| Notes:
| - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
| - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
| - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
| - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
| - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
| - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
| - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
| - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
| - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
| Agedmilk deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 3 (1g 37s 97c)
| Arcane Protection 1
| Dense Dynamite 1 (1g 8s 46c)
| Dragonbreath Chili 7 (12g 94s 93c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 5 (11g 74s 75c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 4 (8g 79s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Free Action Potion 1 (1g 88s 91c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (8g 79s)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 3
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 61s 70c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 1 (42s 81c)
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (8g 90s 25c)
| total spent: 155g 83s 24c
| Ajdra deaths:1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 48c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 85s 76c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 5 (2g 84s 60c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Nature Protection 1
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 20g 92s 95c
| Ayeya deaths:1
| Anti-Venom 1 (45s 99c)
| Arcane Protection 1
| Bogling Root 5 (9g 97s 30c)
| Crystal Ward 2
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 39s 22c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Flask of the Titans 1 (81g 20s 93c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (8g 79s)
| Increased Stamina 6
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Medivh's Merlot 4 (9g 12s)
| Mighty Rage Potion 10 (37g 29s 30c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (4g 34s 26c)
| Regeneration 2
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (8g 90s 25c)
| total spent: 178g 56s 7c
| Boggum deaths:1
| ??? Lesser Stoneshield Potion ??? 1
| Dragonbreath Chili 7 (12g 94s 93c)
| Elixir of Firepower 2 (65s 94c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 77s 82c)
| Increased Stamina 5
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Potion of Quickness 1 (2g 80s)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 5 (1g 49s 95c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 4 (7g 12s 20c)
| total spent: 41g 38s 55c
| Britainsand deaths:0
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 92s 88c)
| total spent: 1g 92s 88c
| Burtles deaths:1
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (23g 99s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (6g 59s 25c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 73s 34c)
| Holy Protection 1
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Potion of Quickness 2 (5g 60s)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 61s 70c)
| total spent: 59g 15s 88c
| Carcloch deaths:1
| Agility 3
| Arcane Protection 1
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (23g 99s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 77s 82c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (6g 59s 25c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Potion of Quickness 5 (14g)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 30s 85c)
| Winterfall Firewater 3 (5g 34s 15c)
| total spent: 72g 19s 81c
| Chickensalt deaths:2
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 5 (7g 97s 40c)
| Demonic Rune 10
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (58g 46s 98c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Increased Stamina 1
| Invulnerability 2 (4g 35s 2c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 5 (9g 64s 40c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 2 (1g 13s 84c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 98g 46s 51c
| Darkshadowx deaths:1
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Frost Protection 3
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 73s 34c)
| Healing Potion - unknown 1
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 2 (2g 72s 28c)
| Noggenfogger Elixir 6
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 61s 70c)
| Winterfall Firewater 4 (7g 12s 20c)
| total spent: 38g 51s 95c
| Dblcheezbrgr deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (10g 47s 84c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (14g 9s 70c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (8g 37s 9c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 99s 96c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 78s 64c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 3
| Nature Protection 1
| Regeneration 1
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 115g 98s 78c
| Duplo deaths:3
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (7g 17s 12c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 4 (9g 39s 80c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 1 (2g 79s 3c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 99s 96c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 78s 64c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 3 (1g 70s 76c)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Shadow Protection 3 (18g 74s 70c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 120g 63s 85c
| Ebeach deaths:2
| <nothing found>
| Escalating deaths:2
| Agility 1
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 6 (13g 18s 50c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 73s 34c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 35g 55s 14c
| Frimbord deaths:1
| Anti-Venom 1 (45s 99c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 58s 56c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 78s 64c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Nature Protection 2
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 23g 91s 69c
| Gnoops deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 39s 22c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (6g 59s 25c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 5 (18g 64s 65c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Noggenfogger Elixir 1
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (4g 34s 26c)
| Regeneration 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (8g 90s 25c)
| total spent: 64g 21s 30c
| Goldiedreadd deaths:3
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 5 (29g 99s 95c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 69s 61c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (6g 59s 25c)
| Increased Stamina 1
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 5 (18g 64s 65c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 17s 13c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (29s 99c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (8g 90s 25c)
| total spent: 82g 78s 88c
| Gracytrimsaw deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 3 (1g 37s 97c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (10g 47s 84c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 58s 56c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (14g 9s 70c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 4 (11g 16s 12c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (14g 37s 84c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Invulnerability 3 (6g 52s 53c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 1 (42s 81c)
| total spent: 144g 12s 5c
| Gudlevski deaths:3
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 1
| Goblin Sapper Charge 9 (19g 77s 75c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 11 (41g 2s 23c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (4g 34s 26c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (12g 46s 35c)
| total spent: 89g 77s 81c
| Holysheila deaths:2
| Anti-Venom 3 (1g 37s 97c)
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 48c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 2
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Mana Potion - Major 4 (7g 71s 52c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 1 (56s 92c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 4
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 17g 19s 56c
| Jahakal deaths:1
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 5 (29g 99s 95c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (4g 34s 26c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 37s 82c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 3
| Winterfall Firewater 3 (5g 34s 15c)
| total spent: 58g 21s 79c
| Kimaen deaths:0
| Agility 2
| Arcane Protection 1
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (11g 99s 98c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of the Titans 1 (81g 20s 93c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Greater Stoneshield 1 (3g 49s 99c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Medivh's Merlot 2 (4g 56s)
| Mighty Rage Potion 2 (7g 45s 86c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 135g 60s 96c
| Kujanu deaths:5
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (7g 17s 12c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (14g 9s 70c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Jungle Remedy 2
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 78s 64c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 116g 54s 27c
| Kyneswide deaths:8
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (11g 99s 98c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 39s 22c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 77s 82c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Increased Stamina 1
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 17s 13c)
| Regeneration 2
| Restorative Potion 1 (2g 3s 19c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 6 (1g 79s 94c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 37s 82c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (16g 2s 45c)
| total spent: 64g 50s 24c
| Lightbourne deaths:1
| Dragonbreath Chili 7 (12g 94s 93c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 2 (4g 69s 90c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 2 (4g 39s 98c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 2 (5g 58s 6c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (4g 39s 50c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Mana Potion - Major 8 (15g 43s 4c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (4g 34s 26c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 2 (59s 98c)
| Shadow Oil 2
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 22
| total spent: 131g 20s 43c
| Melanoma deaths:2
| Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 78s 44c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Frost Protection 1
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 85s 76c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 16g 89s 17c
| Merzkybs deaths:7
| Agility 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 4 (6g 37s 92c)
| Demonic Rune 3
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Mana Potion - Major 4 (7g 71s 52c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 4
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| total spent: 25g 8s 67c
| Mioko deaths:0
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (5g 37s 84c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 2
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 92s 88c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 26g 64s 55c
| Newsom deaths:2
| Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 78s 44c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (7g 4s 88c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (14g 37s 84c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 7 (13g 50s 16c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 37s 82c)
| total spent: 53g 69s 32c
| Noheartrate deaths:0
| Anti-Venom 3 (1g 37s 97c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 5 (26g 19s 60c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 58s 56c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 5 (11g 74s 75c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 1 (2g 19s 99c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 4 (11g 16s 12c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Increased Stamina 4
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (14g 37s 84c)
| Invulnerability 2 (4g 35s 2c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 4 (7g 71s 52c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2
| Medivh's Merlot 3 (6g 84s)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 3 (7g 17s)
| Nature Protection 1
| Powerful Anti-Venom 2 (2g 82s 34c)
| Regeneration 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 2 (85s 62c)
| total spent: 183g 8s 35c
| Papitar deaths:0
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 79s 28c)
| total spent: 1g 79s 28c
| Pignip (Noheartrate) deaths:3
| <nothing found>
| Pizqua (Gracytrimsaw) deaths:1
| <nothing found>
| Ramsus deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (7g 17s 12c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 1
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 85s 76c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 29g 41s 97c
| Scattyshifts deaths:3
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (3g 79s 84c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 78s 5c)
| total spent: 12g 86s 74c
| Sctv deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (10g 47s 84c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 2 (4g 39s 98c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 99s 96c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (14g 37s 84c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Invulnerability 4 (8g 70s 4c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 6 (11g 57s 28c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 129g 17s 86c
| Shadowhelper deaths:0
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 5 (8g 96s 40c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 3
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 85s 76c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 27g 95s 3c
| Shermstab deaths:3
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (3g 79s 84c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Gordok Green Grog 3
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 15s 56c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 61s 70c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 1 (42s 81c)
| total spent: 30g 76s 23c
| Superchoc deaths:2
| Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 78s 44c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (58g 46s 98c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 66s 73c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 14 (27g 32c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 110g 42s 34c
| Thedos deaths:5
| Anti-Venom 1 (45s 99c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 92s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 8 (4g 55s 36c)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (1g 41s 17c)
| Regeneration 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Sheen of Zanza 1
| total spent: 35g 30s 18c
| Tsunamy deaths:1
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 69s 61c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 2
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 92s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 5 (2g 84s 60c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Regeneration 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| total spent: 31g 86s 48c
| Unknown deaths:0
| Invisibility Potion 2 (2g 79s 60c)
| total spent: 2g 79s 60c
| Vakos deaths:1
| Anti-Venom 2 (91s 98c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (10g 47s 84c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (1g 79s 28c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (14g 9s 70c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Goblin Sapper Charge 6 (13g 18s 50c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Increased Intellect 7
| Increased Stamina 1
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (14g 37s 84c)
| Invulnerability 4 (8g 70s 4c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 78s 64c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 4 (2g 27s 68c)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Nature Protection 2
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (1g 41s 17c)
| Regeneration 2
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 5 (1g 49s 95c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (18g 74s 70c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 4
| Strong Anti-Venom 1 (42s 81c)
| total spent: 172g 52s 25c
| Vidda deaths:0
| Blessed Wizard Oil 1 (5g 23s 92c)
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 48c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 2 (4g 69s 90c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1 (1g 19s 99c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 99s 96c)
| Increased Intellect 1
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Mana Potion - Major 4 (7g 71s 52c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 1 (2g 39s)
| Regeneration 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (29s 99c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (6g 24s 90c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| total spent: 45g 11s 2c
| Voter deaths:4
| Anti-Venom 4 (1g 83s 96c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 1 (5g 23s 92c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 34s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (7g 4s 85c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (60g 19s 9c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Goblin Sapper Charge 5 (10g 98s 75c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 99s 96c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 15s 56c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (7g 18s 92c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Invulnerability 5 (10g 87s 55c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 14 (27g 32c)
| Medivh's Merlot 3 (6g 84s)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 3 (7g 17s)
| Nature Protection 1
| Regeneration 1
| Shadow Protection 3 (18g 74s 70c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 14
| Strong Anti-Venom 2 (85s 62c)
| total spent: 174g 24s 67c
| Wayan deaths:0
| Invulnerability 1 (2g 17s 51c)
| total spent: 2g 17s 51c
| Werewulf deaths:2
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (23g 99s 96c)
| Dragonbreath Chili 4 (7g 39s 96c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 2 (17g 67s 38c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (99s 57c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 69s 61c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 89s 92c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 86s 90c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 77s 82c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Invulnerability 1 (2g 17s 51c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 8 (29g 83s 44c)
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (1g 41s 17c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 17s 13c)
| Regeneration 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 9
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (8g 90s 25c)
| total spent: 120g 7s 11c
| Whackamoocow deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Wilsony deaths:3
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (23g 99s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (57s 78c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (6g 61s 70c)
| total spent: 34g 93s 24c
| Zevyr deaths:1
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 69s 92c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 99s 14c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 39s 22c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (3g 79s 84c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 73s 80c)
| Fire Protection 3
| Flask of the Titans 1 (81g 20s 93c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 77s 82c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 99s 92c)
| Healing Potion - Superior 1 (9s 81c)
| Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 39s 80c)
| Lesser Invisibility Potion 1 (1g 36s 14c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 92s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 1 (56s 92c)
| Medivh's Merlot 1 (2g 28s)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (89s 97c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (12g 49s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 18s 91c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 3
| total spent: 133g 82s 82c
| Cooldown Summary
| Warrior
| Death Wish
| Jahakal 26
| Werewulf 22
| Gnoops 21
| Boggum 20
| Gudlevski 18
| Goldiedreadd 17
| Ayeya 17
| Darkshadowx 15
| Britainsand 6
| Kimaen 5
| Shield Wall
| Boggum 9
| Werewulf 1
| Kimaen 1
| Recklessness
| Werewulf 2
| Jahakal 2
| Gudlevski 2
| Gnoops 2
| Darkshadowx 2
| Goldiedreadd 1
| Ayeya 1
| Kiss of the Spider
| Boggum 54
| Gudlevski 32
| Werewulf 26
| Jahakal 23
| Gnoops 16
| Ayeya 12
| Kyneswide 1
| Jom Gabbar
| Boggum 1
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Britainsand 6
| Ayeya 6
| Gudlevski 5
| Earthstrike
| Gnoops 6
| Boggum 1
| Mage
| Combustion
| Thedos 3
| Scorch
| Thedos 35
| Voter 23
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Voter 22
| Thedos 20
| Sctv 14
| Vakos 11
| Talisman of Ephemeral Power
| Ebeach 11
| Voter 4
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Voter 13
| Mind Quickening Gem
| Voter 14
| Vakos 10
| Kujanu 9
| Sctv 8
| Shaman
| Nature's Swiftness
| Tsunamy 14
| Chickensalt 12
| Merzkybs 11
| Vidda 1
| Windfury Totem
| Chickensalt 114
| Merzkybs 101
| Tsunamy 88
| Vidda 19
| Grace of Air Totem
| Merzkybs 17
| Strength of Earth Totem
| Merzkybs 137
| Chickensalt 99
| Tsunamy 89
| Vidda 18
| Mana Spring Totem
| Merzkybs 119
| Chickensalt 103
| Vidda 5
| Tsunamy 3
| Fire Nova Totem
| Vidda 3
| Magma Totem
| Chickensalt 1
| Ancestral Spirit
| Chickensalt 10
| Merzkybs 4
| Tsunamy 2
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Vidda 1
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Chickensalt 17
| Tsunamy 16
| Vidda 1
| Natural Alignment Crystal
| Tsunamy 2
| Druid
| Nature's Swiftness
| Superchoc 8
| Rebirth
| Superchoc 1
| Swiftmend
| Superchoc 50
| Hibernation Crystal
| Superchoc 26
| Priest
| Inner Focus
| Duplo 22
| Dblcheezbrgr 19
| Frimbord 9
| Holysheila 7
| Melanoma 6
| Papitar 3
| Resurrection
| Holysheila 14
| Frimbord 7
| Melanoma 3
| Papitar 2
| Duplo 2
| Dblcheezbrgr 1
| The Eye of the Dead
| Frimbord 12
| Melanoma 7
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Dblcheezbrgr 14
| Talisman of Ephemeral Power
| Duplo 15
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Papitar 7
| Stoneform
| Frimbord 4
| Desperate Prayer
| Duplo 4
| Frimbord 2
| Will of the Forsaken
| Holysheila 1
| Paladin
| Holy Shock (heal)
| Newsom 114
| Ramsus 102
| Ajdra 79
| Mioko 75
| Shadowhelper 42
| Redemption
| Newsom 10
| Mioko 6
| Ajdra 5
| Zevyr 3
| Ramsus 2
| The Eye of the Dead
| Ramsus 15
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Zevyr 2
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Shadowhelper 24
| Newsom 22
| Rogue
| Adrenaline Rush
| Escalating 14
| Shermstab 11
| Carcloch 6
| Blade Flurry
| Escalating 52
| Carcloch 35
| Shermstab 23
| Kiss of the Spider
| Agedmilk 38
| Carcloch 17
| Slayer's Crest
| Shermstab 16
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Carcloch 4
| Will of the Forsaken
| Agedmilk 3
| Warlock
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Noheartrate 14
| Wayan 11
| Gracytrimsaw 3
| Hunter
| Slayer's Crest
| Wilsony 4
| Jom Gabbar
| Burtles 15
| Wilsony 13
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Wilsony 12
| Earthstrike
| Burtles 6
| Stoneform
| Wilsony 2
| Proc Summary
| Clearcasting
| Boggum 535
| Kimaen 278
| Scattyshifts 186
| Vidda 148
| Kujanu 141
| Vakos 131
| Britainsand 126
| Voter 124
| Sctv 124
| Whackamoocow 114
| Thedos 95
| Ebeach 29
| Superchoc 14
| Elemental Devastation
| Vidda 1
| Enrage
| Gudlevski 174
| Jahakal 170
| Werewulf 146
| Goldiedreadd 120
| Darkshadowx 114
| Gnoops 97
| Ayeya 75
| Flurry
| Jahakal 515
| Gudlevski 494
| Gnoops 350
| Darkshadowx 316
| Goldiedreadd 315
| Werewulf 292
| Ayeya 258
| Boggum 114
| Britainsand 76
| Kimaen 62
| Scattyshifts 39
| Whackamoocow 18
| Superchoc 5
| Spell Blasting
| Vakos 86
| Kujanu 86
| Sctv 77
| Thedos 61
| Vengeance
| Lightbourne 40
| Extra Attacks
| Hack and Slash
| Carcloch 147
| Escalating 140
| Hand of Justice
| Scattyshifts 3
| Reckoning
| Zevyr 100
| Windfury Totem
| Boggum 403
| Jahakal 302
| Kimaen 273
| Ayeya 264
| Gudlevski 250
| Gnoops 244
| Goldiedreadd 220
| Kyneswide 214
| Carcloch 211
| Shermstab 197
| Zevyr 126
| Lightbourne 124
| Agedmilk 103
| Werewulf 86
| Scattyshifts 86
| Escalating 82
| Superchoc 20
| Merzkybs 7
| Chickensalt 6
| Darkshadowx 4
| Vidda 1
| Windfury Weapon
| Merzkybs 58
| Annihilator Log
| 11/11 20:03:58.556 Venom Stalker gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:04:42.613 Anub'Rekhan is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:04:47.892 Anub'Rekhan is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:05:18.190 Anub'Rekhan is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:13:22.518 Grand Widow Faerlina is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:13:31.749 Grand Widow Faerlina is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:13:31.846 Naxxramas Follower gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:13:44.439 Grand Widow Faerlina is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:15:27.754 Dread Creeper is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:18:54.192 Necro Stalker is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:18:55.519 Necro Stalker is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:19:00.405 Jahakal 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Necro Stalker.
| 11/11 20:20:00.207 Maexxna gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:20:04.160 Maexxna gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:20:15.721 Maexxna gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:29:07.586 Bile Retcher is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:30:05.550 Mad Scientist is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:30:58.320 Werewulf 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Patchwerk.
| 11/11 20:31:01.419 Patchwerk gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:31:07.854 Patchwerk gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:31:07.922 Patchwerk gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:32:36.473 Armor Shatter fades from Patchwerk.
| 11/11 20:35:13.241 Stitched Spewer gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:35:18.906 Stitched Spewer gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:35:20.365 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Stitched Spewer.
| 11/11 20:35:54.962 Stitched Spewer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:36:50.832 Grobbulus gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:37:05.222 Grobbulus gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:37:06.284 Grobbulus gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:39:40.673 Gluth gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:40:00.088 Jahakal 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:25.572 Armor Shatter fades from Gluth.
| 11/11 20:43:01.470 Feugen gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:43:55.788 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:44:03.242 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:44:09.347 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:44:39.765 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Thaddius.
| 11/11 20:44:54.286 Armor Shatter fades from Thaddius.
| 11/11 20:45:17.480 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:45:18.814 Thaddius gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:50:20.987 Deathknight Captain is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:52:05.409 Deathknight Cavalier gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:52:29.760 Risen Deathknight is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:52:52.010 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Deathknight Cavalier.
| 11/11 20:54:11.256 Skeletal Steed is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:54:15.846 Skeletal Steed is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:54:20.320 Skeletal Steed is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:55:14.226 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 20:55:16.136 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 20:55:19.707 Shermstab 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Instructor Razuvious.
| 11/11 20:55:22.080 Instructor Razuvious gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 20:55:25.870 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Instructor Razuvious.
| 11/11 20:55:27.957 Shermstab 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Instructor Razuvious.
| 11/11 20:59:55.363 Necro Knight is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:06:14.565 Gothik the Harvester is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:12:53.674 Thane Korth'azz is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:13:28.098 Thane Korth'azz is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:13:50.778 Highlord Mograine gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:13:52.490 Highlord Mograine gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:14:07.832 Highlord Mograine gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 21:14:43.846 Lady Blaumeux is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:14:52.748 Armor Shatter fades from Highlord Mograine.
| 11/11 21:15:28.769 Armor Shatter fades from Lady Blaumeux.
| 11/11 21:15:51.098 Highlord Mograine gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:15:52.167 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Highlord Mograine.
| 11/11 21:21:42.550 Stoneskin Gargoyle is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:22:23.705 Stoneskin Gargoyle is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:22:36.111 Stoneskin Gargoyle is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:24:06.893 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:24:13.333 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:24:29.361 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 21:26:15.559 Frenzied Bat is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:26:59.429 Heigan the Unclean gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:27:01.004 Heigan the Unclean gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:27:46.004 Armor Shatter fades from Heigan the Unclean.
| 11/11 21:29:54.753 Loatheb gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:30:01.191 Loatheb gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:30:03.082 Loatheb gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 21:31:36.595 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Loatheb.
| 11/11 21:31:48.645 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Loatheb.
| 11/11 21:34:35.486 Sapphiron gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:34:37.785 Sapphiron gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:34:49.428 Sapphiron gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 21:36:32.038 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Sapphiron.
| 11/11 21:38:53.667 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:38:54.971 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:40:20.487 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:41:05.707 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:41:11.928 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:42:55.722 Unstoppable Abomination is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:44:00.877 Kel'Thuzad gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 11/11 21:44:03.524 Kel'Thuzad gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 11/11 21:44:07.187 Ayeya 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Kel'Thuzad.
| 11/11 21:44:09.439 Shermstab 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Kel'Thuzad.
| 11/11 21:44:19.971 Kel'Thuzad gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 11/11 21:45:07.596 Armor Shatter fades from Kel'Thuzad.
| 11/11 21:45:07.911 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Kel'Thuzad.
| 11/11 21:45:32.331 Agedmilk 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Kel'Thuzad.
| 11/11 21:45:36.910 Kel'Thuzad gains Armor Shatter (1).
| Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
| 11/11 20:20:08.084 Maexxna gains Flame Buffet (1).
| 11/11 20:20:26.081 Maexxna gains Flame Buffet (2).
| 11/11 20:20:30.706 Maexxna gains Flame Buffet (3).
| 11/11 21:24:11.706 Noth the Plaguebringer gains Flame Buffet (1).
| Gluth Log
| 11/11 20:39:40.412 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:39:42.249 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:39:42.249 Wilsony casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:39:50.331 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:39:52.121 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:39:52.121 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:00.302 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:40:06.299 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:40:06.299 Wilsony casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:10.286 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:40:12.652 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:40:12.652 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:20.355 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:40:26.774 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:40:26.774 Wilsony casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:30.364 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:40:33.699 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 11/11 20:40:33.699 Burtles casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 11/11 20:40:40.428 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 11/11 20:40:43.301 Gluth dies.
| 4HM Zeliek Chain Log (4+)
| 11/11 21:17:06.502 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Duplo for 501 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:06.502 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Noheartrate for 976 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:06.502 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Thedos for 1878 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:06.502 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Goldiedreadd for 4118 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:19.379 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Mioko for 528 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:19.379 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Melanoma for 999 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:19.379 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Ramsus for 2204 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:19.379 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Chickensalt for 3960 Holy damage.
| 11/11 21:17:19.379 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Newsom for 9128 Holy damage.
| KT Shadow Fissure Log
| 11/11 21:43:50.518 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:44:00.557 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:44:03.565 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Tsunamy for 76891 Shadow damage.
| 11/11 21:44:31.521 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:44:34.540 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Kyneswide for 84283 Shadow damage.
| 11/11 21:44:34.563 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Scattyshifts for 132057 Shadow damage.
| 11/11 21:44:41.531 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:44:44.567 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Goomba (Burtles) for 42593 Shadow damage.
| 11/11 21:45:09.225 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:45:28.162 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 11/11 21:45:31.255 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Wilsony for 104844 Shadow damage.
| KT Frostbolt Log
| 11/11 21:43:46.399 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:43:47.358 Jahakal 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 279.
| 11/11 21:43:47.599 Kyneswide 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 127.
| 11/11 21:43:47.710 Werewulf 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 131.
| 11/11 21:43:47.890 Goldiedreadd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 132.
| 11/11 21:43:48.158 Gnoops 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 259.
| 11/11 21:44:02.416 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:44:03.644 Goldiedreadd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 126.
| 11/11 21:44:03.852 Gnoops 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 133.
| 11/11 21:44:04.310 Kyneswide 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 279.
| 11/11 21:44:05.395 Jahakal 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 146.
| 11/11 21:44:15.486 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:44:16.632 Ayeya 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 122.
| 11/11 21:44:16.832 Kyneswide 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 127.
| 11/11 21:44:17.229 Gudlevski 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 248.
| 11/11 21:44:17.237 Werewulf 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 150.
| 11/11 21:44:33.509 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:44:34.660 Jahakal 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 343.
| 11/11 21:44:35.334 Gnoops 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 141.
| 11/11 21:44:44.531 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:44:45.772 Werewulf 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 124.
| 11/11 21:44:45.855 Jahakal 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 272.
| 11/11 21:44:46.524 Escalating 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 80.
| 11/11 21:44:49.034 Darkshadowx 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 292.
| 11/11 21:44:50.565 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:44:51.896 Gnoops 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 299.
| 11/11 21:44:52.453 Agedmilk 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 84.
| 11/11 21:45:07.596 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:45:08.410 Shermstab 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 166.
| 11/11 21:45:08.410 Escalating 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 83.
| 11/11 21:45:08.779 Jahakal 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 136.
| 11/11 21:45:08.849 Goldiedreadd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 149.
| 11/11 21:45:08.956 Gudlevski 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 138.
| 11/11 21:45:20.620 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:45:21.627 Werewulf 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 138.
| 11/11 21:45:21.772 Jahakal 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 303.
| 11/11 21:45:21.932 Gnoops 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 314.
| 11/11 21:45:22.143 Escalating 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 80.
| 11/11 21:45:32.770 Escalating 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 80.
| 11/11 21:45:33.665 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:45:34.824 Werewulf 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 165.
| 11/11 21:45:34.906 Goldiedreadd 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 173.
| 11/11 21:45:35.191 Gudlevski 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 369.
| 11/11 21:45:50.616 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Gudlevski for 4307 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:52.365 Shermstab 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 83.
| 11/11 21:45:53.699 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 11/11 21:45:55.631 Escalating 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 184.
| KT Frost Blast Log
| 11/11 21:44:26.502 Superchoc is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 11/11 21:44:26.550 Burtles is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 11/11 21:44:27.555 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Burtles for 1389 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:27.555 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Superchoc for 0 Frost damage. (1241 absorbed)
| 11/11 21:44:28.574 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Burtles for 1389 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:28.574 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Superchoc for 0 Frost damage. (1241 absorbed)
| 11/11 21:44:29.475 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Burtles for 1389 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:29.475 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Superchoc for 1240 Frost damage. (1 absorbed)
| 11/11 21:44:30.475 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Burtles for 1389 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:30.475 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Superchoc for 1241 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:31.476 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Burtles for 1389 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:44:31.476 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Superchoc for 1241 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:04.175 Wilsony is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 11/11 21:45:04.175 Ajdra is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 11/11 21:45:05.123 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ajdra for 1414 Frost damage. (68 absorbed)
| 11/11 21:45:05.123 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Wilsony for 1026 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:06.125 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ajdra for 1482 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:06.127 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Wilsony for 1026 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:07.084 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ajdra for 1482 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:07.084 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Wilsony for 1026 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:08.098 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ajdra for 1482 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:08.098 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Wilsony for 1026 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:09.183 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ajdra for 1482 Frost damage.
| 11/11 21:45:09.225 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Wilsony for 1026 Frost damage.
| Pets
| WilsonsBat (Wilsony) owned by Wilsony
| Goomba (Burtles) owned by Burtles
| Class Detection
| Agedmilk rogue
| Ajdra paladin
| Ayeya warrior
| Boggum warrior
| Britainsand warrior
| Burtles hunter
| Carcloch rogue
| Chickensalt shaman
| Darkshadowx warrior
| Dblcheezbrgr priest
| Duplo priest
| Ebeach mage
| Escalating rogue
| Frimbord priest
| Gnoops warrior
| Goldiedreadd warrior
| Gracytrimsaw warlock
| Gudlevski warrior
| Holysheila priest
| Jahakal warrior
| Kimaen warrior
| Kujanu mage
| Kyneswide warrior
| Lightbourne warlock
| Melanoma priest
| Merzkybs shaman
| Mioko paladin
| Newsom paladin
| Noheartrate warlock
| Papitar priest
| Pignip (Noheartrate) unknown
| Pizqua (Gracytrimsaw) unknown
| Ramsus paladin
| Scattyshifts druid
| Sctv mage
| Shadowhelper paladin
| Shermstab rogue
| Superchoc druid
| Thedos mage
| Tsunamy shaman
| Unknown unknown
| Vakos mage
| Vidda shaman
| Voter mage
| Wayan warlock
| Werewulf warrior
| Whackamoocow warrior
| Wilsony hunter
| Zevyr paladin
| Tech
| project version 2024.1078
| project homepage https://github.com/melbaa/summarize_consumes
| prices server nord
| prices timestamp 2024-11-11T00:00:01.975108 (11 hours ago)
| log size 33.8 MB
| log lines 459391
| skipped log lines 2731 (0.59%)
| processed in 38.20 seconds. 12027.44 log lines/sec
| runtime platform win32
| runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
| runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]