| #!python3
| """
| Compares the contents (disregarding files' sizes and timestamps) of Haiku packages (.hpkg).
| Useful to see, at first glance, if our newly built package looks more or less like the older ones.
| Usage:
| > compare_packages.py <package_name>
| > compare_packages.py <package1.hpkg> <package2.hpkg>
| First one compares the given <package_name> from:
| /system/packages/package_name-*.hpkg
| with the one from:
| $TREE_PATH/packages/package_name-*.hpkg
| Where $TREE_PATH is the location of haikuports' tree (taken from `haikuporter.conf`).
| The second one compares the two given <package1> <package2> files.
| Examples:
| > compare_packages.py ncurses6
| > compare_packages.py /foo/bar/some_package.hpkg ~/Downloads/some_package.hpkg
| """
| from dataclasses import dataclass
| from pprint import pprint
| import os
| import re
| import subprocess
| import sys
| def usage():
| print(__doc__)
| exit()
| def call(what, check_rc=True, shell=True):
| """Returns the text output of calling the `what` in a subprocess.
| set check_rc=False if the subprocess may fail (and you can handle that).
| """
| if check_rc:
| return subprocess.check_output([what], shell=shell, text=True)
| return subprocess.run([what], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell, text=True).stdout
| def get_package_filenames(package_name):
| """Returns a 2 items tuple of the first .hpkg filename that matches `package_name`.
| The first item from `/system/packages/`, the second from haikuporter's $TREE_PATH.
| """
| system = call('ls -1 /system/packages/%s-*.hpkg' % package_name, check_rc=False)
| local = call('ls -1 %s/%s-*.hpkg' % (get_hp_root(), package_name), check_rc=False)
| if system != '':
| system = system.splitlines()[0]
| if local != '':
| local = local.splitlines()[0]
| return system, local
| def get_hp_root():
| result = call('source ~/config/settings/haikuports.conf && echo $TREE_PATH').splitlines()[0]
| return result + '/packages'
| def diff(old, new):
| result = call('diff --color=always -u %s %s' % (old, new), check_rc=False)
| return result
| def get_package_info(filename):
| PATTERN_TO_REMOVE=r"\s+\d+\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+.*"
| lines = call('package list %s' % filename).splitlines()
| filtered_lines = []
| for l in lines:
| filtered_lines.append(re.sub(PATTERN_TO_REMOVE, '', l))
| filtered_lines.append('') # avoids "no newline at end of file" while diffing.
| return '\n'.join(filtered_lines)
| def main(package_name=None, package1=None, package2=None):
| if (package_name is not None) and (package1 is None and package2 is None):
| package1, package2 = get_package_filenames(package_name)
| errStr1 = 'Cannot locate a package named "%s" under /system/packages/' % package_name
| errStr1 = 'Cannot locate a package named "%s" under "%s"' % (package_name, get_hp_root())
| else:
| errStr1 = 'File "%s" doesn\'t exist/' % package1
| errStr2 = 'File "%s" doesn\'t exist/' % package2
| if not os.path.exists(package1):
| print(errStr1)
| exit()
| elif not os.path.exists(package2):
| print(errStr2)
| exit()
| print('\nComparing package files:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n' % (package1, package2))
| with open('/tmp/hpkginfo1.txt', 'w') as of:
| of.writelines(get_package_info(package1))
| with open('/tmp/hpkginfo2.txt', 'w') as nf:
| nf.writelines(get_package_info(package2))
| print(diff('/tmp/hpkginfo1.txt', '/tmp/hpkginfo2.txt'))
| os.unlink('/tmp/hpkginfo1.txt')
| os.unlink('/tmp/hpkginfo2.txt')
| if __name__ == '__main__':
| if len(sys.argv) == 2:
| main(package_name=sys.argv[1])
| elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
| main(package1=sys.argv[1], package2=sys.argv[2])
| else:
| usage()