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// NOTE: This is the middle of the script,
// which is why this is indented and doesn't
// have a starting bracket, etc.
        //sql init for insert, purge old tables
        //iterate list from SDK
        int iteratedCount = 0;
        DateTime OutputStart = DateTime.Now;
        foreach (DataRow dr in areasFromAPI.Data.Rows)
            Area area = Sdk.GetEntity((Guid)dr[0]) as Area;
            out_p_AreaGUID.Value = area.Guid;
            out_p_AreaName.Value = area.Name;
            out_p2_AreaGUID.Value = area.Guid;
            out_cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //insert area
            //iterate area-door pairs
            foreach (Guid doorGuid in area.AllDoors)
                out_p2_DoorGUID.Value = doorGuid;
                out_cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); //insert door-area pair
            Trace($"{Math.Round((double)iteratedCount / areasFromAPI.Data.Rows.Count * 100, 0)}% Wrote {area.AllDoors.Count} DoorAreaPairs");
        TimeSpan QueryOutputTime = DateTime.Now - OutputStart;
        Trace($"Area table refresh completed, {areasFromAPI.Data.Rows.Count} areas inserted in {QueryOutputTime.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
    catch (Exception e)
        Trace($"Exception: {e}");
//initialize the shared sql variables for data insertion
private void InitSqlForInsert(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn)
    if (out_cmd != null) out_cmd.Dispose();
    out_cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    out_trn = conn.BeginTransaction();
    if (out_cmd2 != null) out_cmd2.Dispose();
    out_cmd2 = conn.CreateCommand();
    // Must assign both transaction object and connection
    // to Command object for a pending local transaction
    out_cmd.Connection = conn;
    out_cmd.Transaction = out_trn;
    out_cmd2.Connection = conn;
    out_cmd2.Transaction = out_trn;
    //purge tables
    out_cmd.CommandText = $"TRUNCATE TABLE {AreaExportTableName};";
    out_cmd2.CommandText = $"TRUNCATE TABLE {AreaDoorsExportTableName};";
    out_p_AreaGUID = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AreaGUID", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
    out_p_AreaName = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AreaName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
    out_p2_DoorGUID = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@DoorGUID", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
    out_p2_AreaGUID = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AreaGUID", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
    out_cmd.CommandText =
    $"INSERT INTO {AreaExportTableName} (AreaGUID, AreaName) " +
    "VALUES (@AreaGUID, @AreaName);";
    out_cmd2.CommandText =
    $"INSERT INTO {AreaDoorsExportTableName} (AreaGUID, DoorGUID) " +
    "VALUES (@AreaGUID, @DoorGUID);";
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