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| <title>Flight Booking</title>
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| font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif;
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| .table-container {
| margin: 50px auto;
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| <div class="welcome-header">
| <h3>Hello, <%= session.getAttribute("firstname") %>! </h3>
| <h2>Book Your Flight</h2>
| </div>
| </header>
| <main>
| <section class="table-container">
| <h3>Select Your Carrier</h3>
| <!-- Dropdown to select carrier -->
| <select id="carrier-select" onchange="filterFlightsByCarrier()">
| <option value="">Select Carrier</option>
| <option value="Air India">Air India</option>
| <option value="Indigo">Indigo</option>
| <option value="SpiceJet">SpiceJet</option>
| </select>
| <h3>Available Flights</h3>
| <table id="flight-table">
| <thead>
| <tr>
| <th>Carrier</th>
| <th>Origin</th>
| <th>Destination</th>
| <th>Date of Travel</th>
| <th>Seats Available</th>
| <th>Seats to Book</th>
| </tr>
| </thead>
| <tbody>
| <!-- Example flight data for all carriers -->
| <tr data-carrier="Air India">
| <td>Air India</td>
| <td>Chennai</td>
| <td>Bangalore</td>
| <td>2024-12-20</td>
| <td>50</td>
| <td><input type="number" name="seats1" min="1" max="50" value="1" /></td>
| </tr>
| <tr data-carrier="Indigo">
| <td>Indigo</td>
| <td>Mumbai</td>
| <td>Pune</td>
| <td>2024-12-21</td>
| <td>20</td>
| <td><input type="number" name="seats2" min="1" max="20" value="1" /></td>
| </tr>
| <tr data-carrier="SpiceJet">
| <td>SpiceJet</td>
| <td>Delhi</td>
| <td>Kolkata</td>
| <td>2024-12-22</td>
| <td>15</td>
| <td><input type="number" name="seats3" min="1" max="15" value="1" /></td>
| </tr>
| </tbody>
| </table>
| <button type="button" onclick="submitBooking()">Confirm Booking</button>
| </section>
| </main>
| <script>
| // Filter flights by selected carrier
| function filterFlightsByCarrier() {
| const selectedCarrier = document.getElementById("carrier-select").value;
| const rows = document.querySelectorAll("#flight-table tbody tr");
| rows.forEach(row => {
| const carrier = row.getAttribute("data-carrier");
| if (selectedCarrier === "" || carrier === selectedCarrier) {
| row.style.display = "";
| } else {
| row.style.display = "none";
| }
| });
| }
| // Submit booking form
| function submitBooking() {
| const selectedCarrier = document.getElementById("carrier-select").value;
| if (!selectedCarrier) {
| alert("Please select a carrier to book from.");
| return;
| }
| let seatsToBook = "";
| if (selectedCarrier === "Air India") {
| seatsToBook = document.getElementsByName("seats1")[0].value;
| } else if (selectedCarrier === "Indigo") {
| seatsToBook = document.getElementsByName("seats2")[0].value;
| } else if (selectedCarrier === "SpiceJet") {
| seatsToBook = document.getElementsByName("seats3")[0].value;
| }
| // Log selected seats for the selected carrier
| console.log("Seats to book for", selectedCarrier, ":", seatsToBook);
| // Show confirmation (for example purposes)
| alert(`Booking confirmed for ${selectedCarrier} with ${seatsToBook} seats.`);
| }
| </script>
| </body>
| </html>