New paste Repaste Download
    - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
    - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
    - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
    - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
    - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
    - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
    - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
    - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
    - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
Aeywynn deaths:3
   Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4   (23g 97s 40c)
   Dense Dynamite 18   (16g 50s 60c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 67s 24c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 73s 99c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 7   (15g 4s 16c)
   Nature Protection 4
   Potion of Quickness 1   (2g 65s 95c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 4   (1g 17s 60c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (6g 86s 84c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (8g 32s 35c)
   total spent: 92g 40s 55c
Aeywynn (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 7   (15g 4s 16c)
   total spent: 15g 4s 16c
Araktar deaths:3
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 85s 16c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 83s 62c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   total spent: 9g 56s 98c
Cardrino deaths:4
   Blessed Wizard Oil 1   (5g 8s 15c)
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (1g 91s 52c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 4   (7g 97s 72c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 2   (4g 19s 96c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (5g 19s 96c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 79s 82c)
   Increased Stamina 3
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   Regeneration 2
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 3
   total spent: 49g 12s 63c
Chahman deaths:3
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 56s 16c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (7g 44s 16c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 66s 47c)
   total spent: 21g 55s 56c
Chillaf deaths:2
   Dense Dynamite 2   (1g 83s 40c)
   Dragonbreath Chili 3   (5g 53s 14c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 21s 97c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   Greater Stoneshield 1   (3g 34s 97c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 86s 4c)
   Rejuvenation Potion - Major 3   (13g 16s 94c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 13
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 37g 53s 60c
Chillaf (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   total spent: 2g 14s 88c
Coldaf deaths:5
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (5g 74s 56c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 3   (5g 98s 29c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 59s 98c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 89s 91c)
   Increased Intellect 6
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 86s 4c)
   Medivh's Merlot 2   (3g 95s 98c)
   Regeneration 2
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 5
   total spent: 39g 70s 25c
Crushnasty deaths:2
   Dreamtonic 2   (3g 98s 86c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 83s 62c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (68s 95c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (3g 43s 42c)
   total spent: 19g 94s 48c
Davydd deaths:4
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 5   (9g 97s 15c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1   (1g 15s)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 89s 91c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 27g 70s 27c
Finius deaths:9
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 79s 82c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 21g 38s 33c
Heyzeuss deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 4   (7g 66s 8c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Increased Intellect 4
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   total spent: 16g 3s 64c
Holyangel deaths:3
   Agility 1
   Blessed Wizard Oil 2   (10g 16s 30c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 21s 97c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Medivh's Merlot 3   (5g 93s 97c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   Strength 1
   total spent: 25g 68s 25c
Holyangel (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   total spent: 2g 14s 88c
Jiyuni deaths:5
   Dense Dynamite 6   (5g 50s 20c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 50s 86c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (8g 69s 73c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 86s 4c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2   (4g 17s 90c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 32g 24s 70c
Jiyuni (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   total spent: 2g 14s 88c
Kittyshot (Crushnasty) deaths:0
   Agility 1
Lexie deaths:4
   Brilliant Mana Oil 4   (6g 24s 64c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 72s 8c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 14g 97s 29c
Magesticks deaths:3
   Anti-Venom 5   (1g 8s 70c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 6   (11g 96s 58c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (5g 19s 96c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (59g 49s 69c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 79s 82c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 37s 90c)
   Increased Intellect 1
   Increased Stamina 6
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2   (11g 81s 56c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   Nature Protection 4
   Regeneration 2
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 7   (2g 5s 80c)
   Shadow Protection 2   (11g 76s 40c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 10
   Strong Anti-Venom 4   (1g 71s 24c)
   total spent: 129g 70s 4c
Matsuta deaths:6
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (5g 74s 56c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 7   (13g 96s 1c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (2g 9s 98c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (59g 49s 69c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 79s 82c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (68s 95c)
   Increased Intellect 6
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (5g 90s 78c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 72s 8c)
   Noggenfogger Elixir 2
   Potion of Quickness 4   (10g 63s 80c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 119g 89s 94c
Optli deaths:3
   Consecrated Sharpening Stone 5   (29g 96s 75c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 83s 62c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (3g 43s 42c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 43g 33s 12c
Premium deaths:4
   Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2   (11g 98s 70c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (3g 70s 32c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 67s 24c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (4g 29s 76c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (6g 86s 84c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (8g 32s 35c)
   total spent: 48g 1s 52c
Premium (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (4g 29s 76c)
   total spent: 4g 29s 76c
Rootoigh deaths:8
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Dreamtonic 5   (9g 97s 15c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (2g 9s 98c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 65s 97c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 59s 98c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 79s 82c)
   Increased Intellect 3
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2   (11g 81s 56c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 90s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 6   (11g 16s 24c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 6
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 59g 2s 87c
Rootoigh (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (2g 14s 88c)
   total spent: 2g 14s 88c
Rustypipes deaths:4
   Brilliant Mana Oil 2   (3g 12s 32c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 30s 20c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5
   Regeneration 1
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 4   (1g 17s 60c)
   Shadow Protection 2   (11g 76s 40c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 27g 57s 65c
Steamroll deaths:5
   Blessed Sunfruit 6
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 6   (50g 53s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (5g 19s 96c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (3g 70s 32c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 67s 24c)
   Flask of the Titans 1   (80g 18s 46c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 1   (4g 31s 85c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Winterfall Firewater 6   (9g 98s 82c)
   total spent: 161g 95s 18c
Stormlings deaths:3
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (3g 83s 4c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 21g 36s 91c
Tarmir (Worec) deaths:7
   <nothing found>
Terzdruid deaths:3
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (8g 42s 24c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 13s 96c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (5g 19s 96c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 67s 24c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 47s 98c)
   Greater Stoneshield 4   (13g 39s 88c)
   Increased Stamina 6
   Medivh's Merlot 6   (11g 87s 94c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (6g 86s 84c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   Winterfall Firewater 6   (9g 98s 82c)
   total spent: 69g 47s 12c
Tugarat deaths:4
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1   (55g 99s 24c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 30s 20c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 2   (4g 42s 26c)
   total spent: 81g 18s 78c
Valz deaths:5
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 3   (6g 29s 94c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 59s 98c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (4g 29s 76c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 89s 91c)
   Invulnerability 8   (15g 22s 40c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 30s 20c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 52g 57s 94c
Valz (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (4g 29s 76c)
   total spent: 4g 29s 76c
Wejaton deaths:2
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (5g 58s 88c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 13g 38s 13c
Worec deaths:8
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 4   (7g 66s 8c)
   Demonic Rune 1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (2g 9s 98c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 89s 91c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (68s 95c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 86s 4c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Shadow Protection 2   (11g 76s 40c)
   total spent: 30g 83s 78c
Yazpep (Valz) deaths:7
   <nothing found>
Yggd deaths:3
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (5g 74s 56c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (2g 79s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 6s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 58s 12c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 7
   Regeneration 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 17g 40s 23c
Zaas deaths:6
   Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1   (5g 99s 35c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 67s 24c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 47s 98c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (68s 95c)
   Invulnerability 3   (5g 70s 90c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 4   (1g 17s 60c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (5g 88s 20c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 21s 13c)
   total spent: 28g 81s 35c
Cooldown Summary
      Death Wish
         Steamroll 11
         Araktar 2
         Steamroll 3
         Zaas 1
         Araktar 1
         Zaas 48
         Steamroll 45
         Araktar 7
      Kiss of the Spider
         Zaas 19
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Zaas 14
      The Eye of the Dead
         Zaas 1
         Cardrino 8
         Matsuta 3
         Cardrino 145
         Matsuta 109
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Matsuta 23
         Finius 18
         Magesticks 12
         Coldaf 12
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Cardrino 8
      Mind Quickening Gem
         Coldaf 10
         Magesticks 6
         Matsuta 5
         Finius 3
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Magesticks 33
         Finius 4
         Matsuta 1
      Nature's Swiftness
         Chahman 12
         Tugarat 8
         Yggd 7
         Stormlings 7
         Rustypipes 3
      Windfury Totem
         Chahman 101
         Stormlings 81
         Tugarat 75
         Yggd 7
         Rustypipes 5
      Grace of Air Totem
         Yggd 2
      Tranquil Air Totem
         Yggd 62
         Rustypipes 40
      Strength of Earth Totem
         Chahman 93
         Tugarat 79
         Stormlings 67
         Rustypipes 5
      Mana Spring Totem
         Chahman 90
         Stormlings 72
         Rustypipes 50
         Yggd 32
         Tugarat 8
      Searing Totem
         Yggd 47
         Rustypipes 13
         Tugarat 5
      Fire Nova Totem
         Yggd 3
         Rustypipes 2
         Stormlings 1
         Chahman 1
      Magma Totem
         Rustypipes 31
      Ancestral Spirit
         Yggd 19
         Rustypipes 10
         Chahman 5
         Tugarat 3
         Stormlings 1
      The Eye of the Dead
         Chahman 10
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Stormlings 26
      War Stomp
         Rustypipes 1
         Davydd 2
      Inner Focus
         Rootoigh 16
         Lexie 1
         Rootoigh 12
         Lexie 5
      The Eye of the Dead
         Lexie 27
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Rootoigh 23
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Lexie 1
      Holy Shock (heal)
         Heyzeuss 59
         Wejaton 21
         Heyzeuss 10
         Wejaton 5
         Jiyuni 3
         Holyangel 3
         Chillaf 2
      The Eye of the Dead
         Wejaton 21
         Heyzeuss 14
         Chillaf 4
      Adrenaline Rush
         Aeywynn 11
         Premium 8
      Blade Flurry
         Aeywynn 30
         Premium 19
      Kiss of the Spider
         Aeywynn 25
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Aeywynn 9
         Aeywynn 1
      Rapid Fire
         Optli 11
         Crushnasty 10
      Slayer's Crest
         Crushnasty 22
         Crushnasty 15
Proc Summary
      Terzdruid 98
      Coldaf 96
      Finius 93
      Magesticks 89
      Matsuta 75
      Davydd 74
      Cardrino 48
      Steamroll 99
      Araktar 29
      Steamroll 245
      Araktar 104
   Nature's Grace
      Davydd 154
   Spell Blasting
      Chillaf 93
      Holyangel 84
      Coldaf 67
      Rootoigh 45
      Jiyuni 83
      Chillaf 9
   Extra Attacks
      Hack and Slash
         Premium 127
         Aeywynn 89
      Hand of Justice
         Steamroll 33
         Jiyuni 22
         Holyangel 10
         Chillaf 119
         Holyangel 65
      Sword Specialization
         Zaas 21
      Windfury Totem
         Terzdruid 297
         Steamroll 273
         Premium 268
         Zaas 251
         Aeywynn 246
         Chillaf 235
         Holyangel 228
         Kittyshot (Crushnasty) 212
         Araktar 112
         Jiyuni 79
         Stormlings 9
         Optli 5
         Chahman 5
         Wejaton 4
         Tugarat 2
         Crushnasty 1
      Windfury Weapon
         Chahman 16
Annihilator Log
   <nothing found>
Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
   <nothing found>
Gluth Log
   11/13 14:34:54.245  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:34:58.406  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:34:58.406  Crushnasty casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:35:04.319  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:07.176  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:35:07.176  Optli casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:35:14.334  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:19.021  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:35:19.021  Crushnasty casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:35:24.209  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:29.505  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:35:29.505  Optli casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:35:34.222  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:39.231  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:35:39.231  Crushnasty casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:35:44.270  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:54.287  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:35:59.630  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:35:59.630  Crushnasty casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:36:04.343  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:36:07.204  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:36:07.204  Optli casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:36:14.412  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:36:19.936  Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
   11/13 14:36:19.936  Crushnasty casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
   11/13 14:36:24.430  Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
   11/13 14:36:26.283  Gluth dies.
   Kittyshot (Crushnasty) owned by Crushnasty
   Lucky (Optli) owned by Optli
Class Detection
   Aeywynn rogue
   Aeywynn (self damage) unknown
   Araktar warrior
   Cardrino mage
   Chahman shaman
   Chillaf paladin
   Chillaf (self damage) unknown
   Coldaf mage
   Crushnasty hunter
   Davydd druid
   Finius mage
   Heyzeuss paladin
   Holyangel paladin
   Holyangel (self damage) unknown
   Jiyuni paladin
   Jiyuni (self damage) unknown
   Kittyshot (Crushnasty) unknown
   Lexie priest
   Magesticks mage
   Matsuta mage
   Optli hunter
   Premium rogue
   Premium (self damage) unknown
   Rootoigh priest
   Rootoigh (self damage) unknown
   Rustypipes shaman
   Steamroll warrior
   Stormlings shaman
   Tarmir (Worec) unknown
   Terzdruid druid
   Tugarat shaman
   Valz unknown
   Valz (self damage) unknown
   Wejaton paladin
   Worec unknown
   Yazpep (Valz) unknown
   Yggd shaman
   Zaas warrior
   project version 2024.1081
   project homepage
   prices server nord
   prices timestamp 2024-11-13T00:00:01.720620 (3 hours ago)
   log size 19.2 MB
   log lines 257245
   skipped log lines 5458 (2.12%)
   processed in 23.63 seconds. 10885.69 log lines/sec
   runtime platform win32
   runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
   runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Filename: None. Size: 19kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

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