| const e = require("express");
| const express = require("express");
| const SellBuy =require("../mongoose/models/sellBuy")
| // setting up the router
| const sellAndBuyRouter = new express.Router();
| sellAndBuyRouter.get("/sellProduct", async(req, res) => {
| try {
| let sort;
| let filter={};
| if (req.query.product) {
| filter.productName = req.query.product;
| }
| if(req.query.sortBy==="lowerCostPrice") {
| sort={ costPrice: 1};
| }else if(req.query.sortBy==="higherCostPrice") {
| sort={costPrice:-1};
| }else if(req.query.sortBy==="lowerSoldPrice") {
| sort={soldPrice:1};
| }else if(req.query.sortBy==="higherSoldPrice") {
| sort={soldPrice:-1};
| }
| const sellBuy = await SellBuy.find(filter).sort(sort);
| res.status(200).json(sellBuys);
| } catch {
| res.status(400);
| }
| })
| sellAndBuyRouter.post("/sellProduct", async(req, res) => {
| const {productName,costPrice} = req.body;
| if(productName.length<4){
| res.status(400).send({
| error: "product name should have minimun of four characters"
| });
| }else if(costPrice<0){
| res.status(400).send({
| error: "cost price value cannot be zero or negative value"
| });
| }else {
| const sellBuy = new SellBuy(req.body);
| await sellBuy.save();
| res.status(201).send({
| message:"Product Added"
| });
| }
| })
| sellAndBuyRouter.patch("/sellProduct/:id", async (req, res) => {
| const{soldPrice} = req.body
| if(soldPrice <=0){
| res.status(400).send({
| error:"sold price value cannot be zero or negative value"
| });
| }else{
| const sellBuy = await SellBuy.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, req.body);
| res.status(200).send({
| mesage:"Updated successfully"
| });
| }
| });
| sellAndBuyRouter.delete("/sellProduct/:id", async (req, res) =>{
| async(req,res)=>{
| try{
| const data = await SellBuy.findByIdAndDelete(req.params.id)
| res.status(200).send({
| message: "deleted sucessfully"
| });
| }catch(error){
| res.status(400).send();
| }
| }
| })
| module.exports = sellAndBuyRouter;