# Full set of HaikuPorter configurable options The onces marked [x] are documented in haikuports.sample.conf ## General "user" settings: [x] TREE_PATH [x] PACKAGER [x] VENDOR ## Targets, and options: [x] TARGET_ARCHITECTURE [x] SECONDARY_TARGET_ARCHITECTURES [x] ALLOW_UNTESTED [x] ALLOW_UNSAFE_SOURCES [ ] CREATE_SOURCE_PACKAGES default: False related CLI option: --create-source-packages "build only the (regular) source packages" ## Cross-compilation: [ ] CROSS_TOOLS --cross-tools 'specifies the path to the cross-tools directory created by the Haiku build system\'s configure script' [ ] CROSS_DEVEL_PACKAGE --cross-devel-package 'path to the cross development package (the actual "sysroot" package); the default (when cross-building at all) is the one to be found in "/boot/system/develop/cross" matching the target architecture' [ ] SECONDARY_CROSS_TOOLS [ ] SECONDARY_CROSS_DEVEL_PACKAGES --secondary-cross-devel-packages 'comma-separated list of paths to a secondary cross development package (the actual "sysroot" package); one path must be specified for each configured secondary target architecture (specified in the same order)' ## Paths fine-tuning settings: [ ] OUTPUT_DIRECTORY default: $TREE_PATH Needs to be an EXISTING full path if set [ ] PACKAGES_PATH default: outputDirectory + 'packages' Needs to be a full path if set [ ] REPOSITORY_PATH default: outputDirectory + 'repository' Needs to be a full path if set [ ] DOWNLOAD_IN_PORT_DIRECTORY default: False self.downloadDir = self.baseDir + '/download' vs self.downloadDir = outputDir + '/download' (that "outputDir" is *not* the same value as OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) With the default options... both give the same values. Only useful if OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is also being used. [ ] LICENSES_DIRECTORY --licenses 'path to the directory containing the well-known licenses; the default is "/data/licenses"' ## Buildmaster and other obscure options. [ ] REPORTING_URI --reporting-uri 'specifies an optional remote reporting server (ex: mongodb://)' ### Related to mirrors [ ] DOWNLOAD_MIRROR default: 'https://ports-mirror.haiku-os.org' [ ] SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR --sourceforge-mirror 'mirror to be used for sourceforge' ### Likely related to cross-building? [ ] MIMESET_COMMAND --command-mimeset 'specifies the "mimeset" command; the default is "mimeset"' [ ] PACKAGE_COMMAND --command-package 'specifies the "package" command; the default is "package"' [ ] PACKAGE_REPO_COMMAND --command-package-repo 'specifies the "package_repo" command; the default is "package_repo"' [ ] SYSTEM_MIME_DB --system-mimedb 'path to the directory containing the system MIME DB; the default is "/data/mime_db"'