New paste Repaste Download
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, re, json, requests, hashlib, textwrap, base64, random
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import time
class SD():
def request(self,
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
mode = "txt2img",
args = {}
) -> dict: # return { "msg": "", "gen": {}, "img": [] }
"""Request an image from Stable Diffusion server."""
if mode == "txt2img":
args = {
# Prompting
"prompt":            "",
"negative_prompt":   "",
### Image
"format":            "png",
"width":             512,
"height":            512,
"batch_count":       1,
#"sample_steps":      4,
"seed":              -1, # negative means random
### Generation
#"cfg_scale":         1.0,
#"guidance":          3.5,
### Sampling
#"sample_method":     "euler",
#"schedule":          "discrete",
### Preview
#"preview_interval":  1,
#"preview_mode":      "proj",
### Flags
#"clip_on_cpu":       False,
#"tae_decode":        False,
#"vae_on_cpu":        False,
#"vae_tiling":        True,
} | args
base = f"http://{host}:{port}"
path = {
"txt2img": "/txt2img",
"result": "/result",
"sample_methods": "/sample_methods",
"schedules": "/schedules",
"previews": "/previews",
"params": "/params",
"models": "/models",
"model": "/model"
if not mode in path:
mode = "txt2img"
dbg = False
rqs = 128 # max number of polls
try: # generation
req = + path[mode], data=json.dumps(args), timeout=10).json()
except Exception as e:
req = None
msg = f"Request {repr(e)}" # error desc
msg = "success"
gen = {}
img = None
for key in ["params", "model"]:
try: # get metadata
gen[key] = requests.get(base + path[key], timeout=10).json()
except Exception as e:
gen[key] = None
msg = f"Request {repr(e)}" # error desc
gen["args"] = args
if req and type(req) is dict:
if "task_id" in req and req["task_id"]:
tid = req["task_id"]
job = { "status": "" }
num = 0
while job["status"] != "Done" and num < rqs: # poll result
try: # get status
num = num + 1 # poll counter
job = requests.get(base + path["result"], params={"task_id": tid}, timeout=10).json()
except Exception as e:
job = { "status": "" }
msg = f"Job error: {repr(e)}" # error desc
if job and type(job) is dict and "status" in job: # progress report
if dbg: print(f"Status: {job['status']}")
if "data" in job and len(job["data"]) > 0:
if dbg: print(f"Data: {json.dumps(job['data'], indent=2)}")
job = { "status": "" }
time.sleep(1) # wait for next poll
if job and type(job) is dict and "status" in job:
if job["status"] == "Done": # completed
if "data" in job and len(job["data"]) > 0:
img = [ base64.b64decode(itm["data"]) for itm in job["data"] ]
return {
"msg": msg,
"gen": gen,
"img": img
} # return { "msg": "", "gen": {}, "img": [] }
def generate(self,
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
desc = "",
args = {},
) -> dict: # { "msg": "", "gen": {}, "img": [{ "time": "", "type". "", "data": "" }] }
"""Generate an image from a description of a scene for Stable Diffusion."""
desc = " ".join(desc.split(None)) # scene description
args = args if args and type(args) == dict else {}
seed = args["seed"] if "seed" in args and args["seed"] > 0 else int(random.uniform(0, 2147483647))
args = args | { "prompt": desc, "seed": seed } # overwrite prompt and invalid seed
now = datetime.utcnow()
img_time = now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
img_type = args["format"] if "format" in args else "png" # "bmp", "tga", "png", "jpg"
req = self.request(
host = host,
port = port,
mode = "txt2img",
args = args | { "format": img_type }
) if host and port and args else None
res = {
"msg": req["msg"] or "Image generation failed.",
"gen": req["gen"] or {},
"img": []
img = req["img"]
if img and type(img) is list and len(img): # got some images
for idx, data in enumerate(img):
if len(data):
"time": img_time,
"type": img_type,
"data": data
return res # { "msg": "", "gen": {}, "img": [{ "time": "", "type". "", "data": "" }] }
def output(self,
batch = None,
img_path = ["."],
img_tmpl = "img_{time}{bidx}.{type}",
log_path = ["."],
log_name = f"img_gen_log.txt" # cat "img_gen_log.txt" | jq
): # output images to file
res = ""
def writeFile(
file_mode = "wb"
): # write data to file
msg = "nothing to write"
if file_path.strip() and file_name.strip():
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
except IOError as e:
msg = f"writeFile: Error creating directory {file_path} {repr(e)}"
return msg
full_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name)
with open(full_path, file_mode) as out: # write to file
pos = out.write(file_data)
if pos > 0:
msg = f"writeFile: {pos} bytes written to {file_name}"
msg = f"writeFile: No bytes written to {file_name}"
except IOError as e:
msg = f"writeFile: Error writing to file {full_path} {repr(e)}"
return msg
return msg
def mimeType(ext):
mime = {
"bmp": "image/bmp",
"tga": "image/tga",
"png": "image/png",
"jpg": "image/jpeg",
return mime[ext] if ext in mime else None
img_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*(img_path or ["*"])))
log_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*(log_path or ["*"])))
if batch and "msg" in batch and "gen" in batch and "img" in batch and img_path and img_tmpl:
msg = batch["msg"]
gen = batch["gen"]
img = batch["img"]
img_seed = 0
img_desc = ""
if gen and type(gen) is dict and "args" in gen:
args = gen["args"]
if args and type(args) is dict and "seed" in args:
img_seed = args["seed"]
if args and type(args) is dict and "prompt" in args:
img_desc = args["prompt"]
# img_desc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", img_desc).strip()
if img and type(img) is list and len(img):
img_list = []
for idx, itm in enumerate(img):
img_time = itm["time"]
img_type = itm["type"]
img_data = itm["data"]
img_name = img_tmpl.format(
time = img_time,
bidx = f"_{idx}",
seed = img_seed,
type = img_type
img_stat = writeFile(
file_path = img_path,
file_name = img_name,
file_data = img_data,
file_mode = "wb"
res += ", " if len(res) else ""
res += img_stat
log_stat = writeFile(
file_path = log_path,
file_name = log_name,
file_data = json.dumps({
"time": img_time,
"name": img_list,
"seed": img_seed,
"desc": img_desc,
"type": img_type,
"mime": mimeType(img_type),
"data": {
"params": None,
"model": None,
"args": None
} | gen
}) + "\n",
file_mode = "a"
res += ", " if len(res) else ""
res += log_stat
return res
class SDImage(SD):
def rndText(self, cats={}, txts=[]): # random text from grammar variants.
text = ""
if cats and txts:
text = random.choice(txts)
toks = re.findall(r'\{(\w+)\}', text)
for tok in toks:
if tok in cats:
text = text.replace(f"{{{tok}}}", random.choice(cats[tok]), 1)
return " ".join(text.split(None))
def runJobs(self,
cats = {},
txts = [],
jobs = 1,
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
args = {}
for job in range(0, jobs):
res = ""
desc = self.rndText(cats = cats, txts = txts)
print("Generating:", desc)
batch = self.generate(
host = host or "localhost",
port = port or 8080,
desc = desc,
args = args
res += batch["msg"]
res += ", " if len(res) else ""
res += self.output(
batch = batch,
img_path = ["."],
img_tmpl = "img_{time}{bidx}.{type}",
log_path = ["."],
log_name = f"img_gen_log.txt" # cat "img_gen_log.txt" | jq
print("result:", repr({'job': job, 'desc': desc, 'res': res}))
sdi = SDImage()
cats={ # category choices to randomly choose from.
#"adjs": ["bouncy", "twisted", "cracked", "bronze", "malachite", "stone", "classic", "ornate", "decorative", "psychedelic", "shrinkwrapped", "plantlike", "mechanical", "rubber", "fluffy", "furry", "metallic", "rusted", "studded", "wooden", "dusty", "dirty", "shiny", "carved", "steampunk", "futuristic"],
#"objs": ["dog", "cat", "boat", "car", "truck", "goat", "fish", "tiger", "house", "elephant", "pig", "wasp", "beetle", "shrimp", "crab", "jet airliner", "fighter jet", "bus", "bicycle", "lizard", "octopus", "squid", "crocodile", "snake"],
#"locs": ["at the beach", "in space", "in a forest", "in a tropical jungle", "in a church", "at home", "in the street", "in a field", "in a cave", "in a garden", "in a castle", "in a factory", "in a workshop", "underwater"],
#"stys": ["realistic photo", "artistic style", "oil painting"],
"adjs": [
"bouncy", "spikey", "terracota", "foil", "skeletal", "intricate",
"aztec", "roman", "spiney", "demonic", "broken", "bubblewrapped",
"bubbly", "sparky", "derelict", "drab", "golden", "chocolate",
"cabbage", "chainmail", "leafy", "aluminium", "mouldy",
"camouflaged", "cardboard", "paper", "fabric", "feathered",
"clawed", "toothy", "twisted", "cracked", "bronze", "cast iron",
"malachite", "slimy", "plastic", "wax", "plasticine", "armoured",
"insectoid", "muddy", "crystaline", "encrusted", "melted", "stone",
"classic", "ornate", "decorative", "psychedelic", "shrinkwrapped",
"plantlike", "granite", "obsidian", "pyrite", "satin", "sandstone",
"carbon fibre", "synthetic", "cloth", "clockwork", "mechanical",
"rubber", "fluffy", "furry", "metallic", "rusted", "studded",
"wooden", "dusty", "dirty", "shiny", "carved", "steampunk",
"futuristic", "papier mache"
"objs": [
"dog", "horse", "cat", "swan", "eagle", "cow", "limousine",
"snowmobile", "snowplough", "locomotive", "ceramic", "giraffe",
"panda", "garbage truck", "cement mixer truck", "firetruck",
"towtruck", "pickup truck", "flatbed truck",
"backhoe loader", "telehandler", "aerial work platform", "leopard",
"hedgehog", "duck", "mouse", "jeep", "quadbike", "motorbike",
"worms", "battle tank", "jetski", "hydrofoil", "speedboat",
"catamaran", "sailing ship", "yacht", "bear",
"armoured personel carrier", "snail", "hatchback car",
"mobile crane", "gantry crane", "shpping container", "crate",
"skateboard", "nautilus", "sheep", "catepillars", "SUV", "shark",
"eels", "boat", "truck", "goat", "supercar", "owl", "automobile",
"tractor", "tanker truck", "tipper truck", "ship", "fishing boat",
"f1 car", "convertible car", "excavator", "bulldozer", "campervan",
"fish", "tiger", "semi trailer truck", "box truck", "van", "house",
"hippapotamus", "rhinocerous", "pirahna", "spinosaurus",
"dimetrodon", "monkey", "gorrila", "trout", "salamander",
"jellyfish", "wolf", "lemur", "chameleon", "gecko", "frog", "ant",
"fox", "rabbit", "triceratops", "tyranosaurus", "elephant", "pig",
"wasp", "manta ray", "diatoms", "beetle", "earwig", "sea urchin",
"shrimp", "lobster", "angler fish", "starfish", "crab",
"jet airliner", "biplane", "anaconda", "fighter jet", "bus",
"bicycle", "lizard", "octopus", "squid", "crocodile", "snake",
"locs": [
"at the beach", "in a kitchen", "in a museum", "in the wilderness",
"in a valley", "in a canyon", "in a desert",
"in a mountainous landscape", "in the arctic", "in a temple",
"in a cityscape", "in a suburban street", "by a river", "in a pond",
"in a barn", "in a living room", "in a garden", "in a greenhouse",
"in an amusement park", "in a harbour", "in space", "in a quarry",
"in a scrapyard", "in a rubbish tip", "in a rural village",
"by a lakeside", "in a forest", "in an airport", "under a bridge",
"in a tunnel", "at a tropical beach", "in a tropical jungle",
"in a church", "at home", "in the street", "in a field",
"in a cave", "in a garden", "in a castle", "in a warehouse",
"in a luxury hotel", "in a factory", "in a workshop", "underwater"
"view": [
"rear view", "side view", "overhead view", "close up", "front view",
"rear side view", "front side view", "", "", "", "", ""
txts=[ # grammar variants using category random choices.
# "{adjs} {adjs} {objs} {locs}, {stys}",
"{adjs} {objs} {view} {locs}",
"{adjs} {adjs} {objs} {view} {locs}",
host = "192.168.X.Y",
port = 10000,
jobs = 2,
args = {
# Prompting
"prompt":            "", # overwritten
"negative_prompt":   "",
### Image
"format":            "png",
"width":             1024,
"height":            1024,
"batch_count":       2,
"sample_steps":      4,
"seed":              -1, # negative means random
### Generation
"cfg_scale":         1.0,
"guidance":          3.5,
### Sampling
"sample_method":     "euler",
"schedule":          "discrete",
### Preview
"preview_interval":  1,
"preview_mode":      "proj",
### Flags
"clip_on_cpu":       False,
"tae_decode":        False,
"vae_on_cpu":        False,
"vae_tiling":        True,
# cat stable-diffusion-generation-log.txt | jq
Filename: None. Size: 13kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

This paste expires on 2025-02-25 02:53:19.278076. Pasted through web.