow damage. 2/15 22:32:50.696 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:33:13.652 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:33:16.796 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Tankingbot for 72420 Shadow damage. 2/15 22:33:36.712 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:33:46.815 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure. 2/15 22:33:49.855 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Antiwet for 95339 Shadow damage. 2/15 22:33:50.054 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Hoobert (Yordana) for 16813 Shadow damage. 2/15 22:33:50.055 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Milkturka for 89343 Shadow damage. (29780 resisted) KT Frostbolt Log 2/15 22:31:41.283 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:31:42.231 Inflamer 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 176. 2/15 22:31:42.536 Gorathorn 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 124. 2/15 22:31:42.692 Ethano 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:31:44.613 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 868 Nature damage. 2/15 22:31:51.448 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 870 Nature damage. 2/15 22:31:54.446 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 866 Nature damage. 2/15 22:31:55.400 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:31:56.649 Khela 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:31:56.649 Hulburd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 133. 2/15 22:31:56.733 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 869 Nature damage. 2/15 22:31:57.004 Gorathorn 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 297. 2/15 22:31:57.154 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:32:00.524 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 831 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:02.447 Kwalo 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1261 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:05.869 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 820 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:08.838 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 860 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:11.493 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:32:12.415 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 815 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:12.613 Ethano 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 176. 2/15 22:32:12.764 Gorathorn 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 297. 2/15 22:32:12.764 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:32:12.917 Antiwet 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 273. 2/15 22:32:23.900 Kwalo 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1282 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:23.900 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 830 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:30.620 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:32:31.193 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 884 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:31.944 Gorathorn 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 125. 2/15 22:32:31.947 Ethano 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 82. 2/15 22:32:32.290 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 835 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:40.705 Milkturka 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1218 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:46.704 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:32:47.735 Hulburd 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 292. 2/15 22:32:48.034 Gorathorn 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 275. 2/15 22:32:48.168 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81. 2/15 22:32:48.981 Kwalo 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1260 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:48.981 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 841 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:58.181 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 832 Nature damage. 2/15 22:32:59.853 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 883 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:03.743 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:33:04.918 Khela 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81. 2/15 22:33:04.918 Hulburd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 133. 2/15 22:33:05.056 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81. 2/15 22:33:05.448 Gorathorn 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 115. 2/15 22:33:05.845 Senpuu 's Shield Bash crits Kel'Thuzad for 73. 2/15 22:33:07.907 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 844 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:08.306 Kwalo 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1369 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:13.821 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 856 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:14.618 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 859 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:15.248 Khela 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 161. 2/15 22:33:15.783 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:33:16.930 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81. 2/15 22:33:16.930 Hulburd 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 270. 2/15 22:33:17.791 Gorathorn 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 300. 2/15 22:33:19.134 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 861 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:23.947 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:33:24.462 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 853 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:24.462 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 863 Nature damage. *** honorable mention *** 2/15 22:33:29.666 Kwalo 's Earth Shock was resisted by Kel'Thuzad. 2/15 22:33:31.138 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 826 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:36.103 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 870 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:36.415 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 822 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:38.962 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:33:40.087 Gorathorn 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 124. 2/15 22:33:40.863 Hulburd 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 458. 2/15 22:33:41.362 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 846 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:41.587 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 837 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:46.656 Kwalo 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 844 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:47.933 Milkturka 's Earth Shock crits Kel'Thuzad for 1222 Nature damage. 2/15 22:33:54.837 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt. 2/15 22:33:55.869 Khela 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:33:56.313 Inflamer 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88. 2/15 22:34:00.387 Milkturka 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 721 Nature damage. KT Frost Blast Log 2/15 22:32:21.449 Hulburd is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.463 Tankingbot is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.463 Cletarius is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.603 Celestie is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.621 Herzhafter is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.621 Krahun is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:21.636 Ethano is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cletarius for 1839 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ethano for 1340 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Tankingbot for 1442 Frost damage. (96 absorbed) 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Krahun for 1054 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hulburd for 0 Frost damage. (1614 absorbed) 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Herzhafter for 1826 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:22.496 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Celestie for 0 Frost damage. (1399 absorbed) 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cletarius for 1839 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ethano for 1340 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Tankingbot for 1538 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Krahun for 1054 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hulburd for 406 Frost damage. (1208 absorbed) 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Herzhafter for 1826 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:23.514 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Celestie for 847 Frost damage. (552 absorbed) 2/15 22:32:24.564 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cletarius for 1839 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ethano for 1340 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Tankingbot for 1538 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Krahun for 1054 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hulburd for 1614 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Herzhafter for 1826 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:24.572 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Celestie for 1399 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cletarius for 1839 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ethano for 1340 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Tankingbot for 1538 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Krahun for 1054 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hulburd for 1614 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Herzhafter for 1838 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:25.509 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Celestie for 1410 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.536 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cletarius for 1839 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ethano for 1340 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Tankingbot for 1538 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Krahun for 1054 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hulburd for 1614 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Herzhafter for 1838 Frost damage. 2/15 22:32:26.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Celestie for 1410 Frost damage. 2/15 22:33:07.682 Theadorc is afflicted by Frost Blast (1). 2/15 22:33:08.540 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Theadorc for 45 Frost damage. (1400 absorbed) 2/15 22:33:09.589 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Theadorc for 1445 Frost damage. 2/15 22:33:10.669 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Theadorc for 1445 Frost damage. 2/15 22:33:11.658 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Theadorc for 1456 Frost damage. 2/15 22:33:12.544 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Theadorc for 1456 Frost damage. Pets Elvira (Howardhill) owned by Howardhill Cat (Kryaa) owned by Kryaa Hoobert (Yordana) owned by Yordana Class Detection Altinor paladin Antiwet warrior Bunniee mage Calamitas warrior Celestie warrior Chiahna shaman Cletarius paladin Devilbless priest Drusthea (Lightabsence) unknown Elysael mage Ethano rogue Feka priest Firemagi mage Frozendew mage Gorathorn warrior Guupta druid Hadooken mage Herzhafter warrior Hoopy druid Howardhill hunter Hulburd warrior Hulburd (self damage) unknown Inflamer rogue Jubnik (Theadorc) unknown Jubtuk (Scuzzle) unknown Khela rogue Krahun paladin Kryaa hunter Kryaa (self damage) unknown Kwalo shaman Lazpit (Lightabsence) unknown Lightabsence warlock Matylda druid Milkturka shaman Mirriana (Scuzzle) unknown Rosanthe paladin Ryuke paladin Ryuke (self damage) unknown Scuzzle warlock Scuzzle (self damage) unknown Senadi priest Senpuu warrior Senpuu (self damage) unknown Shiahan druid Sneakaboo rogue Tankingbot warrior Theadorc warlock Theadorc (self damage) unknown Urugakina paladin Vyctor priest Wizzo mage Wonkie druid Yawnies priest Yordana hunter Zaaparou shaman Tech project version 2024.1082 project homepage prices server nord prices timestamp 2025-02-15T00:00:01.955111 (21 hours ago) log size 35.8 MB log lines 491472 skipped log lines 3485 (0.71%) processed in 54.00 seconds. 9101.65 log lines/sec runtime platform win32 runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064) runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]