New paste Repaste Download
    - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
    - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
    - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
    - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
    - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
    - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
    - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
    - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
    - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
Arecsu deaths:4
   Dense Sharpening Stone 3
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   total spent: 3g 71s 54c
Boofdoctor deaths:3
   Dark Rune 2   (5g 97s 40c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (6g 62s 16c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 3   (1g 10s 34c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   total spent: 18g 48s 16c
Candycoated deaths:3
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 39s 88c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 88s 74c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (49s 96c)
   total spent: 10g 96s 54c
Daisyblastin deaths:5
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 7s 90c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 64s 95c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 21s 79c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (74s 94c)
   total spent: 8g 52s 72c
Deviledeggs deaths:2
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 35s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Free Action Potion 2   (2g 79s 32c)
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (2g 6s 16c)
   Increased Stamina 5
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 88s 74c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (99s 92c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (3g 22s 68c)
   total spent: 17g 40s 62c
Drawgunfiyah deaths:4
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 77s 48c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (1g 24s 90c)
   total spent: 13g 5s 76c
Dreamwerkz deaths:4
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (2g 15s 80c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 66s 28c)
   Dreamtonic 4   (6g 59s 80c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2   (2g 57s 98c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (47g 99s 79c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Tea with Sugar 2   (49s 96c)
   total spent: 69g 93s 19c
Esoterique deaths:4
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   total spent: 1g 91s 58c
Gaknam (Thepancakes) deaths:2
   <nothing found>
Gankz deaths:4
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 60s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 39s 66c)
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (2g 6s 16c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (3g 22s 68c)
   total spent: 9g 17s
Gravenstein deaths:2
   Brilliant Mana Oil 2   (3g 23s 4c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Mana Potion - Major 6   (9g 93s 24c)
   Tea with Sugar 6   (1g 49s 88c)
   total spent: 17g 49s 30c
Grizzlie deaths:2
   Dense Sharpening Stone 6
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 35s 30c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Fire Protection 4
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (2g 6s 16c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 6   (23g 27s 10c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (1g 58s 29c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (74s 94c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 7s 56c)
   total spent: 38g 3s 99c
Hagus deaths:3
   Dragonbreath Chili 2   (2g 45s 34c)
   Fire Protection 5
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 15s 12c)
   total spent: 6g 55s 34c
Heffey deaths:3
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (67s 65c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 60s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 39s 66c)
   Potion of Quickness 3   (6g 86s 34c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 2   (37s 76c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 88s 74c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 15s 12c)
   total spent: 17g 90s 15c
Hulkh deaths:5
   Healing Potion - Superior 2   (9s 4c)
   total spent: 9s 4c
Julliana deaths:3
   Elixir of Shadow Power 2   (4g 79s 56c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (4g 96s 62c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 64s 32c)
   Wizard Oil 3   (70s 86c)
   total spent: 19g 54s 94c
Kaelysia deaths:2
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Lesser Mana Oil 1   (13s 31c)
   Mana Potion - Greater 3   (14s 16c)
   total spent: 3g 99s 11c
Keelgan deaths:3
   Fire Protection 2
   Mana Potion - Major 6   (9g 93s 24c)
   total spent: 9g 93s 24c
Layhe deaths:3
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (49s 96c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (3g 22s 68c)
   total spent: 11g 63s 98c
Ligmabolts deaths:3
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 61s 52c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (6g 62s 16c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 74s 86c)
   total spent: 11g 38s 58c
Magiclilguy deaths:3
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 7s 90c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 21s 79c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 3s 90c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 31s 8c)
   total spent: 11g 56s 25c
Msmarijuana deaths:4
   <nothing found>
Notsaweezy deaths:6
   Dense Weighstone 5
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Flask of the Titans 1   (71g 76s 87c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 39s 66c)
   Greater Stoneshield 3   (10g 13s 31c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 5   (94s 40c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 77s 48c)
   total spent: 98g 84s 86c
Pathrinn deaths:4
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (2g 15s 80c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 64s 95c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1   (1g 28s 99c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 21s 79c)
   Healing Potion - Major 3   (1g 54s 62c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 3   (1g 10s 34c)
   total spent: 12g 79s 63c
Pewpewoom deaths:4
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 60s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (24s 98c)
   total spent: 3g 25s 2c
Polemistus deaths:3
   Agility 2
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (67s 65c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 15s 12c)
   total spent: 10g 77s 41c
Prplhaze deaths:3
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 7s 90c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 66s 28c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 64s 95c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (1g 12s 72c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2   (2g 57s 98c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (47g 99s 79c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (49s 96c)
   total spent: 65g 3s 16c
Reseon deaths:2
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 3s 90c)
   Mana Potion - 455 to 585 2
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (74s 94c)
   total spent: 7g 13s 76c
Rockyb deaths:2
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 61s 52c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 65s 54c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (74s 94c)
   total spent: 7g 73s 64c
Rubicite deaths:4
   Arcane Elixir 1
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Wizard Oil 2   (47s 24c)
   total spent: 1g 35s 74c
Rulrai (Julliana) deaths:2
   <nothing found>
Ruplop (Trinkky) deaths:4
   <nothing found>
Scapulla deaths:4
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 3s 90c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (3g 22s 68c)
   total spent: 13g 14s 84c
Selax deaths:5
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (67s 65c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 20s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 60s)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 21s 79c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Tea with Sugar 1   (24s 98c)
   total spent: 10g 80s 94c
Sinleta deaths:4
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 35s 30c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Fire Protection 1
   Flask of the Titans 1   (71g 76s 87c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 39s 66c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 47s 95c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 2   (37s 76c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 77s 48c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (1g 24s 90c)
   total spent: 91g 31s 26c
Sinleta (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 47s 95c)
   total spent: 1g 47s 95c
Skoons deaths:3
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Potion of Quickness 10   (22g 87s 80c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 77s 48c)
   Winterfall Firewater 6   (6g 45s 36c)
   total spent: 41g 65s 56c
Theiia deaths:3
   ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 1   (1g 27s 60c)
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (3g 23s 70c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 79s 76c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 20s)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (2g 6s 16c)
   Iron Grenade 2
   total spent: 17g 80c
Thepancakes deaths:3
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   total spent: 88s 50c
Trinkky deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (2g 15s 80c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 66s 28c)
   Dreamtonic 3   (4g 94s 85c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 2   (4g 79s 56c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (51s 54c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 51s 95c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (6g 62s 16c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (36s 78c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 64s 32c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (74s 94c)
   total spent: 37g 30s 26c
Tuzlo deaths:3
   ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 1   (1g 27s 60c)
   Demonic Rune 5
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 66s 28c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Healing Potion - unknown 1
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 31s 8c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (36s 78c)
   Wizard Oil 2   (47s 24c)
   total spent: 15g 52s 56c
Uristmcheal deaths:3
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 83s 14c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (4g 96s 62c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 2   (73s 56c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Tea with Sugar 6   (1g 49s 88c)
   total spent: 12g 86s 58c
Velterra deaths:3
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 60s)
   Fire Protection 3
   Healing Potion - Major 5   (2g 57s 70c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (4g 96s 62c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (1g 94s 88c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 88s 74c)
   Tea with Sugar 6   (1g 49s 88c)
   total spent: 16g 36s 32c
Yummys deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (3g 23s 70c)
   Dense Dynamite 5   (5g 53s 40c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 66s 28c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 64s 95c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2   (2g 57s 98c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 43s 58c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 3s 8c)
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (6g 74s 66c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (88s 50c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (4g 96s 62c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 2   (73s 56c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 64s 32c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 74s 86c)
   total spent: 43g 85s 49c
Cooldown Summary
      Death Wish
         Hagus 10
         Notsaweezy 5
         Grizzlie 4
         Scapulla 3
      Shield Wall
         Notsaweezy 2
         Hulkh 1
         Polemistus 2
         Hagus 2
         Grizzlie 2
         Scapulla 1
         Arecsu 1
         Notsaweezy 35
         Hulkh 32
         Grizzlie 26
         Hagus 25
         Polemistus 21
         Scapulla 16
         Arecsu 5
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Notsaweezy 1
         Hagus 19
         Notsaweezy 9
      Diamond Flask
         Hulkh 7
         Arecsu 2
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Magiclilguy 17
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Magiclilguy 16
         Esoterique 10
      Mind Quickening Gem
         Reseon 7
         Daisyblastin 4
         Rubicite 2
         Rubicite 1
      Windfury Totem
         Tuzlo 44
         Prplhaze 28
      Strength of Earth Totem
         Tuzlo 42
         Prplhaze 17
      Mana Spring Totem
         Tuzlo 34
         Prplhaze 33
      Searing Totem
         Tuzlo 6
      Fire Nova Totem
         Tuzlo 20
      Magma Totem
         Tuzlo 15
         Prplhaze 1
      Ancestral Spirit
         Prplhaze 7
         Tuzlo 2
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Tuzlo 12
         Yummys 1
         Dreamwerkz 1
         Deviledeggs 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Pathrinn 15
      War Stomp
         Yummys 3
      Inner Focus
         Boofdoctor 10
         Uristmcheal 6
         Ligmabolts 6
         Gravenstein 4
         Kaelysia 2
         Uristmcheal 20
         Gravenstein 10
         Kaelysia 9
         Boofdoctor 9
         Keelgan 7
         Ligmabolts 4
      The Eye of the Dead
         Uristmcheal 8
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Boofdoctor 14
         Ligmabolts 9
         Gravenstein 5
         Uristmcheal 2
      Desperate Prayer
         Uristmcheal 1
         Boofdoctor 1
      Will of the Forsaken
         Gravenstein 2
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Uristmcheal 2
      Holy Shock (heal)
         Rockyb 46
         Selax 5
         Rockyb 6
         Selax 5
         Theiia 2
         Layhe 2
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Selax 2
      Adrenaline Rush
         Sinleta 12
         Gankz 11
         Skoons 9
         Heffey 9
      Blade Flurry
         Gankz 20
         Skoons 19
         Heffey 18
         Sinleta 16
      Kiss of the Spider
         Sinleta 15
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Gankz 12
      Will of the Forsaken
         Heffey 2
         Sinleta 1
         Gankz 1
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Trinkky 21
         Julliana 11
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Thepancakes 7
         Trinkky 1
      Will of the Forsaken
         Trinkky 1
      Rapid Fire
         Pewpewoom 9
         Msmarijuana 8
         Candycoated 8
         Velterra 7
         Drawgunfiyah 7
      Jom Gabbar
         Candycoated 15
         Drawgunfiyah 4
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Velterra 2
         Velterra 9
Proc Summary
      Tuzlo 92
      Prplhaze 90
      Yummys 56
      Rubicite 51
      Reseon 49
      Esoterique 49
      Dreamwerkz 40
      Pathrinn 38
      Magiclilguy 34
      Daisyblastin 33
   Elemental Devastation
      Tuzlo 3
      Prplhaze 2
      Notsaweezy 40
      Hagus 27
      Grizzlie 26
      Polemistus 25
      Scapulla 24
      Grizzlie 198
      Notsaweezy 194
      Hagus 170
      Scapulla 117
   Nature's Grace
      Yummys 98
      Pathrinn 76
      Dreamwerkz 66
      Theiia 77
      Layhe 65
   Extra Attacks
      Hack and Slash
         Skoons 79
      Hand of Justice
         Polemistus 17
         Arecsu 7
         Selax 32
      Sword Specialization
         Arecsu 32
      Windfury Totem
         Notsaweezy 140
         Grizzlie 129
         Skoons 123
         Polemistus 93
         Scapulla 92
         Deviledeggs 89
         Selax 70
         Tuzlo 3
         Prplhaze 1
Annihilator Log
   <nothing found>
Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
   <nothing found>
Nefarian Priest Corrupted Healing
   1/6 23:30:29.733  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:30.717  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:31.739  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:32.502  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:32.786  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:33.502  Deviledeggs suffers 0 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing. (421 absorbed)
   1/6 23:30:33.786  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:34.552  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:34.699  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:35.587  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:35.787  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:36.505  Deviledeggs suffers 316 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing. (105 resisted)
   1/6 23:30:36.722  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:37.556  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:37.741  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:38.540  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:38.757  Dreamwerkz suffers 0 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing. (513 absorbed)
   1/6 23:30:39.505  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:39.715  Dreamwerkz suffers 0 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing. (513 absorbed)
   1/6 23:30:40.525  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:40.793  Dreamwerkz suffers 0 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing. (513 absorbed)
   1/6 23:30:41.495  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:41.763  Dreamwerkz suffers 462 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing. (51 absorbed)
   1/6 23:30:42.537  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:42.728  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:43.499  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:43.716  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:44.520  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:44.739  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:45.496  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:45.739  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:46.514  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:46.730  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:47.548  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:47.729  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:48.567  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:48.716  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:49.550  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:49.766  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:50.500  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:50.709  Dreamwerkz suffers 513 Shadow damage from Keelgan 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:51.517  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:52.518  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:53.502  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:54.520  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:55.604  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:56.504  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:57.555  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:58.542  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:30:59.519  Deviledeggs suffers 316 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing. (105 resisted)
   1/6 23:31:00.531  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/6 23:31:01.516  Deviledeggs suffers 421 Shadow damage from Ligmabolts 's Corrupted Healing.
Nefarian Wild Polymorph (mage call)
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Rubicite 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Magiclilguy.
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Rubicite casts Wild Polymorph on Rubicite.
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Magiclilguy casts Wild Polymorph on Magiclilguy.
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Magiclilguy 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Rubicite.
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Notsaweezy.
   1/6 23:29:57.608  Notsaweezy casts Wild Polymorph on Notsaweezy.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Hagus casts Wild Polymorph on Hagus.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Daisyblastin casts Wild Polymorph on Daisyblastin.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Hagus.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Esoterique casts Wild Polymorph on Esoterique.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Esoterique casts Wild Polymorph on Esoterique.
   1/6 23:30:02.618  Esoterique casts Wild Polymorph on Esoterique.
   1/6 23:30:07.732  Arecsu casts Wild Polymorph on Arecsu.
   1/6 23:30:07.732  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Arecsu.
   1/6 23:30:12.722  Layhe casts Wild Polymorph on Layhe.
   1/6 23:30:12.722  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Layhe.
   1/6 23:30:17.748  Scapulla casts Wild Polymorph on Scapulla.
   1/6 23:30:17.775  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Scapulla.
   1/6 23:30:22.800  Boofdoctor casts Wild Polymorph on Boofdoctor.
   1/6 23:30:22.800  Rubicite casts Wild Polymorph on Rubicite.
   1/6 23:30:22.801  Reseon 's Wild Polymorph was evaded by Grizzlie.
   1/6 23:30:22.801  Grizzlie casts Wild Polymorph on Grizzlie.
   TIGERwoodz (Candycoated) owned by Candycoated
   AirWolf (Drawgunfiyah) owned by Drawgunfiyah
   Percival (Velterra) owned by Velterra
   Marijuana (Msmarijuana) owned by Msmarijuana
   Hotwings (Pewpewoom) owned by Pewpewoom
Class Detection
   Arecsu warrior
   Boofdoctor priest
   Candycoated hunter
   Daisyblastin mage
   Deviledeggs druid
   Drawgunfiyah hunter
   Dreamwerkz druid
   Esoterique mage
   Gaknam (Thepancakes) unknown
   Gankz rogue
   Gravenstein priest
   Grizzlie warrior
   Hagus warrior
   Heffey rogue
   Hulkh warrior
   Julliana warlock
   Kaelysia priest
   Keelgan priest
   Layhe paladin
   Ligmabolts priest
   Magiclilguy mage
   Msmarijuana hunter
   Notsaweezy warrior
   Pathrinn druid
   Pewpewoom hunter
   Polemistus warrior
   Prplhaze shaman
   Reseon mage
   Rockyb paladin
   Rubicite mage
   Rulrai (Julliana) unknown
   Ruplop (Trinkky) unknown
   Scapulla warrior
   Selax paladin
   Sinleta rogue
   Sinleta (self damage) unknown
   Skoons rogue
   Theiia paladin
   Thepancakes warlock
   Trinkky warlock
   Tuzlo shaman
   Uristmcheal priest
   Velterra hunter
   Yummys druid
   project version 2024.1082
   project homepage
   prices server nord
   prices timestamp 2025-01-07T00:00:01.933214 (6 hours ago)
   log size 16.9 MB
   log lines 220597
   skipped log lines 1433 (0.65%)
   processed in 23.77 seconds. 9278.63 log lines/sec
   runtime platform win32
   runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
   runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Filename: None. Size: 24kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

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