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FS is 512B meta + 4.5MiB storage (9217 sectors)
In the first block, first there is 8 byte signature: `EBFS9217` then there is 36 of these:
We have a set filename size, 8.3, so 12 ASCII characters, plus a null.
We have size (in sectors): u8
14 bytes each.
    # Write meta block
    WRITE "EBFS9217" # Write signature
    WRITE "\0" * 504 # Empty rest of meta block
    # Make sure disk is long enough
    SEEK (4608 * 1024) - 1 # Seek to the end
    WRITE "\0" # Write a byte there
Filename: None. Size: 515b. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

This paste expires on 2024-09-24 07:28:11.658668. Pasted through web.