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#pragma once
#ifndef _D2PATCH_H
#define _D2PATCH_H
#include "D2PatchConst.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <memoryapi.h>
// Function to read setting from the INI file and provide detailed information
int ReadSettingFromIni(const char* section, const char* key, int defaultValue) {
// Get the file path
const char* filePath = "./D2Mod.ini";
// Check if the file exists and can be found
DWORD fileAttributes = GetFileAttributesA(filePath);
if (fileAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
MessageBoxA(NULL, "INI file not found or inaccessible.", "INI File Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
return defaultValue;
// Try to read the setting from the INI file
int value = GetPrivateProfileIntA(section, key, defaultValue, filePath);
//DWORD lastError = GetLastError();
//if (value == 0 && lastError != 0) {
// // Error occurred while reading from INI file
// char errorMessage[512];
// sprintf(errorMessage, "Error reading setting from INI file:\n\n"
// "INI File Path: %s\n"
// "Section: %s\n"
// "Key: %s\n"
// "Default Value: %d\n"
// "Error Code: %d\n\n"
// "Ensure that the section and key exist in the INI file and the file is accessible.",
// filePath, section, key, defaultValue, lastError);
// MessageBoxA(NULL, errorMessage, "INI File Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
//else {
// // Successfully read the setting
// char successMessage[256];
// sprintf(successMessage, "Setting read from INI file:\n\n"
// "INI File Path: %s\n"
// "Section: %s\n"
// "Key: %s\n"
// "Value: %d", filePath, section, key, value);
// MessageBoxA(NULL, successMessage, "INI File Success", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return value;
// Function to calculate relative offset (D2COMMON base address is 0x6F600000)
DWORD calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(DWORD offset) {
return offset - 0x6F600000;
// Function to calculate relative offset (D2COMMON base address is 0x6F600000)
DWORD calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(DWORD offset) {
return offset - 0x6FAA0000;
// Define settings from D2Mod.ini
BYTE leftBorder = ReadSettingFromIni("CharmZone", "leftBorder", 0x04);
BYTE rightBorder = ReadSettingFromIni("CharmZone", "rightBorder", 0x08);
BYTE topBorder = ReadSettingFromIni("CharmZone", "topBorder", 0x00);
BYTE bottomBorder = ReadSettingFromIni("CharmZone", "bottomBorder", 0x04);
// Function to reverse the bytes of a hexadecimal number
uint32_t reverseHexBytes(uint32_t hexNumber) {
uint32_t reversedHex = 0;
// Reverse the bytes
reversedHex |= (hexNumber & 0x000000FF) << 24; // Move the last byte to the first byte
reversedHex |= (hexNumber & 0x0000FF00) << 8;  // Move the second last byte to the second byte
reversedHex |= (hexNumber & 0x00FF0000) >> 8;  // Move the second byte to the second last byte
reversedHex |= (hexNumber & 0xFF000000) >> 24; // Move the first byte to the last byte
return reversedHex;
CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
6F68D570   > \85C0          TEST EAX,EAX
6F68D572   .  75 03         JNE SHORT 6F68D577
6F68D574   .  C2 0800       RETN 8                                   ; return FALSE if reqs are not met
6F68D577   >  8B44E4 04     MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]             ; pItem
6F68D57B   .  8B40 2C       MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2C]            ; pitem->pPath
6F68D57E   .  8378 0C 05    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0C],5              ; pPath->posX, 5 == leftBorder
6F68D582   .  72 1A         JB SHORT 6F68D59E
6F68D584   .  8378 0C 07    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0C],7              ; pPath->posX, 7 == rightBorder
6F68D588   .  77 14         JA SHORT 6F68D59E
6F68D58A   .  8378 10 03    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],3              ; pPath->posY, 3 == topBorder
6F68D58E   .  72 0E         JB SHORT 6F68D59E
6F68D590   .  8378 10 04    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],4              ; pPath->posY, 4 == botomBorder
6F68D594   .  77 08         JA SHORT 6F68D59E
6F68D596   .  B8 01000000   MOV EAX,1                                ; return TRUE
6F68D59B   .  C2 0800       RETN 8
6F68D59E   >  31C0          XOR EAX,EAX                              ; return FALSE
6F68D5A0   .  C2 0800       RETN 8
__declspec(naked) void customD2CommonASM() {
__asm {
// Load parameters
JNE lbl_not_in_charm_zone
// Load border values into 8-bit registers
MOV CL, leftBorder
MOV DL, rightBorder
MOV BL, topBorder
MOV AH, bottomBorder  // Using AH register for bottomBorder assuming it's not used elsewhere
// Check if within charm zone boundaries
JB lbl_not_in_charm_zone
JA lbl_not_in_charm_zone
CMP BYTE PTR DS : [EAX + 0x10] , BL
JB lbl_not_in_charm_zone
CMP BYTE PTR DS : [EAX + 0x10] , AH
JA lbl_not_in_charm_zone
// Return 1 if within charm zone, otherwise return 0
lbl_not_in_charm_zone :
//__declspec (naked) void customD2ClientASM() {
//    __asm {
//        TEST EAX, EAX
//        JE lbl_not_found
//        PUSH 0xD
//        PUSH ESI
//        CALL D2Common_10731
//        TEST EAX, EAX
//        JE lbl_not_found
//        MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS : [ESP + 0x20]
//        PUSH EAX
//        PUSH ESI
//        CALL D2Common_10840
//        TEST EAX, EAX
//        JE lbl_not_found
//        JMP lbl_found
//        lbl_not_found :
//        JMP lbl_not_found_address
//            lbl_found :
//        RET
//            lbl_not_found_address :
//        mov eax, 0x6FAE1197
//            JMP eax
//    }
static const DLLPatchStrc gptTemplatePatches[] =
// //
// D2COMMON PATCHES        //
// //
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F65FEF4), (DWORD)PATCH_JMP, FALSE, 0x01},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F65FEF5), (DWORD)customD2CommonASM, TRUE, 0x00},
// Patching TEST EAX, EAX at address 0x6F68D570
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D570), (DWORD)(0xC085), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching JNE SHORT 6F68D577 at address 0x6F68D572
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D572), (DWORD)(0x0375), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching RETN 8 at address 0x6F68D574
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D574), (DWORD)(0x0008C2), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4] at address 0x6F68D577
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D577), (DWORD)(0x04E4448B), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2C] at address 0x6F68D57B
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D57B), (DWORD)(0x2C408B), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0C],leftBorder at address 0x6F68D57E
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D57E), (DWORD)(0x0C7883), FALSE, 0x0},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D581), (DWORD)leftBorder, FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching JB SHORT 6F68D59E at address 0x6F68D582
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D582), (DWORD)(0x1A72), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0C],rightBorder at address 0x6F68D584
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D584), (DWORD)(0x0C7883), FALSE, 0x0},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D587), (DWORD)rightBorder, FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching JA SHORT 6F68D59E at address 0x6F68D588
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D588), (DWORD)(0x1477), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],topBorder at address 0x6F68D58A
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D58A), (DWORD)(0x107883), FALSE, 0x0},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D58D), (DWORD)topBorder, FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching JB SHORT 6F68D59E at address 0x6F68D58E
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D58E), (DWORD)(0x0E72), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],bottomBorder at address 0x6F68D590
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D590), (DWORD)(0x107883), FALSE, 0x0},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D593), (DWORD)bottomBorder, FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching JA SHORT 6F68D59E at address 0x6F68D594
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D594), (DWORD)(0x0877), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching MOV EAX,1 at address 0x6F68D596
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D596), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0xB8010000), FALSE, 0x0},
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D59A), (DWORD)(0x00), FALSE, 0x1},
// Patching RETN 8 at address 0x6F68D59B
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D59B), (DWORD)(0x0008C2), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching XOR EAX,EAX at address 0x6F68D59E
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D59E), (DWORD)(0xC031), FALSE, 0x0},
// Patching RETN 8 at address 0x6F68D5A0
{D2DLL_D2COMMON, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Common(0x6F68D5A0), (DWORD)(0x0008C2), FALSE, 0x0},
// //
// D2CLIENT PATCHES        //
// //
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FAE118F), (DWORD)PATCH_JMP, FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FAE1190), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x6CB30800), FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FAE1194), (DWORD)0x90, FALSE, 0x03},
// Patching TEST EAX,EAX at address 0x6FB6C500
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C500), (DWORD)(0xC085), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching JE 6FAE1283 at address 0x6FB6C502
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C502), (DWORD)(0x840F), FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C504), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x7B4DF7FF), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching PUSH 0D at address 0x6FB6C508
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C508), (DWORD)(0x0D6A), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching PUSH ESI at address 0x6FB6C50A
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C50A), (DWORD)(0x56), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching CALL <JMP.&D2Common.#10731> at address 0x6FB6C50B
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C50B), (DWORD)(0xE8), FALSE, 0x01},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C50C), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x10E7FFFF), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching TEST EAX,EAX at address 0x6FB6C510
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C510), (DWORD)(0xC085), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching JE 6FAE1197 at address 0x6FB6C512
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C512), (DWORD)(0x840F), FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C514), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x7F4CF7FF), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20] at address 0x6FB6C518
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C518), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x8B44E420), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching PUSH EAX at address 0x6FB6C51C
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C51C), (DWORD)(0x50), FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching PUSH ESI at address 0x6FB6C51D
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C51D), (DWORD)(0x56), FALSE, 0x01},
// Patching CALL <JMP.&D2Common.#10840> at address 0x6FB6C51E
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C51E), (DWORD)(0xE8), FALSE, 0x01},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C51F), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x19EFFFFF), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching TEST EAX,EAX at address 0x6FB6C523
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C523), (DWORD)(0xC085), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching JE 6FAE1283 at address 0x6FB6C525
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C525), (DWORD)(0x840F), FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C527), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x584DF7FF), FALSE, 0x00},
// Patching JMP 6FAE1197 at address 0x6FB6C52B
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C52B), (DWORD)(0xE9), FALSE, 0x01},
{D2DLL_D2CLIENT, calculateRelativeOffsetD2Client(0x6FB6C52C), (DWORD)reverseHexBytes(0x674CF7FF), FALSE, 0x00},
{D2DLL_INVALID} // this must be the last entry in the array!
#endif // _D2PATCH_H
Filename: None. Size: 13kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

This paste expires on 2024-04-19 15:27:22.613692. Pasted through web.