| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| // The following things were found by means of "revenge", "strings" and
| // load_add_on()/get_image_symbol() on the Be's binary "bt848.media_addon".
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //--- Source's file names:
| //------------------------
| // 19x: GCC: (GNU) 2.9-beos-991026, meaning:
| // 16 source files plus: init_term_dyn.c, crtbegin.o, crtend.o
| bt848addon.cpp
| Bt848Controllable.cpp
| Bt848Source.cpp
| Bt848AudioMux.cpp
| Bt848I2C.cpp
| Bt848Tuner.cpp
| Bt848VideoControls.cpp
| Bt848VideoMux.cpp
| AudioMux.cpp
| I2CBus.cpp
| Tuner.cpp
| VideoControls.cpp
| VideoConversions.cpp
| VideoImage.cpp
| VideoMux.cpp
| VideoSource.cpp
| BT848Addon <--| BT848Controllable
| // Tables on bt848.media_addon:
| // =============================
| const char* kVideoFormat[] = {
| "Unknown",
| "NTSC-M",
| "NTSC-J",
| "PAL-M",
| "PAL-N", // Missing PAL-Nc ?
| }
| const char* kTunerLocale[] = {
| "Unknown",
| "Australia Air",
| "Brazil Air", // really necessary?
| "China Air",
| "Europe Air",
| "Europe Cable",
| "France Air",
| "France Cable",
| "Great Britain Air",
| "Great Britain Cable",
| "Japan Air",
| "Japan Cable",
| "US Air", // These "US" are used all across the American continent.
| "US Cable", // IRC = Intercarrier Related Channels
| "US Cable HRC", // HRC = Harmonically Related Channels
| "FM Radio"
| }
| const char* kTunerBrand[] = {
| "No Tuner",
| "Alps",
| "Panasonic",
| "Philips",
| "Temic"
| }
| const char* kVideoSourceName[] = {
| "None"
| "Composite 1",
| "Composite 2",
| "Composite 3",
| "Composite 4",
| "Tuner",
| "SVideo",
| "Camera" // Surveillance cards?
| }
| const char* kAudioSourceName[] = {
| "Mute",
| "External Jack",
| "Internal Jack",
| "Radio",
| "Microphone",
| "Main",
| "Second",
| "Both"
| }
| const char* kAudioMode[] = {
| "PAL B/G FM",
| "Satellite FM Mono"
| }
| const char* kMspMode[] = {
| "AM (type 1)",
| "AM (type 2)"
| }
| const char* kImageSize[] = {
| "768x576",
| "720x576",
| "720x480",
| "640x480",
| "352x240",
| "320x240",
| "160x120"
| }
| const char* kColorspace[] = {
| "8 Bits/Pixel (Gray)",
| "15 Bits/Pixel",
| "16 Bits/Pixel",
| "32 Bits/Pixel"
| }
| // These tables hold a name/frequencies pairs.
| //----------------------------------------------------------------
| typedef struct channel {
| const char* name;
| uint32 freq; // in Hz
| }
| channel* USNtscAir[] = {
| { "2", 55250000 },
| // ...
| { "69", 801250000 }
| }
| channel* USNtscCableIRC[] = {
| { "1", 73250000 },
| // ...
| { "125", 799250000 }
| }
| channel* USNtscCableHRC[] = {
| { "1", 72000000 },
| // ...
| { "125", 798000000 }
| }
| // And the rest:
| channel* JapanNtscAir[]
| channel* JapanNtscCable[]
| channel* EuropePalAir[]
| channel* EuropePalCable[]
| channel* GreatBritainPalAir[]
| channel* GreatBritainPalCable[]
| channel* FranceSecamAir[]
| channel* FranceSecamCable[]
| channel* ChinaPalAir[]
| channel* BrazilPalAir[]
| channel* AustraliaPalAir[]
| // Believe it or Not: it's stored this way in the addon!!!
| channel* FmRadio[] = {
| { "64.0", 64000000 },
| // ...
| { "108.0", 108000000 }
| }
| // What's in here?
| RGB8Map // sizeof(RGB8MAP) == 1024
| // looks like a conversion table.
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| //
| // Classes on bt848.media_addon:
| // =============================
| //
| // The scope of methods is just my guess. Ditto for most return types.
| //
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BAudioMux
| {
| public:
| BAudioMux(const char* name);
| virtual ~BAudioMux();
| const char* Name() const { return fName; };
| uint32 Source() const { return fSource; };
| void SetSource(uint32 source);
| uint32 NumberInputs() const;
| void Mute();
| void Unmute();
| private:
| void SetMute(uint32);
| void SetShift(uint32);
| virtual void _ReservedAudioMux1();
| virtual void _ReservedAudioMux2();
| virtual void _ReservedAudioMux3();
| const char* fName;
| uint32 fSource;
| }
| class Bt848AudioMux
| {
| public:
| Bt848AudioMux(const char* name, uint32 , bt848_config* );
| virtual ~Bt848AudioMux();
| uint32 NumberInputs() const;
| SetSource(uint32);
| void Mute();
| void Unmute();
| private:
| void SetMute(uint32);
| void SetShift(uint32);
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BI2CBus
| {
| public:
| BI2CBus(const char* name);
| virtual ~BI2CBus();
| const char* Name() { return fName; };
| bool I2CDevicePresent(uint8 address) { return false; };
| int I2CReadByte(bool) { return 0; };
| int I2CSendByte(uint8 value, bigtime_t timeout); { return 0; };
| protected:
| int I2CRead(uint8 address) { return 0; };
| void I2CWrite1(uint8 address, uint8 value) { };
| void I2CWrite2(uint8 address, uint8 , uint8 ) { };
| private:
| virtual int I2CAck() = 0;
| virtual int I2CStatus() = 0;
| virtual void I2COne() = 0;
| virtual void I2CZero() = 0;
| virtual void I2CReset() = 0;
| virtual void I2CStart() = 0;
| virtual void I2CStop() = 0;
| virtual void _ReservedI2CBus1();
| virtual void _ReservedI2CBus2();
| virtual void _ReservedI2CBus3();
| const char* fName;
| }
| class Bt848I2C
| {
| public:
| Bt848I2C(const char* name, long, bt848_config* );
| virtual ~Bt848I2C();
| bool I2CDevicePresent(uint8 address);
| int I2CReadByte(bool);
| int I2CSendByte(uint8, bigtime_t timeout);
| protected:
| int I2CRead(uint8 address);
| int I2CWrite1(uint8, uint8);
| int I2CWrite2(uint8, uint8, uint8);
| private:
| int I2CAck();
| int I2CStatus();
| void I2COne();
| void I2CZero();
| void I2CReset();
| void I2CStart();
| void I2CStop();
| void I2CBits();
| void I2CSetBits(uint8 scl, uint8 sda)
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BTuner
| {
| public:
| BTuner(const char* name);
| virtual ~BTuner();
| const char* Name() { return fName; };
| bool FMRadioCapable() const { return false; };
| bool TVCapable() const { return false; };
| bool BTSCSAPCapable() const { return false; };
| bool BTSCStereoCapable() const { return false; };
| uint8 BTSCAudioMode() { return fBTSAudioMode; };
| void SetBTSCAudioMode(uint8);
| bool BTSCSAPPresent() { return false; };
| bool BTSCStereoPresent() { return false; };
| uint32 CurrentFrequency() const { return fCurrentFreq; };
| uint32 CurrentIndex() const { return fCurrentIndex; };
| bool TunerLocked() { return false; };
| int TunerStatus() { return 0; };
| uint32 FrequencyFor(uint32 channel_index) const;
| uint32 FrequencyFor(char* channel_name) const;
| uint32 IndexForChannelName(char* channel_name) const;
| char* ChannelNameForIndex(uint32 channel_index) const;
| uint32 NumberChannels() const;
| void NextChannel();
| void PreviousChannel();
| void FineTuneDown();
| void FineTuneUp();
| void ScanDown();
| void ScanUp();
| bool ValidFrequency(uint32 frequency) const;
| tuner_locale TunerLocale() const { return fTunerLocale; };
| status_t SetTunerLocale(tuner_locale);
| status_t Tune(uint32 frequency);
| status_t Tune(char* channel_name);
| status_t TuneIndex(uint32 index);
| private:
| virtual void _ReservedTuner1();
| virtual void _ReservedTuner2();
| virtual void _ReservedTuner3();
| const char* fName;
| uint32 fCurrentFreq;
| uint32 fCurrentIndex;
| tuner_locale fTunerLocale;
| uint8 fBTSAudioMode;
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class Bt848Tuner
| {
| public:
| Bt848Tuner(const char* name, uint32 ,
| bt848_config* , hw_info* ,
| BI2CBus* i2c_bus, BAudioMux* audio_mux);
| virtual ~Bt848Tuner();
| uint32 CurrentFrequency() const;
| uint32 CurrentIndex() const;
| void FineTuneDown();
| void FineTuneUp();
| void NextChannel();
| void PreviousChannel();
| void ScanDown();
| void ScanUp();
| status_t Tune(char* channel_name);
| status_t Tune(uint32 frequency);
| status_t TuneIndex(uint32 index);
| bool TunerLocked();
| int TunerStatus();
| bool VideoPresent();
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BVideoControls
| {
| public:
| BVideoControls(const char* name);
| virtual ~BVideoControls();
| const char* Name() { return fName; };
| virtual int32 Brightness() const = 0;
| virtual int32 Contrast() const = 0;
| virtual int32 Hue() const = 0;
| virtual int32 Saturation() const = 0;
| virtual bool ChromaCombFilter() const = 0;
| virtual bool ErrorDiffusion() const = 0;
| virtual bool GammaCorrectionRemoval() const = 0;
| virtual bool LumaCombFilter() const = 0;
| virtual bool LumaCoring() const = 0;
| virtual void SetBrightness(int32 value) = 0;
| virtual void SetContrast(int32 value) = 0;
| virtual void SetHue(int32 value) = 0;
| virtual void SetSaturation(int32 value) = 0;
| virtual void SetChromaCombFilter(bool enabled) = 0;
| virtual void SetErrorDiffusion(bool enabled) = 0;
| virtual void SetGammaCorrectionRemoval(bool enabled) = 0;
| virtual void SetLumaCombFilter(bool enabled) = 0;
| virtual void SetLumaCoring(bool enabled) = 0;
| private:
| virtual void _ReservedVideoControls1();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoControls2();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoControls3();
| const char* fName;
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class Bt848VideoControls
| {
| public:
| Bt848VideoControls(const char* name, long , bt848_config* )
| virtual ~Bt848VideoControls()
| int32 Brightness() const { return fBrightness; }
| int32 Contrast() const { return fContrast; }
| int32 Hue() const { return fHue; }
| int32 Saturation() const { return fSaturation; }
| bool ChromaCombFilter() const { return fChromaCombFilter; }
| bool ErrorDiffusion() const { return fErrorDiffusion; }
| bool GammaCorrectionRemoval() const { return fGammaCorrectionRemoval; }
| bool LumaCombFilter() const { return fLumaCombFilter; }
| bool LumaCoring() const { return fLumaCoring; }
| virtual void SetBrightness(int32 value);
| virtual void SetContrast(int32 value);
| virtual void SetHue(int32 value);
| virtual void SetSaturation(int32 value);
| virtual void SetChromaCombFilter(bool enabled);
| virtual void SetErrorDiffusion(bool enabled);
| virtual void SetGammaCorrectionRemoval(bool enabled);
| virtual void SetLumaCombFilter(bool enabled);
| virtual void SetLumaCoring(bool enabled);
| private:
| int32 fBrightness;
| int32 fContrast;
| int32 fHue;
| int32 fSaturation;
| bool fChromaCombFilter;
| bool fErrorDiffusion;
| bool fGammaCorrectionRemoval;
| bool fLumaCombFilter;
| bool fLumaCoring;
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BVideoImage
| {
| public:
| BVideoImage(BPoint size, color_space cspace,
| video_layout vlayout,
| buffer_orientation orientation, bool xx);
| virtual ~BVideoImage();
| bool IsValid() const;
| uint8 BitsPerPixel();
| void* Buffer() const;
| SetBuffer(const void* , bool);
| uint32 BytesPerRow() const;
| SetBytesPerRow(uint32 value);
| color_space ColorSpace() const;
| SetColorSpace(color_space value);
| uint32 FrameNumber() const;
| SetFrameNumber(uint32 value);
| BPoint ImageSize() const;
| SetImageSize(BPoint value);
| bool IsLogical() const;
| SetLogical(bool value);
| video_layout Layout() const;
| SetLayout(video_layout);
| buffer_orientation Orientation() const;
| SetOrientation(buffer_orientation);
| long Status(void) const;
| SetStatus(long);
| BTimecode Timecode() const;
| SetTimecode(BTimecode);
| bigtime_t Timestamp() const;
| SetTimestamp(bigtime_t time_stamp);
| private:
| virtual void _ReservedVideoImage1();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoImage2();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoImage3();
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BVideoMux
| {
| public:
| BVideoMux(const char* name);
| virtual ~BVideoMux();
| const char* Name() { return fName; };
| uint32 NumberInputs();
| uint32 Source() const; // BVideoSource* ?
| void SetSource(uint32);
| private:
| virtual void _ReservedVideoMux1();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoMux2();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoMux3();
| const char* fName;
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class Bt848VideoMux
| {
| public:
| Bt848VideoMux(const char* name, uint32 , bt848_config* )
| virtual ~Bt848VideoMux();
| bool ColorBars() const;
| SetColorBars(bool enabled);
| uint32 NumberInputs();
| SetSource(uint32 source);
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class BVideoSource
| {
| public:
| BVideoSource(const char* name);
| virtual ~BVideoSource();
| const char* Name() { return fName; };
| status_t InitCheck();
| // Interface to inner working classes.
| BAudioMux* AudioMux() const; // it's * or & ???
| BI2CBus* I2CBus() const;
| BTuner* Tuner() const;
| BVideoMux* VideoMux() const;
| BVideoControls* VideoControls() const;
| uint32 CaptureMode() const;
| SetCaptureMode(uint32 capture_mode);
| ConfigureCapture(BVideoImage**, short** , uint32 , void** , BVideoImage** , short** )
| StartCapture(bool);
| StopCapture();
| ContinueCapture();
| RestartCapture();
| SwitchCapture();
| uint64 FramesDropped() const;
| LastFrame(uint32* );
| NextFrame(uint32* );
| NextFrameWithTimeout(bigtime_t , uint32* );
| video_format VideoFormat() const;
| SetVideoFormat(video_format);
| private:
| virtual void _ReservedVideoSource1();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoSource2();
| virtual void _ReservedVideoSource3();
| const char* fName;
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class Bt848Source
| {
| public:
| Bt848Source(const char* name)
| virtual ~Bt848Source();
| AddressType(video_field_specifier) const;
| AllocateCaptureBuffer(bt848_buffer* );
| BAudioMux* AudioMux() const; // it's * or & ???
| BVideoMux* VideoMux() const;
| BI2CBus* I2CBus() const;
| BTuner* Tuner() const;
| BVideoControls* VideoControls() const;
| uint32 CaptureMode() const;
| SetCaptureMode(uint32);
| color_space ColorSpace(video_field_specifier) const;
| SetColorSpace(color_space, video_field_specifier);
| bt848_tuner_mfg TunerBrand() const;
| SetTunerBrand(bt848_tuner_mfg)
| video_format VideoFormat() const;
| SetVideoFormat(video_format);
| uint32 Gpio();
| void SetGpio(uint32 value);
| bool Pll() const;
| void SetPll(bool enabled);
| ConfigureCapture(BVideoImage** , short** , uint32 , void** , BVideoImage** , short** )
| ConfigureDualCapture(BVideoImage** , short** , BVideoImage** , short** , uint32 , void** )
| ConfigureSingleCapture(BVideoImage** , short** , uint32 , void** )
| StartCapture(bool);
| ContinueCapture();
| StopCapture();
| RestartCapture();
| uint32 Decimation() const;
| SetDecimation(uint32 decimation);
| uint16 DeviceID() const;
| FreeCaptureBuffer(bt848_buffer* );
| GetFrame(uint32);
| GpioInEnable(uint32);
| GpioOutEnable(uint32);
| status_t InitCheck();
| LastFrame(uint32* );
| NextFrame(uint32* );
| NextFrameWithTimeout(bigtime_t, uint32* );
| bool Probe();
| SetAddressType(uint32, video_field_specifier);
| SwitchCapture(uint32* );
| bool VideoPresent();
| WaitForFrame(bigtime_t howLong, uint32* frame);
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| // Media Kit Interfaces.
| class BBt848Controllable
| {
| // BControllable
| protected:
| BBt848Controllable(int , uint32 , const char*, const char* , BMediaAddOn* )
| virtual ~BBt848Controllable();
| public:
| virtual status_t GetParameterValue(int32 parameterID,
| bigtime_t* lastChangeTime,
| void* value, size_t* ioSize);
| virtual void SetParameterValue(int32 parameterID,
| bigtime_t changeTime,
| const void* value, size_t size);
| // BMediaEventLooper : BMediaNode
| virtual BMediaAddOn* AddOn(int32* outInternalID) const;
| virtual void NodeRegistered();
| virtual void HandleEvent(const media_timed_event* event,
| bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent);
| virtual status_t HandleMessage(int32 message, const void* data, size_t size);
| protected:
| virtual status_t DeleteHook(BMediaNode* node);
| virtual void Preroll();
| virtual void Start(bigtime_t performanceTime);
| virtual void Stop(bigtime_t performanceTime, bool immediate);
| virtual void SetRunMode(BMediaNode::run_mode mode);
| // BBufferProducer
| public:
| virtual status_t AdditionalBufferRequested(const media_source& source,
| media_buffer_id previousBufferID,
| bigtime_t previousTime,
| const media_seek_tag* previousTag);
| virtual void Connect(status_t status, const media_source& source,
| const media_destination& destination,
| const media_format& format, char* ioName);
| virtual void Disconnect(const media_source& source,
| const media_destination &destination);
| virtual status_t DisposeOutputCookie(int32 cookie);
| virtual void EnableOutput(const media_source& whichOutput,
| bool enabled, int32 *_depreciated_);
| virtual status_t FormatChangeRequested(const media_source& source,
| const media_destination& destination,
| media_format* ioFormat,
| int32 *_depreciated_);
| virtual status_t FormatProposal(const media_source& output,
| media_format* format);
| virtual status_t FormatSuggestionRequested(media_type type,
| int32 quality, media_format* format);
| virtual status_t GetLatency(bigtime_t* outLatency);
| virtual status_t GetNextOutput(int32* cookie, media_output* outOutput);
| virtual void LateNoticeReceived(const media_source& whichSource,
| bigtime_t howLate,
| uint32 performanceTime);
| virtual status_t PrepareToConnect(const media_source& whichSource,
| const media_destination& whichDestination,
| media_format* format,
| media_source* outSource, char* outName);
| virtual status_t SetBufferGroup(const media_source& forSource, BBufferGroup* group);
| virtual status_t SetPlayRate(int32 numerator, int32 denominator);
| virtual status_t TimeSourceOp(const BTimeSource::time_source_op_info& op,
| void *_reserved);
| virtual status_t VideoClippingChanged(const media_source& forSource,
| int16 numShorts,
| int16* clipData,
| const media_video_display_info& display,
| int32* outFromChangeTag);
| private: // ?
| Initialize();
| Uninitialize();
| ReadFmFavorites();
| ReadTvFavorites();
| ConstructControlWeb();
| RequestNewWeb();
| FindIndex(const char**, const char*);
| HandleStart(bigtime_t);
| HandleStop(bigtime_t);
| PrepareBufferMap();
| MapCaptureBuffers(BBufferGroup* , const media_video_display_info&, BVideoImage **, uint32&);
| SendBuffers(BVideoImage*, uint32);
| SetUpSettings(const char*, const char*);
| QuitSettings();
| ReconfigureCapture();
| RestartCapture(bool);
| StartCapture();
| StopCapture();
| SwitchCapture();
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class Bt848MediaAddOn
| {
| public:
| Bt848MediaAddOn(image_id image)
| virtual ~Bt848MediaAddOn()
| virtual status_t AutoStart(int32 index, BMediaNode** outNode, int32* outInternalID, bool* outHasMore);
| virtual int32 CountFlavors();
| virtual status_t GetConfigurationFor(BMediaNode* node, BMessage* config);
| virtual status_t GetFlavorAt(int32 flavorNum, const flavor_info** outInfo);
| virtual status_t InitCheck(char const** outFailureText)
| virtual BMediaNode* InstantiateNodeFor(const flavor_info* info, BMessage* config, status_t* outError);
| virtual bool WantsAutoStart();
| private: // ?
| SaveConfigInfo(BMediaNode* node, BMessage* config);
| }
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------