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============================================================= test session starts =============================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.15, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /home/thasnain/new_work/runner/bin/python3.10
rootdir: /home/thasnain/new_work/mdt-automation
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: jira-0.3.21, alsi-3.1.4.dev19+g78111e8, mdt-2.1.3.dev27+g1c1e6a6
collecting ...
collected 1 item                                                                                                                              
--------------------------------------------------------------- live log setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
2025-01-23 10:05:40  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.testnet.networks:272 - Loading networks from testnet sqa2.
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.testnet.networks:277 - Loaded 22 networks from testnet sqa2.
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.query.__init__:84 - Query agg host: (
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.connection.connection:168 - [] Connecting as user root
ERROR                                                                                                                                   [100%]------------------------------------------------------------- live log logreport --------------------------------------------------------------
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [1m [31mERROR [0m root.pytest_exception_interact:39 - Test failed with exception:
[] ('ssh session setup failed', "Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nroot@ Permission denied (publickey).\r\n")
-------------------------------------------------------------- live log teardown --------------------------------------------------------------
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m root.pytest_runtest_teardown:60 - ==================== End of test: 'test_metanet_1447' ====================
=================================================================== ERRORS ====================================================================
_____________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test_metanet_1447 _____________________________________________________
request = <SubRequest 'mdt_system' for <Function test_metanet_1447>>, testnet = <python_alsi.testnet.DirectTestnet object at 0x71553141dba0>
pytestconfig = <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x715532208490>
     [0m [37m@pytest [39;49;00m.fixture(name= [33m' [39;49;00m [33mmdt_system [39;49;00m [33m' [39;49;00m, scope= [33m' [39;49;00m [33msession [39;49;00m [33m' [39;49;00m) [90m [39;49;00m
     [94mdef [39;49;00m  [92mmdt_system_fixture [39;49;00m(request: pytest.FixtureRequest, testnet: BaseTestnet, pytestconfig): [90m [39;49;00m
     [90m     [39;49;00m [33m""" [39;49;00m
     [33m    A fixture containing the MDT system name being tested. This is specified via the command line option/default. [39;49;00m
     [33m [39;49;00m
     [33m    :param request: The pytest request fixture. [39;49;00m
     [33m    :param testnet: The testnet. [39;49;00m
     [33m    :param pytestconfig: The PyTest configuration (a PyTest built-in fixture). [39;49;00m
     [33m    :return: The MDT system name. [39;49;00m
     [33m    """ [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
        configured_mdt_system = pytestconfig.getoption( [33m' [39;49;00m [33mmdt_system [39;49;00m [33m' [39;49;00m) [90m [39;49;00m
     [90m [39;49;00m
        key =  [33m' [39;49;00m [33mpytest_all_mdt_systems [39;49;00m [33m' [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
        all_mdt_systems = request.config.cache.get(key,  [94mNone [39;49;00m) [90m [39;49;00m
         [94mif [39;49;00m  [95mnot [39;49;00m all_mdt_systems: [90m [39;49;00m
>           all_mdt_systems = get_mdt_systems(testnet) [90m [39;49;00m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_mdt/ in get_mdt_systems
     [0m [94mreturn [39;49;00m [row[ [33m' [39;49;00m [33msystem [39;49;00m [33m' [39;49;00m]  [94mfor [39;49;00m row  [95min [39;49;00m query_metanet(testnet, sql)] [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in query_metanet
     [0m [94mreturn [39;49;00m query(testnet=testnet, sql=sql, network=METANET_NETWORK_NAME, cache=cache) [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in query
     [0m [94mreturn [39;49;00m agg.query(sql, timeout= [94m300 [39;49;00m, cache=cache) [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in query
     [0mdata =  [96mself [39;49;00m._refresh_query(sql, raw=raw, max_age=max_age, cache=cache, timeout=timeout, retries=retries) [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in _refresh_query
     [0mmodules =  [96mself [39;49;  [94mif [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m.query_node  [94melse [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._module_namespace [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in do
     [0m [94mreturn [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m.connection(username=username).modules [90m [39;49;00m
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ in connection
     [0m [94mreturn [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._conn_manager.connection(username=username) [90m [39;49;00m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <python_alsi.connection.ConnManager object at 0x7155306fc280>, username = 'root'
     [0m [94mdef [39;49;00m  [92mconnection [39;49;00m( [96mself [39;49;00m, username= [33m" [39;49;00m [33mroot [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m): [90m [39;49;00m
     [90m     [39;49;00m [33m""" [39;49;00m
     [33m    Connect to the machine as the specified user. [39;49;00m
     [33m [39;49;00m
     [33m    If a connection is already established to the machine for the specified user, the existing cached connection is [39;49;00m
     [33m    returned. Otherwise, a new connection is established and cached. [39;49;00m
     [33m [39;49;00m
     [33m    :param username: The username. [39;49;00m
     [33m    :return: The connection object. [39;49;00m
     [33m    """ [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
         [90m# Raise the previous exception if there was one. [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
        previous_error =  [96mself [39;49;00m._conn_errors.get(username) [90m [39;49;00m
         [94mif [39;49;00m previous_error: [90m [39;49;00m
             [94mraise [39;49;00m ConnError(previous_error,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip) [90m [39;49;00m
     [90m [39;49;00m
         [94mif [39;49;00m username  [95mnot [39;49;00m  [95min [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._conns: [90m [39;49;00m
   [33m" [39;49;00m [33m[ [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m] Connecting as user  [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip, username) [90m [39;49;00m
             [94mtry [39;49;00m: [90m [39;49;00m
                 [94mif [39;49;00m  [33m" [39;49;00m [33mVPOINT_VERSION [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m  [95min [39;49;00m os.environ: [90m [39;49;00m
                     [90m# vpoint is handling proxying; connect directly. [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
                    logger.debug( [33m" [39;49;00m [33m[ [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m] Connecting within vpoint session [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip) [90m [39;49;00m
                     [96mself [39;49;00m._conns[username] = SshConnection.create( [90m [39;49;00m
                         [96mself [39;49;00m.ip, [90m [39;49;00m
                        username=username, [90m [39;49;00m
                        python= [96mself [39;49;00m.python) [90m [39;49;00m
                 [94melif [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._nat_gateway: [90m [39;49;00m
                    logger.debug( [33m" [39;49;00m [33m[ [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m] Connecting via ssh proxy (proxy= [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m) [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip,  [96mself [39;49;00m._nat_gateway) [90m [39;49;00m
                     [96mself [39;49;00m._conns[username] = SshConnection.create( [90m [39;49;00m
                         [96mself [39;49;00m.ip, [90m [39;49;00m
                        username=username, [90m [39;49;00m
                        python= [96mself [39;49;00m.python, [90m [39;49;00m
                        proxy_host= [96mself [39;49;00m._nat_gateway) [90m [39;49;00m
                 [94melif [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._authgate: [90m [39;49;00m
                    logger.debug( [33m" [39;49;00m [33m[ [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m] Connecting using gwsh (gateway= [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m) [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip,  [96mself [39;49;00m._authgate) [90m [39;49;00m
                    authgate =  [94mNone [39;49;00m  [94mif [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._authgate ==  [33m" [39;49;00m [33mPROD_AUTHGATES [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m  [94melse [39;49;00m  [96mself [39;49;00m._authgate [90m [39;49;00m
                     [96mself [39;49;00m._conns[username] = GwshConnection.create( [90m [39;49;00m
                         [96mself [39;49;00m.ip, [90m [39;49;00m
                        username=username, [90m [39;49;00m
                        python= [96mself [39;49;00m.python, [90m [39;49;00m
                        gateway=authgate) [90m [39;49;00m
                 [94melse [39;49;00m: [90m [39;49;00m
                    logger.debug( [33m" [39;49;00m [33m[ [39;49;00m [33m%s [39;49;00m [33m] Connecting directly using ssh [39;49;00m [33m" [39;49;00m,  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip) [90m [39;49;00m
                     [96mself [39;49;00m._conns[username] = SshConnection.create( [90m [39;49;00m
                         [96mself [39;49;00m.ip, [90m [39;49;00m
                        username=username, [90m [39;49;00m
                        python= [96mself [39;49;00m.python) [90m [39;49;00m
             [94mexcept [39;49;00m ( [96mIOError [39;49;00m,  [96mOSError [39;49;00m)  [94mas [39;49;00m ex: [90m [39;49;00m
                 [96mself [39;49;00m._conn_errors[username] =  [96mstr [39;49;00m(ex) [90m [39;49;00m
>                [94mraise [39;49;00m ConnError( [96mself [39;49;00m._conn_errors[username],  [96mself [39;49;00m.ip)  [94mfrom [39;49;00m  [94mNone [39;49;00m [90m [39;49;00m
E               python_alsi.errors.ConnError: [] ('ssh session setup failed', "Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nroot@ Permission denied (publickey).\r\n")
../runner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/python_alsi/ ConnError
------------------------------------------------------------ Captured stderr setup ------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] python_alsi.testnet: Loading networks from testnet sqa2.
[INFO] python_alsi.testnet: Loaded 22 networks from testnet sqa2.
[INFO] python_alsi.query: Query agg host: (
[INFO] python_alsi.connection: [] Connecting as user root
------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log setup --------------------------------------------------------------
2025-01-23 10:05:40  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.testnet.networks:272 - Loading networks from testnet sqa2.
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.testnet.networks:277 - Loaded 22 networks from testnet sqa2.
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.query.__init__:84 - Query agg host: (
2025-01-23 10:05:46  [32mINFO [0m python_alsi.connection.connection:168 - [] Connecting as user root
=========================================================== short test summary info ===========================================================
[31mERROR [0m tests/mdtproducer/ [1mtest_metanet_1447 [0m - python_alsi.errors.ConnError: [] ('ssh session setup failed', "Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of ...
==============================================================  [31m [1m1 error [0m [31m in 5.94s [0m [31m ===============================================================
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