| Notes:
| - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
| - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
| - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
| - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
| - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
| - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
| - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
| - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
| - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
| Andi deaths:9
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (29g 30s 22c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 3 (17g 93s 88c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 95s 41c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 3 (7g 94s 94c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Fire Protection 5
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 5 (6g 94s 70c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| Greater Stoneshield 1 (3g 13s 98c)
| Increased Stamina 6
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 66s 44c)
| Medivh's Merlot 2 (3g 77s 98c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 2 (7g 69s 20c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 5s 80c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 6 (2g 60s 70c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (10g 9s 62c)
| total spent: 186g 8s 53c
| Andi (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| total spent: 1g 81s 95c
| Ashimos deaths:16
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 27s 93c)
| Dreamtonic 2 (4g)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (5g 84s 88c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 99s 86c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 90s 52c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| total spent: 82g 96s 35c
| Berdo deaths:9
| Dense Sharpening Stone 12
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Free Action Potion 1 (1g 38s 94c)
| Frost Protection 7
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (61s 63c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 5s 80c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 30s 35c)
| Shadow Protection 5 (23g 19s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 1
| Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 64s 95c)
| Winterfall Firewater 3 (3g 36s 54c)
| total spent: 43g 8s 63c
| Cryptohodler deaths:10
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (19g 53s 48c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 95s 41c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 7
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 8 (3g 47s 60c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| Tea with Sugar 6 (1g 97s 94c)
| Winterfall Firewater 11 (12g 33s 98c)
| total spent: 61g 68s 65c
| Davycc deaths:12
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 83s 79c)
| Dreamtonic 13 (26g)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 4 (4g 98s 84c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 99s 86c)
| Frost Protection 7
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 71s 56c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (61s 63c)
| Increased Intellect 5
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 7 (2g 30s 93c)
| total spent: 101g 76s 24c
| Dontlookatme deaths:7
| Anti-Venom 4 (29s 96c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 27s 93c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (12g)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 64s 98c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 99s 86c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (2g 77s 88c)
| Frost Protection 7
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 90s 52c)
| Increased Stamina 7
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (6g 71s 58c)
| Invulnerability 4 (6g 65s 76c)
| Mana Potion - Major 12 (21g 47s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 3 (1g 42s 95c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Potion of Quickness 4 (10g 34s 52c)
| Powerful Anti-Venom 1 (84s 74c)
| Powerful Smelling Salts 1 (13g 58s 76c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 5 (2g 17s 25c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 7
| Strong Anti-Venom 1 (13s 55c)
| Tea with Sugar 15 (4g 94s 85c)
| total spent: 161g 27s 92c
| Eled deaths:5
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 6 (11g 37s 90c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 4 (9g 11s 72c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 4 (26g 86s 32c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 36s 97c)
| Masterwork Target Dummy 1
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Tea with Sugar 6 (1g 97s 94c)
| total spent: 83g 78s 61c
| Falkura deaths:5
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 4 (23g 91s 84c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 7
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (7g 27s 80c)
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (2g 46s 52c)
| Increased Stamina 4
| Medivh's Merlot 4 (7g 55s 96c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Tea with Sugar 12 (3g 95s 88c)
| Winterfall Firewater 4 (4g 48s 72c)
| total spent: 67g 97s 24c
| Falkura (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (7g 27s 80c)
| total spent: 7g 27s 80c
| Frageur deaths:5
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 6s 20c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 55s 86c)
| Dreamtonic 1 (2g)
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 94c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (2g 46s 52c)
| Mana Potion - Major 8 (14g 31s 92c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 8
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Tea with Sugar 12 (3g 95s 88c)
| total spent: 91g 15s 52c
| Fredge deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (9g 18s 60c)
| Demonic Rune 8
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 29s 96c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 2 (88g 99s 88c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (2g 77s 88c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Increased Stamina 1
| Mana Potion - Major 7 (12g 52s 93c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 11
| Medivh's Merlot 4 (7g 55s 96c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 5 (23g 19s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 3 (98s 97c)
| total spent: 156g 1s 56c
| Gilgosh deaths:21
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 76s 74c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 97s 96c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (3g 50s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Healing Potion - Superior 2 (9s 52c)
| Invulnerability 2 (3g 32s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Major 5 (8g 94s 95c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 9 (4g 28s 85c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 9
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (5g 89s 74c)
| Tea with Sugar 30 (9g 89s 70c)
| Winterfall Firewater 8 (8g 97s 44c)
| total spent: 72g 95s 68c
| Haadienn deaths:9
| Dense Sharpening Stone 3
| Dense Weighstone 3
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 6 (35g 87s 76c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 29s 96c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (3g 50s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Frost Protection 5
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (2g 46s 52c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 58s 70c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Winterfall Firewater 8 (8g 97s 44c)
| total spent: 154g 61s 37c
| Heyzeuss deaths:6
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 6 (11g 37s 90c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 27s 93c)
| Increased Intellect 9
| Mana Potion - Major 17 (30g 42s 83c)
| Tea with Sugar 43 (14g 18s 57c)
| total spent: 58g 27s 23c
| Holyangel deaths:8
| Agility 1
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 1
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of Greater Agility 1 (19s 13c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Increased Stamina 4
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 57s 98c)
| Medivh's Merlot 5 (9g 44s 95c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 30s 35c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 11
| Strength 1
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| total spent: 51g 56s 23c
| Honeles deaths:9
| Anti-Venom 1 (7s 49c)
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 97s 96c)
| Elixir of the Giants 3 (5g 25s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 49s 97c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 1 (1g 38s 94c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (2g 46s 52c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 1
| Swiftness of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (7g 85s 26c)
| total spent: 132g 44s 58c
| Hosky deaths:7
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Dense Dynamite 10 (10g 96s 60c)
| Dense Weighstone 1
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 97s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 29s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (2g 77s 88c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (5g 45s 85c)
| Increased Stamina 2
| Medivh's Merlot 5 (9g 44s 95c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 6 (23g 7s 60c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 52s 90c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 30s 35c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 10
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 63s 92c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (10g 9s 62c)
| total spent: 189g 26s 13c
| Hosky (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 3 (5g 45s 85c)
| total spent: 5g 45s 85c
| Kaelin deaths:8
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (29g 30s 22c)
| Dense Dynamite 10 (10g 96s 60c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 29s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 4 (5g 55s 76c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Goblin Sapper Charge 7 (12g 73s 65c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 23s 26c)
| Potion of Quickness 3 (7g 75s 89c)
| Regeneration 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 8 (3g 47s 60c)
| Shadow Protection 5 (23g 19s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 5
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (5g 89s 74c)
| Tea with Sugar 1 (32s 99c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (7g 85s 26c)
| total spent: 192g 56s 78c
| Kaelin (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 7 (12g 73s 65c)
| total spent: 12g 73s 65c
| Kaleniru deaths:6
| Anti-Venom 2 (14s 98c)
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (29g 30s 22c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 10
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (61s 63c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 30s 35c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 63s 92c)
| total spent: 60g 52s 44c
| Lockblock deaths:19
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 55s 86c)
| Dreamtonic 11 (22g)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 3 (3g 74s 13c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (5g 84s 88c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 99s 86c)
| Frost Protection 9
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 63s 90c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 81s 4c)
| Invulnerability 9 (14g 97s 96c)
| Rejuvenation Potion - Major 2 (5g 15s 94c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 10 (4g 34s 50c)
| Shadow Protection 5 (23g 19s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 4
| Tea with Sugar 18 (5g 93s 82c)
| total spent: 153g 22s 97c
| Lockblock (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 63s 90c)
| total spent: 3g 63s 90c
| Marodox deaths:9
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (7g 58s 60c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 83s 79c)
| Dreamtonic 7 (14g)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of Supreme Power 2 (93g 99s 72c)
| Frost Protection 5
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 71s 56c)
| Increased Intellect 10
| Invulnerability 4 (6g 65s 76c)
| Mana Potion - Major 12 (21g 47s 88c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 73s 80c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 18 (5g 93s 82c)
| total spent: 176g 22s 85c
| Meaddow deaths:11
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (19g 53s 48c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Giants 3 (5g 25s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 49s 97c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 1 (1g 38s 94c)
| Frost Protection 5
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (7g 27s 80c)
| Healing Potion - Major 5 (3g 8s 15c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (1g 30s 35c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 3 (8g 84s 61c)
| Tea with Sugar 3 (98s 97c)
| Thorium Grenade 4 (4g 77s 44c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (10g 9s 62c)
| total spent: 80g 81s 36c
| Meaddow (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 4 (7g 27s 80c)
| total spent: 7g 27s 80c
| Mjolnir deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 6s 20c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 83s 79c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 95s 41c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 94c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Mana Potion - Major 8 (14g 31s 92c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 9
| Tea with Sugar 23 (7g 58s 77c)
| total spent: 88g 53s 95c
| Nastycrush deaths:9
| Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (9g 18s 60c)
| Demonic Rune 1
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 8
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (61s 63c)
| Increased Stamina 2
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 36s 97c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 2 (95s 30c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 13
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Tea with Sugar 14 (4g 61s 86c)
| total spent: 36g 63s 18c
| Oreius deaths:10
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 97s 96c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Goblin Sapper Charge 10 (18g 19s 50c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 5 (19g 23s)
| Nature Protection 3
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 52s 90c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 9 (3g 91s 5c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 4
| Tea with Sugar 12 (3g 95s 88c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (10g 9s 62c)
| total spent: 113g 25s 88c
| Oreius (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 10 (18g 19s 50c)
| total spent: 18g 19s 50c
| Palatora deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 59s 30c)
| Frost Protection 5
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 36s 97c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 1 (47s 65c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 63s 92c)
| total spent: 21g 22s 44c
| Panzerotti deaths:8
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 2 (11g 95s 92c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (4g 49s 97c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Increased Stamina 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 9 (3g 91s 5c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 6
| Tea with Sugar 7 (2g 30s 93c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (7g 85s 26c)
| total spent: 64g 25s 41c
| Petrichor deaths:1
| Fire Protection 2
| Ramiruxpr deaths:3
| Dense Dynamite 7 (7g 67s 62c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Fire Protection 2
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 4 (5g 55s 76c)
| Frost Protection 9
| Goblin Sapper Charge 7 (12g 73s 65c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Potion of Quickness 6 (15g 51s 78c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 7 (3g 4s 15c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 6
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 64s 95c)
| total spent: 144g 16s 21c
| Ramiruxpr (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 7 (12g 73s 65c)
| total spent: 12g 73s 65c
| Shamuelle deaths:6
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 6s 20c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 83s 79c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 94c)
| Frost Protection 2
| Mana Potion - Major 24 (42g 95s 76c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 13 (4g 28s 87c)
| total spent: 110g 77s 63c
| Spoobzilla deaths:11
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (19g 53s 48c)
| Dense Dynamite 9 (9g 86s 94c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Free Action Potion 1 (1g 38s 94c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 5s 80c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 2
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (10g 9s 62c)
| total spent: 64g 17s 7c
| Spoobzilla (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| total spent: 1g 81s 95c
| Steamadin deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (9g 18s 60c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 83s 79c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 95s 41c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (6g 71s 58c)
| Mana Potion - Major 15 (26g 84s 85c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 4
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Tea with Sugar 16 (5g 27s 84c)
| total spent: 62g 46s 3c
| Tangents deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 6 (9g 18s 60c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 27s 93c)
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (44g 49s 94c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Mana Potion - Major 11 (19g 68s 89c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 16 (5g 27s 84c)
| total spent: 98g 35s 72c
| Terragoth deaths:13
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (2g 77s 88c)
| Frost Protection 4
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 5s 80c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Winterfall Firewater 10 (11g 21s 80c)
| total spent: 54g 13s 9c
| Terzdruid deaths:8
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (4g 88s 37c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 2 (5g 29s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Greater Stoneshield 5 (15g 69s 90c)
| Increased Stamina 12
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 57s 98c)
| Medivh's Merlot 9 (17g 91c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 63s 96c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (5g 89s 74c)
| Tea with Sugar 1 (32s 99c)
| Winterfall Firewater 3 (3g 36s 54c)
| total spent: 147g 33s 86c
| Trankytrank deaths:7
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 65s 11c)
| Dense Dynamite 3 (3g 28s 98c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 1 (5g 97s 96c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| Invulnerability 3 (4g 99s 32c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 57s 98c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Stratholme Holy Water 15
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| Tea with Sugar 16 (5g 27s 84c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (7g 85s 26c)
| total spent: 78g 12s 56c
| Trankytrank (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 81s 95c)
| total spent: 1g 81s 95c
| Trollio deaths:12
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (29g 30s 22c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 7
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 23s 26c)
| Holy Protection 1
| Nature Protection 4
| Shadow Protection 7 (32g 47s 72c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (7g 1s 28c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (5g 89s 74c)
| Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 64s 95c)
| total spent: 80g 57s 15c
| Worldstar deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 5 (7g 65s 50c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 55s 86c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Frost Protection 3
| Increased Stamina 1
| Invulnerability 2 (3g 32s 88c)
| Mana Potion - Major 7 (12g 52s 93c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 2 (86s 90c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 27s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 31 (10g 22s 69c)
| total spent: 50g 41s 62c
| Wtel deaths:11
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 10 (48g 83s 70c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 64s 98c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (2g 99s 98c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (70g 48s 49c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Healing Potion - Major 4 (2g 46s 52c)
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2 (5g 5s 80c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 11 (4g 77s 95c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Tea with Sugar 16 (5g 27s 84c)
| Winterfall Firewater 10 (11g 21s 80c)
| total spent: 162g 42s 99c
| Yggy deaths:40
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (3g 79s 30c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 55s 86c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (6g)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 96s 94c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (5g 84s 88c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (46g 99s 86c)
| Frost Protection 6
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 90s 52c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (1g 84s 89c)
| Regeneration 3
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 91s 88c)
| Tea with Sugar 1 (32s 99c)
| total spent: 88g 17s 12c
| Zanidivh deaths:10
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Frost Protection 8
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 23s 26c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 78s 99c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| total spent: 30g 52s 6c
| Zarken deaths:5
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 4 (19g 53s 48c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (98s 47c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 64s 98c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 49s 99c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (4g 16s 82c)
| Frost Protection 8
| Goblin Sapper Charge 6 (10g 91s 70c)
| Healing Potion - Major 9 (5g 54s 67c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 10 (4g 34s 50c)
| Shadow Protection 4 (18g 55s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (3g 50s 64c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (2g 94s 87c)
| Tea with Sugar 9 (2g 96s 91c)
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 12s 18c)
| total spent: 78g 75s 5c
| Zarken (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 6 (10g 91s 70c)
| total spent: 10g 91s 70c
| Cooldown Summary
| Warrior
| Death Wish
| Haadienn 15
| Terragoth 14
| Spoobzilla 14
| Berdo 14
| Wtel 12
| Andi 5
| Recklessness
| Panzerotti 4
| Oreius 4
| Honeles 4
| Terragoth 3
| Spoobzilla 3
| Hosky 3
| Falkura 3
| Wtel 2
| Haadienn 2
| Berdo 1
| Bloodrage
| Panzerotti 103
| Falkura 102
| Haadienn 96
| Berdo 72
| Oreius 70
| Spoobzilla 61
| Honeles 60
| Andi 58
| Hosky 55
| Wtel 46
| Terragoth 24
| Kiss of the Spider
| Andi 22
| Wtel 13
| Jom Gabbar
| Hosky 6
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Berdo 22
| Haadienn 17
| Diamond Flask
| Spoobzilla 3
| Berserking
| Panzerotti 41
| War Stomp
| Terragoth 2
| Mage
| Combustion
| Davycc 17
| Scorch
| Davycc 719
| Dontlookatme 22
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Dontlookatme 13
| Mind Quickening Gem
| Dontlookatme 11
| Berserking
| Dontlookatme 27
| Shaman
| Nature's Swiftness
| Worldstar 29
| Nastycrush 23
| Mjolnir 23
| Shamuelle 20
| Fredge 6
| Windfury Totem
| Shamuelle 129
| Worldstar 115
| Nastycrush 105
| Fredge 98
| Mjolnir 90
| Grace of Air Totem
| Shamuelle 1
| Strength of Earth Totem
| Shamuelle 133
| Worldstar 105
| Fredge 102
| Nastycrush 82
| Mjolnir 69
| Mana Spring Totem
| Worldstar 109
| Nastycrush 108
| Mjolnir 102
| Fredge 22
| Shamuelle 9
| Magma Totem
| Nastycrush 2
| Mjolnir 1
| Ancestral Spirit
| Worldstar 13
| Mjolnir 12
| Shamuelle 6
| Fredge 6
| Nastycrush 4
| The Eye of the Dead
| Worldstar 22
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Nastycrush 25
| Berserking
| Worldstar 22
| Druid
| Rebirth
| Terzdruid 2
| Kiss of the Spider
| Terzdruid 12
| Priest
| Inner Focus
| Tangents 18
| Marodox 16
| Resurrection
| Frageur 13
| Tangents 7
| Marodox 6
| The Eye of the Dead
| Frageur 4
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Frageur 2
| Stoneform
| Marodox 1
| Desperate Prayer
| Marodox 9
| Will of the Forsaken
| Frageur 1
| Paladin
| Holy Shock (heal)
| Heyzeuss 148
| Steamadin 105
| Eled 44
| Palatora 17
| Redemption
| Eled 23
| Palatora 21
| Steamadin 14
| Heyzeuss 6
| Holyangel 1
| The Eye of the Dead
| Heyzeuss 31
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Palatora 11
| Stoneform
| Eled 4
| Palatora 2
| Rogue
| Adrenaline Rush
| Zarken 32
| Ramiruxpr 22
| Kaelin 22
| Cryptohodler 19
| Meaddow 13
| Blade Flurry
| Zarken 55
| Ramiruxpr 50
| Kaelin 48
| Meaddow 46
| Cryptohodler 44
| Kiss of the Spider
| Ramiruxpr 38
| Cryptohodler 10
| Slayer's Crest
| Zarken 47
| Ramiruxpr 19
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Ramiruxpr 16
| Will of the Forsaken
| Cryptohodler 3
| Zarken 2
| Warlock
| Talisman of Ephemeral Power
| Lockblock 4
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Lockblock 2
| Will of the Forsaken
| Ashimos 1
| Hunter
| Rapid Fire
| Trankytrank 19
| Kaleniru 16
| Gilgosh 15
| Zanidivh 13
| Trollio 8
| Slayer's Crest
| Trankytrank 10
| Kaleniru 8
| Jom Gabbar
| Kaleniru 15
| Trollio 4
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Kaleniru 15
| Zanidivh 10
| Earthstrike
| Trollio 21
| Berserking
| Trollio 6
| Kaleniru 6
| Proc Summary
| Clearcasting
| Terzdruid 247
| Dontlookatme 183
| Davycc 124
| Petrichor 2
| Enrage
| Haadienn 98
| Andi 72
| Spoobzilla 61
| Wtel 60
| Hosky 5
| Flurry
| Andi 510
| Wtel 509
| Spoobzilla 509
| Berdo 426
| Haadienn 377
| Terragoth 198
| Hosky 47
| Spell Blasting
| Holyangel 150
| Dontlookatme 134
| Extra Attacks
| Hack and Slash
| Meaddow 290
| Kaelin 252
| Cryptohodler 227
| Hand of Justice
| Gilgosh 44
| Terragoth 42
| Falkura 35
| Honeles 14
| Sword Specialization
| Honeles 94
| Hosky 91
| Falkura 86
| Windfury Totem
| Gilgosh 515
| Ramiruxpr 394
| Terzdruid 387
| Meaddow 373
| Kaelin 345
| Zarken 343
| Andi 341
| Haadienn 336
| Wtel 332
| Berdo 332
| Falkura 324
| Hosky 314
| Spoobzilla 311
| Holyangel 306
| Panzerotti 304
| Trankytrank 286
| Terragoth 280
| Oreius 276
| Cryptohodler 256
| Honeles 255
| Annihilator Log
| <nothing found>
| Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
| <nothing found>
| Gluth Log
| 1/10 21:44:36.660 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:44:37.839 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/10 21:44:37.839 Kaleniru casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/10 21:44:46.919 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:44:51.173 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/10 21:44:51.173 Trollio casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/10 21:44:56.756 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:44:58.008 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/10 21:44:58.008 Zanidivh casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/10 21:45:06.806 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:45:08.609 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/10 21:45:08.609 Kaleniru casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/10 21:45:16.809 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:45:26.802 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:45:30.865 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/10 21:45:30.865 Zanidivh casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/10 21:45:36.860 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/10 21:45:37.184 Gluth dies.
| 4HM Zeliek Chain Log (4+)
| 1/10 22:49:25.482 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath was resisted by Palatora.
| 1/10 22:49:25.482 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath was resisted by Heyzeuss.
| 1/10 22:49:25.482 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Frageur for 533 Holy damage.
| 1/10 22:49:25.482 Sir Zeliek 's Holy Wrath hits Tangents for 1110 Holy damage.
| KT Shadow Fissure Log
| 1/10 23:11:37.663 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:12:05.685 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:12:37.825 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:12:40.877 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Haadienn for 93785 Shadow damage. (31616 resisted) (1066 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:40.896 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Spoobzilla for 130776 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:12:40.896 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Berdo for 86981 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:13:08.958 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:13:33.977 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:13:54.102 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:13:57.024 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Oreius for 125447 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:24:15.162 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:24:18.182 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Oreius for 93930 Shadow damage. (31309 resisted)
| 1/10 23:24:18.209 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Spoobzilla for 87889 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:24:28.271 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:24:45.272 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:24:48.259 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Zanidivh for 101162 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:25:07.373 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:25:31.413 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:25:58.527 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:26:01.556 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Holyangel for 111265 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.572 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Hosky for 74933 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.598 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Lockblock for 97680 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.732 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Honeles for 105897 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.732 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Trollio for 81404 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.761 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Eled for 58677 Shadow damage. (19558 resisted)
| 1/10 23:26:01.781 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Palatora for 114579 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.781 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Terragoth for 71302 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.789 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Yggy for 73632 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.821 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Shamuelle for 73859 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.821 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Nastycrush for 122215 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:26:01.821 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Frageur for 77311 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:37:48.726 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:38:18.838 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:38:41.805 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:38:58.787 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:39:01.840 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Kaelin for 78243 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:39:01.840 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Oreius for 85650 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:39:16.873 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:39:35.820 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:39:38.959 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 85419 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:39:57.783 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:40:00.879 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Hosky for 74317 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:40:00.907 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Meaddow for 122467 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:40:00.915 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Wtel for 87695 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:51:56.834 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:52:12.857 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:52:15.908 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Holyangel for 86138 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:52:15.917 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Haadienn for 86668 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:52:41.899 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:52:44.897 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Kaelin for 95364 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:52:44.921 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Catgrag (Trollio) for 16117 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:53:07.939 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:53:19.022 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:53:43.047 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:53:59.123 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:54:02.122 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Panzerotti for 131445 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:54:02.132 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Spoobzilla for 56280 Shadow damage. (18759 resisted)
| 1/10 23:54:02.151 Shadow Fissure 's Void Blast hits Trankytrank for 121292 Shadow damage.
| 1/10 23:54:26.225 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| 1/10 23:54:37.217 Kel'Thuzad casts Shadow Fissure.
| KT Frostbolt Log
| 1/10 23:11:33.583 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:11:35.512 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 73.
| 1/10 23:11:35.708 Andi 's Shield Bash crits Kel'Thuzad for 74.
| 1/10 23:11:45.115 Spoobzilla 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 238.
| 1/10 23:11:50.639 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:11:53.074 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 86.
| 1/10 23:11:53.074 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Terzdruid for 6267 Frost damage. (3125 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:01.820 Worldstar 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 31 Nature damage.
| 1/10 23:12:06.700 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:12:07.472 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:12:07.555 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:12:07.780 Meaddow 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:12:09.243 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 261.
| 1/10 23:12:18.760 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:12:20.209 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 86.
| 1/10 23:12:20.521 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:12:20.521 Andi 's Shield Bash crits Kel'Thuzad for 78.
| 1/10 23:12:21.561 Zarken 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 86.
| 1/10 23:12:34.793 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:12:35.727 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:12:37.161 Honeles 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:12:42.959 Falkura 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:12:50.830 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:12:52.175 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:12:52.438 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 128.
| 1/10 23:12:52.560 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:12:52.560 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 39.
| 1/10 23:12:52.741 Cryptohodler 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 171.
| 1/10 23:13:01.959 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 286.
| 1/10 23:13:11.850 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:13:12.502 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 176.
| 1/10 23:13:12.855 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88.
| 1/10 23:13:13.112 Meaddow 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88.
| 1/10 23:13:13.114 Honeles 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 119.
| 1/10 23:13:13.949 Zarken 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 178.
| 1/10 23:13:21.197 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Honeles for 4434 Frost damage. (83 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:13:21.271 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Hosky for 4467 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:21.271 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Oreius for 4058 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:21.360 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Terragoth for 4495 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:25.927 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:13:26.785 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 88.
| 1/10 23:13:27.026 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 89.
| 1/10 23:13:36.980 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:13:38.416 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 38.
| 1/10 23:13:38.562 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 166.
| 1/10 23:13:38.880 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 166.
| 1/10 23:13:51.107 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:13:51.870 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 152.
| 1/10 23:13:51.870 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 152.
| 1/10 23:13:52.470 Meaddow 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| 1/10 23:14:11.198 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:14:12.266 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| 1/10 23:14:12.266 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 152.
| 1/10 23:24:11.100 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:24:12.047 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 73.
| 1/10 23:24:12.461 Hosky 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 235.
| 1/10 23:24:13.010 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 94.
| 1/10 23:24:24.182 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:24:25.216 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:24:25.445 Honeles 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:24:25.516 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 35.
| 1/10 23:24:38.248 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:24:39.199 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:24:39.974 Honeles 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:24:52.312 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:24:53.125 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:24:53.338 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:24:54.273 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 135.
| 1/10 23:25:00.882 Terragoth 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 301.
| 1/10 23:25:00.882 Honeles 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 128.
| 1/10 23:25:02.365 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:25:04.098 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 85.
| 1/10 23:25:15.374 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:25:16.148 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 161.
| 1/10 23:25:16.751 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 105.
| 1/10 23:25:16.978 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 37.
| 1/10 23:25:17.138 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 231.
| 1/10 23:25:29.429 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:25:30.077 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 118.
| 1/10 23:25:30.418 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 161.
| 1/10 23:25:30.564 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81.
| 1/10 23:25:30.786 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81.
| 1/10 23:25:30.786 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 231.
| 1/10 23:25:31.640 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 105.
| 1/10 23:25:32.826 Terragoth 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 126.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:25:40.859 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Andi for 7648 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.930 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:25:41.050 Cryptohodler 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 171.
| 1/10 23:25:47.605 Honeles 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 108.
| 1/10 23:25:47.800 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 121.
| 1/10 23:25:52.567 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:25:54.015 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:25:59.041 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 101.
| 1/10 23:37:20.604 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:37:21.774 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 109.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:37:21.919 Hosky 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:37:22.029 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 146.
| 1/10 23:37:26.147 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 101.
| 1/10 23:37:28.666 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:37:30.000 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 152.
| 1/10 23:37:39.958 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 101.
| 1/10 23:37:42.688 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:37:43.979 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| 1/10 23:37:43.979 Andi 's Shield Bash crits Kel'Thuzad for 69.
| 1/10 23:37:44.142 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 152.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:37:44.142 Spoobzilla 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:37:45.258 Honeles 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:37:52.741 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:37:53.956 Terragoth 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 111.
| 1/10 23:37:54.233 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 129.
| 1/10 23:37:54.489 Fredge 's Earth Shock hits Kel'Thuzad for 586 Nature damage.
| 1/10 23:37:54.489 Zarken 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 154.
| 1/10 23:38:00.842 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 101.
| 1/10 23:38:03.849 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:38:04.645 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| 1/10 23:38:05.104 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 119.
| 1/10 23:38:09.875 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:38:10.931 Zarken 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 171.
| 1/10 23:38:11.450 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:38:15.929 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:38:17.561 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 39.
| 1/10 23:38:17.637 Honeles 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 128.
| 1/10 23:38:17.712 Kaelin 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:38:32.997 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:38:34.260 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:38:36.888 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 121.
| 1/10 23:38:49.990 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:38:51.016 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 139.
| 1/10 23:38:51.365 Terragoth 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 124.
| 1/10 23:38:52.552 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 121.
| 1/10 23:38:52.966 Spoobzilla 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 115.
| 1/10 23:39:06.026 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:39:06.865 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 39.
| 1/10 23:39:07.935 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 114.
| 1/10 23:39:23.104 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:39:24.094 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:39:24.094 Andi 's Shield Bash was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:39:24.223 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 139.
| 1/10 23:39:24.260 Terragoth 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 113.
| 1/10 23:39:25.052 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 261.
| 1/10 23:39:25.846 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 114.
| 1/10 23:39:33.146 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:39:35.115 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:39:41.168 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 237.
| 1/10 23:39:44.099 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:39:45.835 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 114.
| 1/10 23:39:58.091 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:39:59.305 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 100.
| 1/10 23:51:52.761 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:51:53.882 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 123.
| 1/10 23:51:54.160 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 79.
| 1/10 23:51:54.183 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 80.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:51:54.183 Falkura 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:51:54.183 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 36.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:51:54.333 Spoobzilla 's Pummel was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:51:54.766 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 129.
| 1/10 23:52:08.790 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:52:10.136 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 83.
| 1/10 23:52:10.502 Kaelin 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 83.
| 1/10 23:52:10.672 Zarken 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 84.
| 1/10 23:52:10.954 Meaddow 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 166.
| 1/10 23:52:23.869 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:52:25.012 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 124.
| 1/10 23:52:25.374 Cryptohodler 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 167.
| 1/10 23:52:25.374 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 83.
| 1/10 23:52:44.921 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:52:46.204 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 129.
| 1/10 23:53:01.889 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:53:02.740 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 76.
| 1/10 23:53:13.867 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:53:14.966 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 69.
| 1/10 23:53:15.396 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 73.
| 1/10 23:53:15.471 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 138.
| 1/10 23:53:15.893 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 114.
| 1/10 23:53:16.013 Panzerotti 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 242.
| 1/10 23:53:37.419 Spoobzilla 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 125.
| 1/10 23:53:38.905 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:53:39.678 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 176.
| 1/10 23:53:40.027 Andi 's Shield Bash hits Kel'Thuzad for 40.
| 1/10 23:53:40.096 Meaddow 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 176.
| 1/10 23:53:40.096 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 89.
| 1/10 23:53:41.037 Honeles 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 128.
| 1/10 23:53:45.040 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:53:46.559 Hosky 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 305.
| 1/10 23:53:46.559 Panzerotti 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 116.
| 1/10 23:53:47.405 Falkura 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 250.
| 1/10 23:53:50.413 Zarken 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 178.
| 1/10 23:54:01.960 Honeles 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 237.
| 1/10 23:54:05.100 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:54:06.214 Falkura 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 250.
| 1/10 23:54:06.968 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 169.
| 1/10 23:54:10.621 Kel'Thuzad 's Frostbolt hits Oreius for 4295 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:24.219 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:54:25.408 Hosky 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 137.
| 1/10 23:54:25.469 Cryptohodler 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81.
| *** honorable mention *** 1/10 23:54:25.655 Andi 's Shield Bash was parried by Kel'Thuzad.
| 1/10 23:54:25.655 Ramiruxpr 's Kick crits Kel'Thuzad for 161.
| 1/10 23:54:25.728 Falkura 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 268.
| 1/10 23:54:38.175 Hosky 's Pummel crits Kel'Thuzad for 292.
| 1/10 23:54:39.199 Kel'Thuzad begins to cast Frostbolt.
| 1/10 23:54:39.946 Ramiruxpr 's Kick hits Kel'Thuzad for 81.
| 1/10 23:54:40.379 Andi 's Shield Bash crits Kel'Thuzad for 73.
| 1/10 23:54:41.287 Falkura 's Pummel hits Kel'Thuzad for 122.
| KT Frost Blast Log
| 1/10 23:12:13.617 Kaelin is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:13.694 Cryptohodler is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:13.694 Oreius is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:13.710 Ramiruxpr is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:13.710 Trankytrank is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:13.710 Meaddow is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Meaddow for 1353 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Kaelin for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 1425 Frost damage. (144 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 0 Frost damage. (1462 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:14.687 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cryptohodler for 0 Frost damage. (1321 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Meaddow for 1353 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Kaelin for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 11 Frost damage. (1451 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:15.646 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cryptohodler for 117 Frost damage. (1204 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Meaddow for 1353 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Kaelin for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:16.620 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cryptohodler for 1321 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Meaddow for 1353 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Kaelin for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:17.626 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cryptohodler for 1321 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Meaddow for 1353 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Kaelin for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ramiruxpr for 1569 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:18.684 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Cryptohodler for 1321 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:53.695 Terzdruid is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.695 Panzerotti is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.759 Gilgosh is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.759 Terragoth is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.759 Oreius is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.759 Zarken is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.772 Hosky is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:53.772 Trankytrank is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1685 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 0 Frost damage. (1351 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Zarken for 0 Frost damage. (1329 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 0 Frost damage. (1498 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 1373 Frost damage. (162 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:54.740 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1017 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1685 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 78 Frost damage. (1273 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Zarken for 0 Frost damage. (1329 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 0 Frost damage. (1498 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 1612 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:55.743 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1017 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1685 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1351 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Zarken for 1043 Frost damage. (286 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1462 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1263 Frost damage. (235 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 1612 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:56.882 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1017 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1685 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1351 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Zarken for 1329 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1535 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 1612 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:57.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1017 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.822 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1770 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1351 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Zarken for 1329 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1535 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 1612 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:12:58.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1017 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:29.067 Frageur is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:13:30.041 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Frageur for 1005 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:30.955 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Frageur for 1005 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:32.027 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Frageur for 1005 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:13:33.012 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Frageur for 800 Frost damage. (205 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:13:33.977 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Frageur for 1005 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:51.257 Holyangel is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:24:51.257 Falkura is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:24:51.257 Haadienn is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:24:51.257 Berdo is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:24:51.257 Honeles is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:24:52.242 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:52.242 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 0 Frost damage. (1538 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:24:52.242 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 0 Frost damage. (1482 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:24:52.242 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:52.242 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:53.191 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:53.191 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1113 Frost damage. (425 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:24:53.191 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 0 Frost damage. (1482 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:24:53.193 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:53.193 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:54.205 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:54.205 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1538 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:54.205 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1409 Frost damage. (73 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:24:54.208 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:54.208 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:55.206 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:55.206 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1538 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:55.206 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1482 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:55.206 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:55.209 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:56.154 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:56.154 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1538 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:56.154 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1482 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:56.154 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:24:56.154 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:36.602 Terzdruid is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:36.602 Andi is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:36.602 Holyangel is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:36.623 Falkura is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:36.623 Berdo is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:36.623 Honeles is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:25:37.487 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:37.487 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1615 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:37.487 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:37.487 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:37.490 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Andi for 1853 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:37.490 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2109 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1615 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Andi for 1853 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:38.493 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2109 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1538 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Andi for 1853 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:39.505 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2109 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1615 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Andi for 1853 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:40.513 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2109 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:41.538 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1653 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:41.538 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1615 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:41.538 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1584 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:41.566 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1427 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:25:41.566 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2109 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:00.667 Ashimos is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:00.724 Dontlookatme is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:01.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ashimos for 1480 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:01.728 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Dontlookatme for 872 Frost damage. (175 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:38:02.727 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ashimos for 1480 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:02.727 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Dontlookatme for 1047 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:03.709 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ashimos for 1480 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:03.709 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Dontlookatme for 1047 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:04.711 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ashimos for 1480 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:04.711 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Dontlookatme for 1047 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:05.727 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Ashimos for 1480 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:05.727 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Dontlookatme for 1047 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:32.100 Falkura is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:32.100 Haadienn is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:32.100 Holyangel is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:32.100 Nastycrush is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:38:33.622 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Nastycrush for 1033 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:33.622 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1243 Frost damage. (202 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:38:33.622 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 0 Frost damage. (1482 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:38:33.622 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1702 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:34.287 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Nastycrush for 1033 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:34.287 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1445 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:34.287 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 371 Frost damage. (1111 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:38:34.287 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1702 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:35.042 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Nastycrush for 1033 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:35.042 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1445 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:35.042 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1482 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:35.042 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1702 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:36.047 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Nastycrush for 1033 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:36.047 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1445 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:36.047 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1482 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:36.047 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1702 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:37.037 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Nastycrush for 1033 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:37.037 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Holyangel for 1445 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:37.037 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Haadienn for 1482 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:38:37.037 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1702 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:11.900 Gilgosh is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:11.900 Spoobzilla is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:11.900 Hosky is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:11.900 Terragoth is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:11.913 Trankytrank is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:11.913 Panzerotti is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1389 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1563 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1635 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Spoobzilla for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.130 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1068 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1389 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1563 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1635 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Spoobzilla for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:13.896 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1068 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.825 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1389 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.825 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Trankytrank for 1322 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1563 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1635 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Spoobzilla for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:14.835 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1068 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:15.873 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Panzerotti for 1389 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:15.887 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1563 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:15.887 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1635 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:15.887 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Spoobzilla for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:15.887 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1068 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:16.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terragoth for 1563 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:16.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Hosky for 1635 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:16.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Spoobzilla for 1498 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:39:16.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Gilgosh for 1068 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:40:02.739 Ashimos is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:32.803 Terzdruid is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:32.911 Falkura is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:32.911 Honeles is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:32.911 Berdo is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:32.911 Oreius is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:52:33.875 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 0 Frost damage. (1452 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:33.875 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 0 Frost damage. (1500 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:33.875 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 0 Frost damage. (1780 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:33.875 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1557 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:33.875 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2008 Frost damage. (206 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:34.858 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 662 Frost damage. (790 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:34.858 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 896 Frost damage. (604 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:34.858 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1171 Frost damage. (609 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:34.858 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1557 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:34.858 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2214 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:35.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1452 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:35.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1500 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:35.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1780 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:35.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1557 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:35.855 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2214 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.166 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1452 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.166 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1500 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.166 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1780 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.166 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1557 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.166 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2214 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.857 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Oreius for 1405 Frost damage. (47 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:37.857 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Berdo for 1500 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:52:37.857 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Honeles for 1701 Frost damage. (79 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:37.857 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Falkura for 1396 Frost damage. (161 absorbed)
| 1/10 23:52:37.857 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Terzdruid for 2214 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:32.137 Palatora is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:53:32.208 Shamuelle is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:53:33.188 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Palatora for 1221 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:33.188 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Shamuelle for 1396 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:34.173 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Palatora for 1221 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:34.173 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Shamuelle for 1396 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:35.138 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Palatora for 1221 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:35.138 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Shamuelle for 1396 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:36.198 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Palatora for 1221 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:36.198 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Shamuelle for 1396 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:37.322 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Palatora for 1221 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:53:37.322 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Shamuelle for 1396 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:31.349 Mjolnir is afflicted by Frost Blast (1).
| 1/10 23:54:32.400 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Mjolnir for 1173 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:33.387 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Mjolnir for 1173 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:34.371 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Mjolnir for 1173 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:35.399 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Mjolnir for 1173 Frost damage.
| 1/10 23:54:36.384 Kel'Thuzad 's Frost Blast hits Mjolnir for 1173 Frost damage.
| Pets
| Gilgosh owned by Gilgosh
| Ivar (Gilgosh) owned by Gilgosh
| Trollio owned by Trollio
| Zanidivh owned by Zanidivh
| Kaleniru owned by Kaleniru
| Snowdrift (Kaleniru) owned by Kaleniru
| Stink (Trankytrank) owned by Trankytrank
| Class Detection
| Andi warrior
| Andi (self damage) unknown
| Ashimos warlock
| Berdo warrior
| Cryptohodler rogue
| Davycc mage
| Dontlookatme mage
| Eled paladin
| Falkura warrior
| Falkura (self damage) unknown
| Frageur priest
| Fredge shaman
| Gilgosh hunter
| Haadienn warrior
| Heyzeuss paladin
| Holyangel paladin
| Honeles warrior
| Hosky warrior
| Hosky (self damage) unknown
| Kaelin rogue
| Kaelin (self damage) unknown
| Kaleniru hunter
| Lockblock warlock
| Lockblock (self damage) unknown
| Marodox priest
| Meaddow rogue
| Meaddow (self damage) unknown
| Mjolnir shaman
| Nastycrush shaman
| Oreius warrior
| Oreius (self damage) unknown
| Palatora paladin
| Panzerotti warrior
| Petrichor mage
| Ramiruxpr rogue
| Ramiruxpr (self damage) unknown
| Shamuelle shaman
| Spoobzilla warrior
| Spoobzilla (self damage) unknown
| Steamadin paladin
| Tangents priest
| Terragoth warrior
| Terzdruid druid
| Trankytrank hunter
| Trankytrank (self damage) unknown
| Trollio hunter
| Worldstar shaman
| Wtel warrior
| Yggy warlock
| Zanidivh hunter
| Zarken rogue
| Zarken (self damage) unknown
| Tech
| project version 2024.1082
| project homepage https://github.com/melbaa/summarize_consumes
| prices server nord
| prices timestamp 2025-01-11T00:00:01.613206 (17 hours ago)
| log size 39.4 MB
| log lines 541869
| skipped log lines 16637 (3.07%)
| processed in 35.07 seconds. 15451.04 log lines/sec
| runtime platform win32
| runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
| runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]