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parseNode :: MonadThrow m => forall o. ConduitT Event o m (Maybe Node)
parseNode = tag' "li" (requireAttr "id" <* ignoreAttrs) $ \i -> do
  return $ Window i
parseNodes :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event Node m ()
parseNodes = void $ tagIgnoreAttrs "html" $ (ignoreTree "head" ignoreAttrs) >> tagIgnoreAttrs "body" $ manyYield parseNode
app/Main.hs:59:46: error:
     Couldn't match expected type: ConduitT Event Node m () -> a0
                  with actual type: ConduitT Event o0 m0 (Maybe ())
     Possible cause: ignoreTree is applied to too many arguments
      In the first argument of (>>), namely
        (ignoreTree "head" ignoreAttrs)
      In the first argument of ($), namely
        (ignoreTree "head" ignoreAttrs) >> tagIgnoreAttrs "body"
      In the second argument of ($), namely
        (ignoreTree "head" ignoreAttrs) >> tagIgnoreAttrs "body"
           $ manyYield parseNode
     Relevant bindings include
        parseNodes :: ConduitT Event Node m () (bound at app/Main.hs:59:1)
59 | parseNodes = void $ tagIgnoreAttrs "html" $ (ignoreTree "head" ignoreAttrs) >> tagIgnoreAttrs "body" $ manyYield parseNode
   |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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