Find the department Codes in which no employee works. Find the department names where at least one employee works. 2. 3. From the EMP table show the minimum, maximum and average basic for each department (show d Find the number of female employees in each department (show dept. Code). Find the city wise no. of employees for each department (show dept. Code). Show the designation wise no of employees who have joined in the year 2000 in each department. of employees. 5 Find the department code wise total basic of male employees only for the departments for which s appear in the descending order of total basic. 6. Show the employee name, Designation description and basic for all employees. 7. Show the employee name, Designation description, Department Name & Basic for all employees. 8. 10. Find the department names where at least 10 employees work. 11. Find the department code in which employee with highest Basic works. 12. Find the Designation description of the employee with highest basic. 13. 14. Find the maximum basic from EMP table without using MAX(). 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Find the no. of managers in each department. Find the minimum basic from EMP table without using MIN(). Find the name of the department with highest total basic. Do the same for highest average basic ar Insert some rows into EMP table with designation code not existing in DESIGNATION table. Delete the rows from EMP table with invalid DESIG_CODE. Find the name of the female employees with basic greater than the average basic of their respective Find the number of female managers.