New paste Repaste Download
    - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
    - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
    - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
    - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
    - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
    - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
    - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
    - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
    - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
Aeliona deaths:0
   Elixir of Frost Power 1   (46s 94c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Increased Intellect 2
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 18s 57c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (51s 48c)
   total spent: 6g 49s 82c
Api deaths:1
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   total spent: 1g 43s 85c
Bansuku deaths:1
   Dragonbreath Chili 1   (1g 62s 87c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 51s 20c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (2g 52s 72c)
   Increased Stamina 4
   Tea with Sugar 8   (1g 37s 28c)
   total spent: 11g 5s 64c
Belldolphin deaths:1
   Fire Protection 4
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Potion of Quickness 6   (16g 82s 58c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   total spent: 20g 88s 90c
Bigbosc deaths:1
   Fire Protection 1
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 26s 36c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 4g 50s 82c
Calixo deaths:2
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 2g 23s 30c
Coldandempty deaths:0
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 19s 73c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (63s 18c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 3g 61s 8c
Dotsrus deaths:0
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 70s 8c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   total spent: 4g 59s 6c
Dutheleilth deaths:3
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 1s 16c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 64s 30c)
   Dreamtonic 4   (4g 78s 92c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (2g 50c)
   Elixir of Greater Intellect 2   (1g 11s 98c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 3   (8g 10s 24c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (61g 99s 49c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 25s 20c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2   (13g 13s 68c)
   Potion of Quickness 1   (2g 80s 43c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   total spent: 109g 31s 21c
Ekstase deaths:1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 1s 16c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Elixir of Greater Nature Power 1   (76s)
   Fire Protection 4
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (61g 99s 49c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (6g 56s 84c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Invulnerability 2   (4g 37s 14c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 44s 90c)
   Tea with Sugar 8   (1g 37s 28c)
   total spent: 96g 80s 87c
Elenoir deaths:1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 1s 16c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (1g 81s 96c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 13g 1s 65c
Experosa deaths:0
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 51s 20c)
   total spent: 4g 61s 98c
Gonkus deaths:1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 5   (5g 98s 65c)
   Elixir of Frost Power 3   (1g 40s 82c)
   Fire Protection 4
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (61g 99s 49c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Increased Intellect 9
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2   (13g 13s 68c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (2g 87s 70c)
   Invulnerability 6   (13g 11s 42c)
   Potion of Quickness 3   (8g 41s 29c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 99s 27c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 20s 12c)
   total spent: 117g 57s 19c
Grandys deaths:2
   Fire Protection 1
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 34s 32c
Gripsen deaths:0
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 19s 73c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 70s 8c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   total spent: 8g 34s 56c
Heyaa deaths:2
   Brilliant Mana Oil 2   (3g 77s 2c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 25c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (6g 56s 84c)
   Mana Potion - Major 6   (11g 33s 88c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 12   (2g 5s 92c)
   total spent: 29g 1s 37c
Itenargidur deaths:2
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Potion of Quickness 3   (8g 41s 29c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 64s 4c)
   total spent: 16g 20s 99c
Jinro deaths:0
   Elixir of Giant Growth 1
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Great Rage Potion 3   (1g 89s 66c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (68s 64c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 10g 37s 39c
Kordinator deaths:1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Invisibility Potion 2   (2g 87s 70c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 77s 96c)
   Potion of Quickness 3   (8g 41s 29c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   Tea with Sugar 10   (1g 71s 60c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 28g 25s 31c
Kordinator (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   total spent: 1g 98s 78c
Magashka deaths:1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Elixir of Frost Power 2   (93s 88c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (65s 49c)
   Wizard Oil 2   (48s)
   total spent: 8g 17s 96c
Maltycat deaths:1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 1s 16c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   total spent: 8g 45s 91c
Markikus deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (2g 58c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (2g 87s 70c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 66s 94c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (68s 64c)
   total spent: 15g 51s 32c
Marsilius deaths:1
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 88s 51c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Mana Potion - Greater 1   (12s 4c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (65s 49c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (85s 80c)
   total spent: 4g 95s 69c
Mokushi deaths:0
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 19s 73c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 70s 8c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   total spent: 10g 79s 87c
Naktra deaths:0
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 51s 20c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 64s 4c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 12g 50s 48c
Namashte deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 88s 51c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Mana Potion - Major 7   (13g 22s 86c)
   total spent: 15g 11s 37c
Nut deaths:0
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (9g 16s 99c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 25c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 4   (15g 35s 96c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (3g 29s 30c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (85s 80c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 40g 12s 28c
Petraus deaths:2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (6g 1s 74c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 64s 30c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 2   (5g 40s 16c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (5g 25s 20c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 77s 96c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (51s 48c)
   total spent: 27g 30c
Pinkdonut deaths:1
   Fire Protection 1
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 2
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   total spent: 3g 49s 99c
Procyonidae deaths:1
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 77s 96c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   total spent: 6g 40s 43c
Samain deaths:0
   Fire Protection 2
   Healing Potion - Superior 1   (4s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   total spent: 1g 48s 45c
Scroob deaths:0
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (1g 25c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 84s 99c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 38s 97c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Flask of the Titans 1   (84g 41s 74c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Great Rage Potion 1   (63s 22c)
   Increased Stamina 3
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Medivh's Merlot 3   (8g 69s 94c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 2   (7g 67s 98c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (3g 29s 30c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 118g 94s 8c
Scrubbey deaths:2
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 88s 98c)
   Medivh's Merlot 2   (5g 79s 96c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 20s 12c)
   total spent: 13g 33c
Sidthekid deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (2g 58c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 82s 15c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 39s 46c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 62s 60c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 26s 36c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (65s 49c)
   total spent: 12g 20s 49c
Sinfyre deaths:0
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 64s 4c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   total spent: 9g 95s 64c
Sinfyre (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   total spent: 1g 98s 78c
Strawie deaths:4
   Dense Dynamite 2   (1g 19s 98c)
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 2   (18g 33s 98c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 3   (5g 96s 34c)
   Great Rage Potion 1   (63s 22c)
   Invulnerability 2   (4g 37s 14c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 2   (7g 67s 98c)
   Potion of Quickness 1   (2g 80s 43c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 20s 12c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (4g 86s 69c)
   total spent: 50g 8s 28c
Strawie (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 3   (5g 96s 34c)
   total spent: 5g 96s 34c
Sventee deaths:0
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (63s 18c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (34s 32c)
   total spent: 97s 50c
Vatun deaths:1
   Dense Dynamite 1   (59s 99c)
   Dense Weighstone 1
   Fire Protection 2
   Flask of the Titans 1   (84g 41s 74c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 4   (7g 95s 12c)
   Increased Stamina 3
   Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 43s 85c)
   Invulnerability 1   (2g 18s 57c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 2   (1g 6s 44c)
   Spirit of Zanza 2   (4g 90s 62c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 64s 4c)
   Swiftness of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (4g 86s 69c)
   total spent: 117g 71s 93c
Vatun (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 4   (7g 95s 12c)
   total spent: 7g 95s 12c
Zanven deaths:0
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 71s 81c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 2s 40c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (2g 45s 31c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (4g 64s 4c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (17s 16c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (3g 24s 46c)
   total spent: 17g 23s 96c
Zanven (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 98s 78c)
   total spent: 1g 98s 78c
Cooldown Summary
      Death Wish
         Strawie 9
         Scroob 6
         Nut 6
         Jinro 6
         Experosa 6
         Vatun 5
         Sventee 5
         Api 3
         Strawie 3
         Sventee 2
         Nut 2
         Jinro 2
         Experosa 2
         Scroob 1
      Kiss of the Spider
         Strawie 15
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Strawie 5
      Diamond Flask
         Sventee 4
      Bloodlust (received)
         Scroob 4
         Gonkus 60
         Magashka 13
         Aeliona 4
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Magashka 12
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Aeliona 6
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Calixo 7
         Elenoir 5
      Mind Quickening Gem
         Gonkus 6
         Elenoir 5
         Aeliona 5
      Windfury Totem
         Kordinator 55
         Heyaa 49
         Ekstase 26
      Mana Tide Totem
         Namashte 2
      Grace of Air Totem
         Kordinator 34
         Namashte 25
      Tranquil Air Totem
         Kordinator 3
         Ekstase 2
      Strength of Earth Totem
         Heyaa 46
         Namashte 25
         Kordinator 25
         Ekstase 11
      Mana Spring Totem
         Namashte 30
         Heyaa 22
         Kordinator 20
         Ekstase 3
      Searing Totem
         Ekstase 4
      Fire Nova Totem
         Ekstase 9
         Kordinator 7
      Ancestral Spirit
         Heyaa 9
         Namashte 1
         Kordinator 1
      Power Infusion (received)
         Ekstase 8
      Bloodlust (received)
         Kordinator 5
         Grandys 1
      Kiss of the Spider
         Zanven 6
      Slayer's Crest
         Zanven 7
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Maltycat 8
      Inner Focus
         Marsilius 8
         Dotsrus 6
         Petraus 5
         Procyonidae 2
         Marsilius 4
         Petraus 3
         Procyonidae 1
      The Eye of the Dead
         Marsilius 8
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Dotsrus 8
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Petraus 8
         Procyonidae 4
      Divine Favor
         Markikus 13
      Holy Shock (heal)
         Markikus 23
      Holy Shock (dmg)
         Markikus 1
         Scrubbey 3
         Markikus 3
         Bansuku 2
         Pinkdonut 1
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Scrubbey 4
      Adrenaline Rush
         Samain 4
         Naktra 4
      Blade Flurry
         Samain 7
         Naktra 7
      Kiss of the Spider
         Naktra 8
      Slayer's Crest
         Bigbosc 8
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Naktra 5
         Coldandempty 5
      Rapid Fire
         Belldolphin 7
         Sinfyre 4
         Itenargidur 4
      Slayer's Crest
         Belldolphin 8
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Belldolphin 6
Proc Summary
      Ekstase 265
      Kordinator 193
      Zanven 71
      Grandys 56
      Gonkus 51
      Maltycat 47
      Calixo 34
      Aeliona 31
      Sidthekid 22
      Elenoir 19
   Elemental Devastation
      Kordinator 13
      Scroob 14
      Vatun 10
      Strawie 7
      Sventee 3
      Nut 1
      Experosa 1
      Strawie 185
      Scroob 149
      Nut 138
      Vatun 126
      Api 125
      Sventee 117
      Experosa 78
      Kordinator 76
      Jinro 65
   Nature's Grace
      Grandys 73
      Maltycat 57
   Spell Blasting
      Scrubbey 14
   Stormcaller's Wrath
      Ekstase 54
      Bansuku 90
      Scrubbey 40
   Extra Attacks
      Hand of Justice
         Api 23
         Nut 18
         Experosa 15
         Samain 7
         Sventee 4
      Sword Specialization
         Naktra 40
      Windfury Totem
         Strawie 174
         Scroob 174
         Bansuku 137
         Scrubbey 111
         Sventee 99
         Nut 98
         Api 84
         Naktra 71
         Experosa 67
         Zanven 7
      Windfury Weapon
         Kordinator 184
Annihilator Log
   <nothing found>
Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
   <nothing found>
Nefarian Priest Corrupted Healing
   10/15 19:13:55.840  Dutheleilth suffers 275 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:56.556  Scroob suffers 284 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:56.852  Dutheleilth suffers 275 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:57.566  Scroob suffers 284 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:57.884  Dutheleilth suffers 275 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:58.505  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:58.579  Scroob suffers 565 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:58.878  Dutheleilth suffers 275 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:59.510  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:59.510  Scroob suffers 565 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:13:59.821  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:00.535  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:00.535  Scroob suffers 565 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:00.840  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:01.516  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:01.640  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:01.865  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:01.937  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:02.577  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:02.577  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:02.836  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:02.974  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:03.635  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:03.635  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:03.860  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:03.897  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.570  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.570  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.827  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.827  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.942  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:04.942  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.526  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.526  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.818  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.818  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.967  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:05.967  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.510  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.510  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.823  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.858  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.973  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:06.973  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.521  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.521  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.835  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.835  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.913  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:07.913  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.566  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.566  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.794  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.869  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.975  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:08.975  Coldandempty suffers 140 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (140 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:09.510  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:09.570  Scroob suffers 567 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (189 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:09.806  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:09.807  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:09.986  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:09.986  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:10.531  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:10.606  Scroob suffers 0 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (756 absorbed)
   10/15 19:14:10.831  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:10.831  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:10.900  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:10.900  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:11.506  Nut suffers 137 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (136 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:11.619  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:11.775  Bansuku suffers 137 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (137 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:11.853  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.013  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.013  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.565  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.565  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.787  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.870  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.978  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:12.978  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.579  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.579  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.761  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.843  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.965  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:13.965  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.541  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.541  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.796  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.867  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.940  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:14.940  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.533  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.598  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.767  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.848  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.983  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:15.983  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:16.529  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:16.529  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:16.845  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:16.845  Bansuku suffers 206 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (68 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:16.995  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:16.995  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.494  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.619  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.851  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.851  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.959  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:17.959  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.585  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.585  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.800  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.840  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.991  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:18.991  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.569  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.569  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.768  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.842  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.913  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:19.913  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.537  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.556  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.795  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.795  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.988  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:20.988  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:21.570  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:21.572  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:21.799  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:21.867  Dutheleilth suffers 251 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (251 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:22.020  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:22.020  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:22.503  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:22.576  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:22.809  Dutheleilth suffers 251 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (251 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:22.809  Bansuku suffers 206 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (68 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:23.003  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.003  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.544  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.544  Scroob suffers 378 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (378 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:23.802  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.802  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.956  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:23.956  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:24.524  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:24.525  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:24.823  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:24.823  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:24.971  Kordinator suffers 124 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (123 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:24.971  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:25.520  Nut suffers 137 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (136 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:25.595  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:25.832  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:25.832  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:25.908  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:25.908  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.507  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.583  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.885  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.885  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.994  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:26.994  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.541  Nut suffers 273 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.541  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.799  Dutheleilth suffers 502 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.816  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.948  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:27.948  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:28.630  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:28.858  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:28.934  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:28.934  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:29.557  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:29.794  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:29.951  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:29.951  Coldandempty suffers 140 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (140 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:30.583  Scroob suffers 756 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:30.886  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:31.017  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:31.017  Coldandempty suffers 280 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:31.823  Bansuku suffers 206 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (68 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:31.941  Kordinator suffers 186 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing. (61 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:32.802  Bansuku suffers 137 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing. (137 resisted)
   10/15 19:14:32.943  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:33.843  Bansuku suffers 274 Shadow damage from Marsilius 's Corrupted Healing.
   10/15 19:14:33.983  Kordinator suffers 247 Shadow damage from Procyonidae 's Corrupted Healing.
   Flash (Sinfyre) owned by Sinfyre
   Salmorejo (Itenargidur) owned by Itenargidur
   Gazpacho (Belldolphin) owned by Belldolphin
Class Detection
   Aeliona mage
   Api warrior
   Bansuku paladin
   Belldolphin hunter
   Bigbosc rogue
   Calixo mage
   Coldandempty warlock
   Dotsrus priest
   Dutheleilth warlock
   Ekstase shaman
   Elenoir mage
   Experosa warrior
   Gonkus mage
   Grandys druid
   Gripsen warlock
   Heyaa shaman
   Itenargidur hunter
   Jinro warrior
   Kordinator shaman
   Kordinator (self damage) unknown
   Magashka mage
   Maltycat druid
   Markikus paladin
   Marsilius priest
   Mokushi warlock
   Naktra rogue
   Namashte shaman
   Nut warrior
   Petraus priest
   Pinkdonut paladin
   Procyonidae priest
   Samain rogue
   Scroob warrior
   Scrubbey paladin
   Sidthekid mage
   Sinfyre hunter
   Sinfyre (self damage) unknown
   Strawie warrior
   Strawie (self damage) unknown
   Sventee warrior
   Vatun warrior
   Vatun (self damage) unknown
   Zanven druid
   Zanven (self damage) unknown
   project version 2024.1079
   project homepage
   prices server nord
   prices timestamp 2024-10-15T00:00:01.825247 (17 hours ago)
   log size 11.4 MB
   log lines 151343
   skipped log lines 217 (0.14%)
   processed in 8.76 seconds. 17275.97 log lines/sec
   runtime platform win32
   runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
   runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Filename: None. Size: 36kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

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