New paste Repaste Download
    - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
    - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
    - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
    - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
    - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
    - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
    - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
    - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
    - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
Agonist deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rage Potion 2
   Tea with Sugar 1   (19s 74c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 99s)
   total spent: 6g 20s 25c
Almouty deaths:1
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 51s 81c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   total spent: 4g 36c
Avoidamage deaths:1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 2   (5g 98s 58c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (65s 12c)
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 87s 6c)
   Nature Protection 2
   total spent: 14g 95s 44c
Bobsterr deaths:1
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 73s 58c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 9s 98c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (3g 3s)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Flask of the Titans 1   (92g 17s 27c)
   Frost Oil 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Greater Stoneshield 1   (4g 99s 68c)
   Increased Stamina 3
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 51s 81c)
   Medivh's Merlot 4   (13g 73s 48c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 37s 39c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (39s 48c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 98s)
   total spent: 137g 93s 3c
Borador deaths:0
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (40s 47c)
   total spent: 40s 47c
Cheesebreath deaths:0
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 51s 81c)
   total spent: 4g 96s 10c
Clapya deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (4g 49s 22c)
   Dreamtonic 3   (4g 10s 37c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 3   (7g 56s 42c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (6g 7s 24c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (59s 22c)
   total spent: 22g 82s 47c
Cracklinoats deaths:2
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 99s)
   total spent: 7g 44s 7c
Deathstruck deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dragonbreath Chili 1   (2g 46s 79c)
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (8g 96s 98c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 3   (7g 56s 42c)
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 87s 6c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 6   (16g 61s 70c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 96s 6c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (5g 97s)
   total spent: 50g 38s 53c
Dhallya deaths:1
   Tea with Sugar 1   (19s 74c)
   total spent: 19s 74c
Donpaladin deaths:4
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (65s 12c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 3s 62c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 2   (1g 89s 50c)
   total spent: 5g 58s 24c
Garrot deaths:2
   <nothing found>
Interlani deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (4g 49s 22c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (4g 78c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Increased Intellect 3
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (5g 33s 92c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 3
   Nature Protection 1
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 2   (1g 45s 50c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (78s 96c)
   total spent: 19g 61s 92c
Jocaste deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (2g 99s 48c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Nature Protection 1
   total spent: 2g 99s 48c
Kreeshon deaths:1
   <nothing found>
Kuroiyuusha deaths:2
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 52s 14c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 96s 6c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   total spent: 10g 93s 27c
Lashdoomer deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (4g 49s 22c)
   Demonic Rune 3
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 2   (5g 98s 58c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 3s 62c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (94s 75c)
   Nature Protection 1
   total spent: 19g 90s 85c
Mabuti deaths:0
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 9s 58c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (65s 12c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 98s)
   total spent: 8g 69s 22c
Mcb deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 53s 34c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 52s 14c)
   Lesser Mana Oil 2   (1g 66s)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 51s 81c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (94s 75c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (59s 22c)
   total spent: 13g 26s 20c
Medion deaths:0
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (3g 63s 27c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   total spent: 9g 7s 95c
Murtalla deaths:4
   Elixir of Greater Intellect 1   (1g 35s)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (65s 12c)
   total spent: 2g 12c
Murto deaths:3
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (40s 47c)
   Frost Oil 2
   total spent: 40s 47c
Muuhahah deaths:0
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 6   (15g 12s 84c)
   Medivh's Merlot 1   (3g 43s 37c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 14   (38g 77s 30c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 96s 6c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 8   (1g 57s 92c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 99s)
   total spent: 70g 36s 55c
Nehelenia deaths:3
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (6g 88s 58c)
   Wizard Oil 3   (77s 37c)
   total spent: 7g 65s 95c
Pikachurin deaths:1
   <nothing found>
Pitsoul deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 49s 74c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (72s 75c)
   total spent: 7g 67s 17c
Psykhe deaths:7
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (3g 3s)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (5g 93s 4c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 3   (7g 56s 42c)
   Greater Stoneshield 1   (4g 99s 68c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 87s 6c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 4   (11g 7s 80c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 96s 6c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (72s 75c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (19s 74c)
   Winterfall Firewater 4   (7g 96s)
   total spent: 50g 85s 9c
Ratthew deaths:0
   Tea with Sugar 4   (78s 96c)
   total spent: 78s 96c
Rottenpunk deaths:2
   Agility 1
   Blessed Sunfruit 2
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (40s 47c)
   total spent: 40s 47c
Squirreled deaths:0
   Dense Sharpening Stone 3
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (3g 3s)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 4   (10g 8s 56c)
   Greater Stoneshield 4   (19g 98s 72c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 87s 6c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 1   (2g 76s 95c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (59s 22c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 99s)
   total spent: 47g 82s 57c
Starraven deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 5   (7g 48s 70c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (4g 78c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 73s 58c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2   (2g 44s 38c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (5g 4s 28c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (6g 88s 58c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 3s 62c)
   Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1   (2g 7s 83c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Potion of Quickness 4   (11g 94s 64c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 9   (1g 77s 66c)
   total spent: 49g 92s 60c
Suigetsu deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 53s 34c)
   Mana Potion - Major 8   (12g 14s 48c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (78s 96c)
   total spent: 16g 95s 33c
Supal deaths:1
   Dense Dynamite 12   (7g 79s 88c)
   Dragonbreath Chili 3   (7g 40s 37c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 73s 58c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 9s 98c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (6g 6s)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (5g 93s 4c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (5g 4s 28c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (6g 88s 58c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Medivh's Merlot 1   (3g 43s 37c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (72s 75c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (8g 74s 78c)
   Tea with Sugar 10   (1g 97s 40c)
   total spent: 61g 32s 56c
Tarbor deaths:2
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 30s 24c)
   total spent: 1g 30s 24c
Thermochron deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (2g 99s 48c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (4g 78c)
   Dreamtonic 4   (5g 47s 16c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 9s 98c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (2g 99s 29c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 2   (7g 26s 54c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (6g 88s 58c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (65s 12c)
   Invulnerability 4   (11g 48s 24c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Regeneration 2
   Shadow Protection 1   (7g 59s 98c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   total spent: 53g 93s 70c
Xelya deaths:0
   Dense Dynamite 4   (2g 59s 96c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 73s 58c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (3g 3s)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 37s 39c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 38s 18c)
   total spent: 26g 6s 85c
Xiaofeigunn deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 49s 74c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Dreamtonic 3   (4g 10s 37c)
   Elixir of Greater Intellect 1   (1g 35s)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (39s 48c)
   total spent: 15g 27s 82c
Yakub deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Mana Oil 3   (4g 60s 2c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 4s 99c)
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (5g 33s 92c)
   Mana Potion - Major 11   (16g 69s 91c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5
   Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 4   (8g 31s 32c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 16   (3g 15s 84c)
   total spent: 46g 13s 49c
Yekini deaths:1
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dark Rune 2   (8g 62s 92c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 39c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 51s 81c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5
   Nature Protection 2
   Shadow Protection 1   (7g 59s 98c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (98s 70c)
   total spent: 23g 22s 35c
Zhaadrom deaths:4
   <nothing found>
Zloveleen deaths:0
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 2   (17g 93s 96c)
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (40s 47c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (2g 96s 52c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 96s 6c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 48s 55c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (5g 97s)
   total spent: 32g 72s 56c
Zugzugxd deaths:1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 49s 74c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1   (1g 22s 19c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (3g 44s 29c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (94s 75c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Tea with Sugar 3   (59s 22c)
   total spent: 7g 70s 19c
Cooldown Summary
      Death Wish
         Psykhe 18
         Zloveleen 14
         Kuroiyuusha 14
         Muuhahah 13
         Deathstruck 12
         Squirreled 10
         Agonist 6
      Shield Wall
         Squirreled 1
         Psykhe 3
         Zloveleen 2
         Muuhahah 2
         Kuroiyuusha 2
         Deathstruck 2
         Agonist 2
         Squirreled 1
      Kiss of the Spider
         Muuhahah 18
         Squirreled 13
      Slayer's Crest
         Psykhe 16
         Deathstruck 12
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Psykhe 12
         Deathstruck 11
      Gri'lek's Charm of Might
         Squirreled 1
         Psykhe 11
         Agonist 1
      Bloodlust (received)
         Zloveleen 1
         Psykhe 1
         Deathstruck 1
         Lashdoomer 10
         Avoidamage 8
         Nehelenia 7
         Xiaofeigunn 5
         Lashdoomer 94
         Xiaofeigunn 69
         Nehelenia 66
         Avoidamage 24
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Lashdoomer 6
         Nehelenia 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Lashdoomer 2
      Mind Quickening Gem
         Lashdoomer 7
         Nehelenia 6
         Xiaofeigunn 5
         Avoidamage 4
      Will of the Forsaken
         Avoidamage 1
      Nature's Swiftness
         Yakub 9
         Mcb 7
         Murtalla 1
      Windfury Totem
         Ratthew 138
         Cracklinoats 53
         Yakub 34
         Mcb 25
         Murtalla 19
         Clapya 3
      Mana Tide Totem
         Mcb 6
         Yakub 5
         Murtalla 2
      Grace of Air Totem
         Ratthew 97
         Mcb 14
         Cracklinoats 10
         Yakub 1
      Tranquil Air Totem
         Clapya 17
         Zugzugxd 9
         Mcb 1
      Strength of Earth Totem
         Cracklinoats 48
         Ratthew 39
         Yakub 35
         Mcb 21
         Murtalla 19
         Clapya 3
      Mana Spring Totem
         Mcb 42
         Yakub 29
         Clapya 21
         Ratthew 16
         Murtalla 16
         Zugzugxd 12
         Cracklinoats 1
      Searing Totem
         Cracklinoats 7
         Zugzugxd 2
         Ratthew 1
         Murtalla 1
      Fire Nova Totem
         Ratthew 8
         Zugzugxd 7
         Cracklinoats 4
         Mcb 3
      Magma Totem
         Ratthew 4
         Cracklinoats 1
      Ancestral Spirit
         Mcb 1
         Cracklinoats 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Zugzugxd 5
      Natural Alignment Crystal
         Clapya 5
         Yakub 7
         Murtalla 2
      War Stomp
         Cracklinoats 2
      Bloodlust (received)
         Ratthew 6
      Nature's Swiftness
         Almouty 7
         Starraven 1
         Cheesebreath 1
         Almouty 16
      The Eye of the Dead
         Almouty 3
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Cheesebreath 6
      Bloodlust (received)
         Starraven 1
         Cheesebreath 1
      Inner Focus
         Yekini 11
         Suigetsu 8
         Suigetsu 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Suigetsu 1
         Suigetsu 3
      Desperate Prayer
         Suigetsu 2
      Divine Favor
         Pikachurin 10
         Interlani 5
         Jocaste 4
      Holy Shock (heal)
         Interlani 32
         Pikachurin 19
         Jocaste 10
      Holy Shock (dmg)
         Pikachurin 9
         Jocaste 3
         Interlani 1
         Jocaste 5
         Supal 4
         Interlani 1
         Donpaladin 1
         Bobsterr 1
      The Eye of the Dead
         Interlani 11
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Xelya 8
      Adrenaline Rush
         Mabuti 8
         Rottenpunk 3
      Blade Flurry
         Mabuti 11
         Rottenpunk 8
Proc Summary
      Clapya 311
      Zugzugxd 103
      Starraven 80
      Cheesebreath 63
      Lashdoomer 46
      Xiaofeigunn 33
      Nehelenia 31
      Avoidamage 22
      Almouty 2
   Elemental Devastation
      Clapya 66
      Psykhe 13
      Squirreled 11
      Zloveleen 4
      Muuhahah 3
      Agonist 3
      Deathstruck 2
      Kuroiyuusha 1
      Psykhe 256
      Squirreled 232
      Zloveleen 231
      Deathstruck 198
      Muuhahah 179
      Kuroiyuusha 170
      Agonist 95
      Ratthew 79
      Cracklinoats 72
   Nature's Grace
      Starraven 166
      Cheesebreath 65
      Almouty 43
   Spell Blasting
      Supal 53
      Xelya 49
      Bobsterr 7
   Stormcaller's Wrath
      Clapya 80
      Yakub 2
      Supal 80
      Xelya 70
      Bobsterr 64
      Donpaladin 42
   Extra Attacks
      Hand of Justice
         Rottenpunk 12
         Cracklinoats 9
         Supal 1
         Deathstruck 1
      Sword Specialization
         Rottenpunk 36
         Rottenpunk 20
      Windfury Totem
         Psykhe 199
         Muuhahah 166
         Deathstruck 165
         Zloveleen 127
         Supal 124
         Mabuti 121
         Bobsterr 111
         Kuroiyuusha 102
         Xelya 98
         Squirreled 97
         Donpaladin 80
         Agonist 42
         Cracklinoats 34
         Dhallya 7
         Murtalla 4
         Tarbor 2
         Pikachurin 1
         Murto 1
      Windfury Weapon
         Ratthew 178
         Cracklinoats 110
Annihilator Log
   <nothing found>
Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
   <nothing found>
Viscidus Frost Hits Log
   Total hits 462
   Thermochron 45
      Shoot 45
   Lashdoomer 44
      Frostbolt 44
   Avoidamage 41
      Frostbolt 41
   Nehelenia 38
      Frostbolt 38
   Pitsoul 37
      Shoot 37
   Xiaofeigunn 36
      Frostbolt 36
   Ratthew 32
      Frostbrand Attack 18
      Frost Shock 14
   Cracklinoats 31
      Frostbrand Attack 21
      Frost Shock 10
   Clapya 23
      Frost Shock 13
      Frostbrand Attack 10
   Medion 22
      Shoot 22
   Zugzugxd 21
      Frost Shock 12
      Frostbrand Attack 9
   Bobsterr 19
      Frostbolt 19
   Psykhe 17
      Frostbolt 17
   Zloveleen 14
      Frostbolt 14
   Mabuti 13
      Frostbolt 10
      Frost Blast 3
   Murto 9
      Frostbolt 9
   Muuhahah 8
      Frostbolt 8
   Deathstruck 7
      Frostbolt 7
   Kuroiyuusha 3
      Frostbolt 3
   Dhallya 2
      Frostbolt 2
Princess Huhuran Log
   5/19 21:02:36.272  Zugzugxd casts Death by Peasant.
   5/19 21:02:41.788  Princess Huhuran gains Frenzy (1).
   5/19 21:02:46.748  Kuroiyuusha casts Death by Peasant.
   5/19 21:02:47.311  Princess Huhuran 's Frenzy is removed.
   5/19 21:02:47.311  Murto casts Tranquilizing Shot on Princess Huhuran.
   5/19 21:02:56.936  Princess Huhuran gains Frenzy (1).
   5/19 21:02:57.343  Deathstruck casts Death by Peasant.
   5/19 21:02:59.749  Princess Huhuran 's Frenzy is removed.
   5/19 21:02:59.749  Dhallya casts Tranquilizing Shot on Princess Huhuran.
   5/19 21:03:01.143  Princess Huhuran gains Berserk (1).
   5/19 21:03:04.797  Psykhe casts Death by Peasant.
   5/19 21:03:12.129  Princess Huhuran dies.
C'Thun Chain Log (2+)
   5/19 21:34:00.951  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam was resisted by Starraven.
   5/19 21:34:00.951  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Clapya for 2416 Nature damage.
   5/19 21:34:00.951  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Pitsoul for 5043 Nature damage.
   5/19 21:34:00.951  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Avoidamage for 6158 Nature damage.
   5/19 21:35:37.467  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam is absorbed by Supal.
   5/19 21:35:37.467  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Kuroiyuusha for 4509 Nature damage.
   5/19 21:35:37.467  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Psykhe for 6736 Nature damage. (1527 absorbed)
   Sorrow owned by Borador
   Murto owned by Murto
   Bjarn owned by Tarbor
Class Detection
   Agonist warrior
   Almouty druid
   Avoidamage mage
   Bobsterr paladin
   Borador hunter
   Cheesebreath druid
   Clapya shaman
   Cracklinoats shaman
   Deathstruck warrior
   Dhallya hunter
   Donpaladin paladin
   Garrot unknown
   Interlani paladin
   Jocaste paladin
   Kreeshon unknown
   Kuroiyuusha warrior
   Lashdoomer mage
   Mabuti rogue
   Mcb shaman
   Medion warlock
   Murtalla shaman
   Murto hunter
   Muuhahah warrior
   Nehelenia mage
   Pikachurin paladin
   Pitsoul warlock
   Psykhe warrior
   Ratthew shaman
   Rottenpunk rogue
   Squirreled warrior
   Starraven druid
   Suigetsu priest
   Supal paladin
   Tarbor hunter
   Thermochron warlock
   Xelya paladin
   Xiaofeigunn mage
   Yakub shaman
   Yekini priest
   Zhaadrom unknown
   Zloveleen warrior
   Zugzugxd shaman
   project version 2024.1062
   project homepage
   prices timestamp 2024-05-20T00:00:02.329688 (18 hours ago)
   log size 14.8 MB
   log lines 200223
   skipped log lines 8 (0.00%)
   processed in 24.99 seconds. 8012.70 log lines/sec
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