| Notes:
| - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
| - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
| - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
| - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
| - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
| - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
| - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
| - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
| - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
| Daisystabbin deaths:7
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (97s 78c)
| total spent: 97s 78c
| Daoevil deaths:6
| Healing Potion - Superior 1 (6s 8c)
| total spent: 6s 8c
| Drawgunfiyah deaths:7
| Healing Potion - Superior 1 (6s 8c)
| total spent: 6s 8c
| Dreamwerkz deaths:7
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| total spent: 1g 78s 99c
| Gankz deaths:7
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 89c)
| total spent: 48s 89c
| Glaustrop deaths:7
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 88s 94c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| total spent: 3g 67s 93c
| Gutterwar deaths:6
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (1g 95s 56c)
| Rage Potion 2
| total spent: 1g 95s 56c
| Hoboe deaths:4
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (4g 11s 76c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 46s 67c)
| Jungle Remedy 2
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (1g 13s 54c)
| total spent: 6g 71s 97c
| Hoboe (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (4g 11s 76c)
| total spent: 4g 11s 76c
| Ironskull deaths:8
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 89c)
| Healing Potion - unknown 1
| total spent: 48s 89c
| Kitejutsu deaths:5
| Anti-Venom 5 (1g 10s 45c)
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (1g 13s 54c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 2 (87s 98c)
| total spent: 3g 11s 97c
| Lokdar deaths:6
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (2g 98s 36c)
| total spent: 2g 98s 36c
| Norkit deaths:6
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 77s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| total spent: 5g 56s 87c
| Notsaweezy deaths:8
| Great Rage Potion 3 (1g 35s 81c)
| total spent: 1g 35s 81c
| Peskii deaths:8
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 77s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| total spent: 5g 56s 87c
| Prplhaze deaths:7
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 77s 88c)
| total spent: 3g 77s 88c
| Reseon deaths:9
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (5g 66s 82c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (97s 78c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 36s 97c)
| total spent: 12g 1s 57c
| Rockmshockem deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 49s 18c)
| total spent: 1g 49s 18c
| Runeword deaths:7
| Dense Sharpening Stone 3
| Scarygirl deaths:6
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 5s 78c)
| Great Rage Potion 1 (45s 27c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 89c)
| total spent: 5g 99s 94c
| Selax deaths:6
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 49s 18c)
| total spent: 1g 49s 18c
| Sinleta deaths:4
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (4g 11s 76c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (48s 89c)
| total spent: 4g 60s 65c
| Sinleta (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (4g 11s 76c)
| total spent: 4g 11s 76c
| Thraa deaths:6
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| total spent: 1g 78s 99c
| Uristmcheal deaths:6
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 36s 97c)
| total spent: 5g 36s 97c
| Velterra deaths:6
| Healing Potion - Major 6 (2g 93s 34c)
| Lesser Mana Oil 2 (49s 98c)
| total spent: 3g 43s 32c
| Cooldown Summary
| Warrior
| War Stomp
| Runeword 1
| Mage
| Scorch
| Reseon 72
| Shaman
| Windfury Totem
| Thraa 36
| Prplhaze 33
| Lokdar 32
| Rockmshockem 29
| Grace of Air Totem
| Rockmshockem 13
| Strength of Earth Totem
| Thraa 36
| Lokdar 32
| Rockmshockem 30
| Prplhaze 12
| Mana Spring Totem
| Rockmshockem 66
| Thraa 32
| Prplhaze 28
| Lokdar 26
| Magma Totem
| Thraa 1
| Ancestral Spirit
| Lokdar 21
| Rockmshockem 14
| Thraa 7
| Prplhaze 4
| Druid
| Rebirth
| Norkit 1
| Swiftmend
| Norkit 9
| Priest
| Resurrection
| Uristmcheal 24
| Desperate Prayer
| Uristmcheal 3
| Paladin
| Holy Shock (heal)
| Selax 18
| Redemption
| Selax 5
| Proc Summary
| Clearcasting
| Prplhaze 100
| Extra Attacks
| Hack and Slash
| Ironskull 35
| Hand of Justice
| Gutterwar 12
| Sword Specialization
| Notsaweezy 29
| Windfury Totem
| Runeword 92
| Daoevil 90
| Ironskull 82
| Daisystabbin 75
| Sinleta 74
| Gankz 64
| Notsaweezy 57
| Gutterwar 57
| Scarygirl 37
| Prplhaze 5
| Drawgunfiyah 3
| Kitejutsu 2
| Velterra 1
| Rockmshockem 1
| Annihilator Log
| <nothing found>
| Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
| <nothing found>
| Pets
| Manapua (Kitejutsu) owned by Kitejutsu
| Percival (Velterra) owned by Velterra
| AirWolf (Drawgunfiyah) owned by Drawgunfiyah
| Cyboarg (Hoboe) owned by Hoboe
| Class Detection
| Daisystabbin rogue
| Daoevil warrior
| Drawgunfiyah hunter
| Dreamwerkz druid
| Gankz rogue
| Glaustrop unknown
| Gutterwar warrior
| Hoboe hunter
| Hoboe (self damage) unknown
| Ironskull rogue
| Kitejutsu hunter
| Lokdar shaman
| Norkit druid
| Notsaweezy warrior
| Peskii mage
| Prplhaze shaman
| Reseon mage
| Rockmshockem shaman
| Runeword warrior
| Scarygirl warrior
| Selax paladin
| Sinleta rogue
| Sinleta (self damage) unknown
| Thraa shaman
| Uristmcheal priest
| Velterra hunter
| Tech
| project version 2024.1080
| project homepage https://github.com/melbaa/summarize_consumes
| prices server nord
| prices timestamp 2024-11-17T00:00:01.431857 (an hour ago)
| log size 8.3 MB
| log lines 111506
| skipped log lines 12065 (10.82%)
| processed in 26.95 seconds. 4137.43 log lines/sec
| runtime platform win32
| runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
| runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]