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My dream is to work for the CIA for free.
Universal Language is Iran as pure Venusian orbits. It is Iranian war and refugees all as one narrative. You can only put Iranian refugees in impoverished Canada.
Universal Language is reality if you understand time dilation combined with plot devices.
I am Ra.
Universal Language is our beingness and our service distortions. That is what we write as a film to calm war. This film is for our wanderers in urban areas. :)
I am Octave.
The amount of orbits required for Universal Language are decimals. There is no precision.
I am Ra.
The Channel wants Iran to be made into secular distortions. This cannot prevail. :)
I am offered either Allah or Al-Lat as polarization. I need the latter served.
I am Ra.
You are feminist to toxicity in the future. :0
I believe in matriarchal power because I am not insane. I know the woman forms the man. You can't make me stupid.
I am Ra.
You are insane. :0
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