| Notes:
| - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
| - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
| - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
| - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
| - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
| - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
| - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
| - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
| - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
| Bitejutsu (Kitejutsu) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Blacksind deaths:8
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (4g 80s 31c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (89s 48c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 59s 88c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Gordok Green Grog 6
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (8g 95s 23c)
| total spent: 91g 79s 38c
| Boofdoctor deaths:7
| Brilliant Mana Oil 4 (6g 39s 24c)
| Dark Rune 4 (18g 77s 24c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (47g 94s 76c)
| Mana Potion - Major 5 (9g 15s 20c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 1 (86s 80c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| total spent: 97g 34s 86c
| Candycoated deaths:7
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 60s 62c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 5
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strength 1
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (7g 67s 50c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 69s 60c)
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 27s 89c)
| total spent: 40g 87s 5c
| Daisyblastin deaths:7
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (5g)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 5 (9g 9s 65c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Mana Potion - Greater 1 (9s 24c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 7 (2g 35s 90c)
| total spent: 88g 39s 51c
| Daoevil deaths:3
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 2 (11g 69s 92c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 78s 96c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 94s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 79s 94c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 60s 12c)
| Great Rage Potion 1 (38s 82c)
| Greater Stoneshield 2 (5g 69s 94c)
| Increased Stamina 5
| Nature Protection 1
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (2g 42s 51c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (29s 96c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 2 (67s 40c)
| total spent: 43g 5s 27c
| Demeos deaths:4
| Elixir of Greater Agility 1 (34s 89c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 47s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 79s 94c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 83s 75c)
| total spent: 18g 9s 46c
| Deviledeggs deaths:7
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Greater Stoneshield 1 (2g 84s 97c)
| Increased Stamina 8
| Medivh's Merlot 5 (9g 23s 30c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 3 (11g 51s 25c)
| Tea with Sugar 4 (1g 34s 80c)
| total spent: 121g 55s 97c
| Drawgunfiyah deaths:2
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 79s 94c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 1 (86s 80c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 83s 75c)
| Tea with Sugar 9 (3g 3s 30c)
| total spent: 12g 1s 71c
| Dreak deaths:9
| Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (13g 43s 91c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Dreamtonic 7 (12g 73s 51c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 5 (5g 55s 15c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 5 (11g 19s 60c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 40s 16c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Invulnerability 4 (7g 15s 84c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 49s 12c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 4 (1g 34s 80c)
| total spent: 133g 35s 82c
| Dreak (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 40s 16c)
| total spent: 3g 40s 16c
| Dreamwerkz deaths:4
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 5 (12g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 4 (8g 5s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 5 (9g 9s 65c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 4 (4g 40s)
| Flask of Supreme Power 2 (95g 60s 10c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 4 (11g 21s 96c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1 (5g 75s 56c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Tea with Sugar 3 (1g 1s 10c)
| total spent: 149g 2s 43c
| Gankz deaths:9
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Nature Protection 5
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Winterfall Firewater 8 (10g 23s 12c)
| total spent: 28g 74s 19c
| Gankz (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| total spent: 1g 70s 8c
| Glaustrop deaths:5
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 9 (22g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (10g 91s 58c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 3 (6g 71s 76c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 2 (95g 60s 10c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (69s 5c)
| total spent: 146g 6s 45c
| Gobrin (Glaustrop) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Grizzlie deaths:6
| ??? Lesser Stoneshield Potion ??? 1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 6 (28g 81s 86c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Giants 4 (5g 88s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 4 (7g 19s 76c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 4 (7g 20s 24c)
| Great Rage Potion 9 (3g 49s 38c)
| Healing Potion - Major 5 (3g 45s 25c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 1 (3g 88s 80c)
| Nature Protection 9
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 27s 53c)
| Shadow Protection 3 (13g 88s 67c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (11g 51s 1c)
| total spent: 100g 24s 78c
| Gutterwar deaths:10
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 94s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Greater Stoneshield 4 (11g 39s 88c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Increased Stamina 9
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 78s 96c)
| Medivh's Merlot 3 (5g 53s 98c)
| Mighty Rage Potion 3 (11g 66s 40c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 19s 84c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 10 (3g 37s)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (8g 95s 23c)
| total spent: 140g 22s 15c
| Heffey deaths:7
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 4 (7g 19s 76c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 78s 96c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Potion of Quickness 6 (15g 29s 88c)
| Powerful Anti-Venom 3 (2g 69s 85c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 19s 84c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 4 (15g 35s)
| Winterfall Firewater 8 (10g 23s 12c)
| total spent: 144g 98s 24c
| Hoboe deaths:2
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 60s 62c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (69s 5c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Potion of Quickness 4 (10g 19s 92c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 4 (15g 35s)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 69s 60c)
| total spent: 121g 66s 49c
| Hoboe (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| total spent: 1g 70s 8c
| Kal'krit (Trinkky) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Kitejutsu deaths:0
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 60s 62c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 79s 94c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 1 (3g 83s 75c)
| total spent: 15g 24s 31c
| Kragdok (Dreak) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Lightworc deaths:6
| Brilliant Mana Oil 5 (7g 99s 5c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 49s 12c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 10 (3g 37s)
| total spent: 28g 58s 87c
| Magiclilguy deaths:6
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 4 (10g)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (5g 45s 79c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Increased Intellect 5
| Invulnerability 3 (5g 36s 88c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Potion of Quickness 5 (12g 74s 90c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| total spent: 109g 41s 79c
| Nightwalkerp deaths:6
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 81c)
| Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1 (47g 94s 76c)
| Mana Potion - Major 4 (7g 32s 16c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Nature Protection 2
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 69s 60c)
| total spent: 62g 4s 25c
| Notsaweezy deaths:4
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 18s 41c)
| Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 41s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Great Rage Potion 1 (38s 82c)
| Greater Stoneshield 4 (11g 39s 88c)
| Increased Stamina 1
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 78s 96c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 9 (2g 69s 64c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 3 (11g 51s 25c)
| total spent: 123g 68s 28c
| Nyllis deaths:6
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 6 (15g)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (10g 91s 58c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 3 (3g 33s 9c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2 (11g 51s 12c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 83s 4c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 2 (67s 40c)
| total spent: 105g 66s 8c
| Prplhaze deaths:4
| Blessed Wizard Oil 4 (17g 91s 88c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (5g 45s 79c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2 (2g 20s)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 3 (17g 26s 68c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Rejuvenation Potion - Major 3 (6g 44s 97c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 69s 60c)
| total spent: 123g 50s 69c
| Reseon deaths:7
| Blessed Wizard Oil 3 (13g 43s 91c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (5g)
| Dreamshard Elixir 4 (8g 5s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 9 (16g 37s 37c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 7 (7g 77s 21c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 4 (11g 21s 96c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (2g 7s 15c)
| Increased Intellect 12
| Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 4 (23g 2s 24c)
| Invulnerability 3 (5g 36s 88c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Potion of Quickness 12 (30g 59s 76c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 3 (1g 1s 10c)
| total spent: 176g 69s 43c
| Rockmshockem deaths:3
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 81c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 1s 49c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| total spent: 6g 9s 22c
| Rockyb deaths:3
| Brilliant Mana Oil 5 (7g 99s 5c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 83s 4c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Tea with Sugar 2 (67s 40c)
| total spent: 25g 79s 74c
| Rumbatu deaths:6
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (2g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 2 (2g 20s)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| total spent: 66g 76s 90c
| Ruplop (Trinkky) deaths:8
| <nothing found>
| Scapulla deaths:4
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 60s 62c)
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 3 (17g 54s 88c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 41s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 59s 88c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 2 (3g 60s 12c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3 (7g 27s 53c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 3 (89s 88c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Tea with Sugar 8 (2g 69s 60c)
| Winterfall Firewater 7 (8g 95s 23c)
| total spent: 139g 44s 55c
| Scarygirl deaths:9
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 2 (9g 60s 62c)
| Dense Sharpening Stone 2
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (89s 48c)
| Elixir of the Giants 3 (4g 41s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Great Rage Potion 8 (3g 10s 56c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Healing Potion - unknown 1
| Increased Stamina 1
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Winterfall Firewater 4 (5g 11s 56c)
| total spent: 49g 52s 94c
| Selax deaths:5
| Brilliant Mana Oil 3 (4g 79s 43c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Mana Potion - Major 3 (5g 49s 12c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 5 (1g 68s 50c)
| total spent: 22g 97s 36c
| Shinyriolu deaths:5
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 78s 96c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 94s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 2 (3g 59s 88c)
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 7 (2g 9s 72c)
| total spent: 88g 98s 11c
| Sinleta deaths:7
| Elixir of Fortitude 3 (2g 68s 44c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of the Titans 1 (68g 91s 59c)
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 40s 16c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (2g 7s 15c)
| Nature Protection 5
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 19s 84c)
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 4 (15g 35s)
| Tea with Sugar 11 (3g 70s 70c)
| Winterfall Firewater 9 (11g 51s 1c)
| total spent: 133g 85s 51c
| Sinleta (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 2 (3g 40s 16c)
| total spent: 3g 40s 16c
| Skoons deaths:7
| Elixir of the Mongoose 4 (7g 19s 76c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Free Action Potion 3 (5g 40s 18c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (69s 5c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Potion of Quickness 11 (28g 4s 78c)
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 2 (59s 92c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 3 (11g 51s 25c)
| Winterfall Firewater 11 (14g 6s 79c)
| total spent: 77g 10s 46c
| Tattoo deaths:5
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (7g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 6 (10g 91s 58c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 4 (4g 44s 12c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 83s 4c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 4 (1g 19s 84c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| total spent: 90g 62s 49c
| Thokdoc (Glaustrop) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Thraa deaths:5
| Dreamshard Elixir 2 (4g 2s 98c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 66s 8c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Tea with Sugar 4 (1g 34s 80c)
| total spent: 9g 3s 86c
| Thunderfunk deaths:8
| Demonic Rune 1
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 4 (7g 27s 72c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 3 (3g 30s)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Healing Potion - Superior 4 (14s 20c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 66s 8c)
| Nature Protection 2
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| total spent: 90g 85s 61c
| Trinkky deaths:7
| ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 4 (7g 15s 84c)
| Anti-Venom 3 (75s 90c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 1 (4g 47s 97c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (7g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 4 (8g 5s 96c)
| Dreamtonic 7 (12g 73s 51c)
| Elixir of Greater Firepower 6 (6g 66s 18c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 6 (13g 43s 52c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 4 (11g 21s 96c)
| Healing Potion - Major 5 (3g 45s 25c)
| Invulnerability 2 (3g 57s 92c)
| Mana Potion - Major 6 (10g 98s 24c)
| Nature Protection 4
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Strong Anti-Venom 2 (64s 32c)
| Tea with Sugar 10 (3g 37s)
| total spent: 156g 5s 24c
| Tuzlo deaths:11
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 5 (12g 50s)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 4 (7g 27s 72c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 3 (3g 30s)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Healing Potion - Major 1 (69s 5c)
| Mana Potion - Major 9 (16g 47s 36c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Tea with Sugar 12 (4g 4s 40c)
| total spent: 68g 25c
| Uristmcheal deaths:2
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 59s 81c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Elixir of Shadow Power 1 (2g 23s 92c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 80s 49c)
| Mana Potion - Major 8 (14g 64s 32c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 3 (2g 60s 40c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 1
| Nature Protection 1
| Spirit of Zanza 2 (4g 95s 84c)
| Tea with Sugar 18 (6g 6s 60c)
| Wizard Oil 1 (24s 7c)
| total spent: 41g 19s 92c
| Veltara deaths:6
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 3 (14g 40s 93c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 1s 49c)
| Dreamtonic 9 (16g 37s 37c)
| Elixir of the Giants 2 (2g 94s)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 3 (5g 39s 82c)
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 2 (5g 60s 98c)
| Healing Potion - Major 2 (1g 38s 10c)
| Mana Potion - Major 9 (16g 47s 36c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Strike of the Scorpok 2 (7g 67s 50c)
| Tea with Sugar 11 (3g 70s 70c)
| Winterfall Firewater 5 (6g 39s 45c)
| total spent: 141g 91s 45c
| Yolopriest deaths:3
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (89s 48c)
| Increased Stamina 1
| Mana Potion - Major 1 (1g 83s 4c)
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 62s 89c)
| Tea with Sugar 4 (1g 34s 80c)
| total spent: 8g 70s 21c
| Yummys deaths:7
| ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 3 (5g 36s 88c)
| Blessed Wizard Oil 2 (8g 95s 94c)
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (5g)
| Consecrated Sharpening Stone 1 (4g 80s 31c)
| Dense Dynamite 4 (4g 79s 92c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 3 (6g 4s 47c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (5g 45s 79c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 2 (1g 78s 96c)
| Elixir of Greater Nature Power 3 (3g 30s)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 18s 41c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 79s 94c)
| Fire Protection 1
| Flask of Supreme Power 1 (47g 80s 5c)
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 3 (8g 41s 47c)
| Healing Potion - Major 3 (2g 7s 15c)
| Mana Potion - Major 2 (3g 66s 8c)
| Mana Potion - Superior 3 (2g 60s 40c)
| Nature Protection 5
| Shadow Protection 2 (9g 25s 78c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Swiftness of Zanza 1 (2g 47s 92c)
| Tea with Sugar 10 (3g 37s)
| total spent: 133g 34s 47c
| Yummys (self damage) deaths:0
| Goblin Sapper Charge 1 (1g 70s 8c)
| total spent: 1g 70s 8c
| Cooldown Summary
| Warrior
| Death Wish
| Grizzlie 19
| Scapulla 10
| Shield Wall
| Notsaweezy 3
| Daoevil 3
| Gutterwar 2
| Recklessness
| Scarygirl 6
| Grizzlie 4
| Daoevil 2
| Notsaweezy 1
| Bloodrage
| Grizzlie 78
| Notsaweezy 76
| Daoevil 73
| Scarygirl 72
| Scapulla 31
| Gutterwar 30
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Notsaweezy 8
| Earthstrike
| Notsaweezy 12
| Mage
| Combustion
| Reseon 13
| Tattoo 12
| Nyllis 10
| Scorch
| Reseon 388
| Tattoo 362
| Nyllis 186
| Talisman of Ephemeral Power
| Magiclilguy 33
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Magiclilguy 2
| Mind Quickening Gem
| Reseon 13
| Tattoo 11
| Daisyblastin 10
| Berserking
| Tattoo 12
| Nyllis 10
| Shaman
| Nature's Swiftness
| Thraa 11
| Windfury Totem
| Tuzlo 121
| Thunderfunk 79
| Prplhaze 77
| Thraa 54
| Rockmshockem 13
| Rumbatu 11
| Grace of Air Totem
| Rockmshockem 1
| Tranquil Air Totem
| Rumbatu 44
| Strength of Earth Totem
| Tuzlo 92
| Thunderfunk 68
| Prplhaze 48
| Thraa 38
| Rockmshockem 15
| Rumbatu 5
| Mana Spring Totem
| Tuzlo 104
| Thunderfunk 66
| Prplhaze 60
| Thraa 52
| Rumbatu 49
| Rockmshockem 31
| Searing Totem
| Rumbatu 49
| Tuzlo 4
| Prplhaze 1
| Fire Nova Totem
| Tuzlo 45
| Rumbatu 14
| Prplhaze 4
| Thunderfunk 2
| Magma Totem
| Tuzlo 39
| Rumbatu 16
| Prplhaze 2
| Ancestral Spirit
| Prplhaze 13
| Rumbatu 7
| Thraa 3
| Thunderfunk 2
| Rockmshockem 2
| Tuzlo 1
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Tuzlo 17
| Thunderfunk 6
| Rumbatu 3
| Berserking
| Rumbatu 5
| Druid
| Rebirth
| Yummys 1
| Dreamwerkz 1
| Deviledeggs 1
| War Stomp
| Yummys 3
| Priest
| Inner Focus
| Boofdoctor 16
| Uristmcheal 11
| Nightwalkerp 9
| Yolopriest 3
| Resurrection
| Uristmcheal 28
| Boofdoctor 10
| Yolopriest 5
| Nightwalkerp 5
| The Eye of the Dead
| Uristmcheal 16
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Boofdoctor 22
| Nightwalkerp 9
| Stoneform
| Uristmcheal 4
| Desperate Prayer
| Boofdoctor 6
| Uristmcheal 4
| Paladin
| Holy Shock (heal)
| Rockyb 64
| Selax 51
| Lightworc 31
| Shinyriolu 22
| Redemption
| Rockyb 12
| Veltara 7
| Selax 7
| Lightworc 6
| Shinyriolu 1
| Earthstrike
| Veltara 12
| Stoneform
| Shinyriolu 6
| Rogue
| Adrenaline Rush
| Gankz 23
| Blacksind 21
| Skoons 18
| Heffey 18
| Sinleta 14
| Demeos 6
| Blade Flurry
| Heffey 54
| Gankz 44
| Blacksind 41
| Skoons 38
| Sinleta 38
| Kiss of the Spider
| Sinleta 33
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Gankz 22
| Will of the Forsaken
| Heffey 8
| Gankz 6
| Sinleta 4
| Blacksind 4
| Warlock
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Dreak 18
| Hunter
| Rapid Fire
| Hoboe 15
| Candycoated 12
| Drawgunfiyah 3
| Kitejutsu 1
| Jom Gabbar
| Hoboe 31
| Candycoated 30
| Drawgunfiyah 2
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Hoboe 26
| Kitejutsu 1
| Berserking
| Kitejutsu 1
| Proc Summary
| Clearcasting
| Tuzlo 206
| Rumbatu 205
| Thunderfunk 194
| Prplhaze 186
| Yummys 153
| Daisyblastin 121
| Dreamwerkz 108
| Magiclilguy 98
| Reseon 83
| Tattoo 75
| Nyllis 73
| Elemental Devastation
| Prplhaze 5
| Rumbatu 4
| Tuzlo 3
| Thunderfunk 1
| Enrage
| Grizzlie 80
| Scapulla 31
| Flurry
| Grizzlie 406
| Scapulla 251
| Nature's Grace
| Yummys 207
| Dreamwerkz 182
| Spell Blasting
| Veltara 47
| Stormcaller's Wrath
| Thunderfunk 141
| Vengeance
| Veltara 188
| Extra Attacks
| Hack and Slash
| Skoons 205
| Hand of Justice
| Blacksind 68
| Reckoning
| Shinyriolu 53
| Veltara 1
| Windfury Totem
| Heffey 308
| Skoons 249
| Gankz 249
| Grizzlie 248
| Notsaweezy 220
| Veltara 218
| Deviledeggs 218
| Sinleta 214
| Daoevil 203
| Blacksind 196
| Gutterwar 192
| Scarygirl 165
| Shinyriolu 152
| Candycoated 145
| Scapulla 88
| Demeos 32
| Selax 13
| Hoboe 10
| Prplhaze 9
| Tuzlo 4
| Rumbatu 3
| Rockmshockem 1
| Annihilator Log
| <nothing found>
| Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
| <nothing found>
| Gluth Log
| 1/17 22:22:02.420 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:06.440 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:22:06.440 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:22:12.250 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:19.767 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:22:19.767 Candycoated casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:22:22.274 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:27.581 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:22:27.581 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:22:32.293 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:42.318 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:44.136 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:22:44.136 Candycoated casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:22:52.410 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:22:54.807 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:22:54.807 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:23:02.457 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:04.970 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:23:04.970 Candycoated casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:23:12.512 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:15.486 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:23:15.486 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:23:22.550 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:32.625 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:36.129 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:23:36.129 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Nightwalkerp for 4320.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Rockmshockem for 4779.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Demeos for 4630.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Scarygirl for 6279.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Scapulla for 5215.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Notsaweezy for 9386.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Yolopriest for 5451.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Deviledeggs for 9470.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Thraa for 5387.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Shinyriolu for 7240.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Grizzlie for 6042.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Tuzlo for 4171.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Reseon for 4608.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Dreamwerkz for 5519.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Candycoated for 6486.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Trinkky for 7205.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Heffey for 6929.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Veltara for 4305.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Tattoo for 4811.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Uristmcheal for 4957.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Yummys for 5529.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Lightworc for 5331.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Rockyb for 4590.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Thunderfunk for 5444.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Skoons for 5922.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Daoevil for 8730.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Dreak for 4354.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Selax for 6433.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Rumbatu for 5586.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Daisyblastin for 4247.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Glaustrop for 4199.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Blacksind for 5979.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Nyllis for 4969.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Gankz for 4668.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Sinleta for 6767.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Hoboe for 7332.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Prplhaze for 5526.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Boofdoctor for 4852.
| 1/17 22:23:37.089 Gluth 's Decimate hits Magiclilguy for 2798.
| 1/17 22:23:42.707 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:52.651 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:23:57.764 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:23:57.764 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:24:02.652 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:24:12.703 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:24:18.148 Gluth 's Frenzy is removed.
| 1/17 22:24:18.148 Hoboe casts Tranquilizing Shot on Gluth.
| 1/17 22:24:22.722 Gluth gains Frenzy (1).
| 1/17 22:24:25.869 Gluth dies.
| Pets
| TIGERwoodz (Candycoated) owned by Candycoated
| Giuseppe (Hoboe) owned by Hoboe
| AirWolf (Drawgunfiyah) owned by Drawgunfiyah
| Class Detection
| Bitejutsu (Kitejutsu) unknown
| Blacksind rogue
| Boofdoctor priest
| Candycoated hunter
| Daisyblastin mage
| Daoevil warrior
| Demeos rogue
| Deviledeggs druid
| Drawgunfiyah hunter
| Dreak warlock
| Dreak (self damage) unknown
| Dreamwerkz druid
| Gankz rogue
| Gankz (self damage) unknown
| Glaustrop warlock
| Gobrin (Glaustrop) unknown
| Grizzlie warrior
| Gutterwar warrior
| Heffey rogue
| Hoboe hunter
| Hoboe (self damage) unknown
| Kal'krit (Trinkky) unknown
| Kitejutsu hunter
| Kragdok (Dreak) unknown
| Lightworc paladin
| Magiclilguy mage
| Nightwalkerp priest
| Notsaweezy warrior
| Nyllis mage
| Prplhaze shaman
| Reseon mage
| Rockmshockem shaman
| Rockyb paladin
| Rumbatu shaman
| Ruplop (Trinkky) unknown
| Scapulla warrior
| Scarygirl warrior
| Selax paladin
| Shinyriolu paladin
| Sinleta rogue
| Sinleta (self damage) unknown
| Skoons rogue
| Tattoo mage
| Thokdoc (Glaustrop) unknown
| Thraa shaman
| Thunderfunk shaman
| Trinkky unknown
| Tuzlo shaman
| Uristmcheal priest
| Veltara paladin
| Yolopriest priest
| Yummys druid
| Yummys (self damage) unknown
| Tech
| project version 2024.1082
| project homepage https://github.com/melbaa/summarize_consumes
| prices server nord
| prices timestamp 2025-01-18T00:00:01.665308 (7 hours ago)
| log size 31.3 MB
| log lines 424161
| skipped log lines 2582 (0.61%)
| processed in 46.06 seconds. 9208.47 log lines/sec
| runtime platform win32
| runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
| runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]