| Notes:
| - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
| - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
| - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
| - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
| - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
| - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
| - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
| - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
| - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
| Arekusandoru deaths:0
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 3
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (31s 45c)
| Winterfall Firewater 2 (2g 72s 76c)
| total spent: 5g 67s 91c
| Babyray deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 4
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (1g 97s 39c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 84s 56c)
| Winterfall Firewater 2 (2g 72s 76c)
| total spent: 8g 31s 66c
| Baldi deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 91s 66c)
| Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 3
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 2 (3g 78s 12c)
| Nature Protection 2
| total spent: 7g 69s 78c
| Berrithal deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Dreamtonic 1 (1g 45s 55c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Increased Stamina 1
| Nature Protection 3
| total spent: 2g 32s 30c
| Brunella deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 95s 83c)
| Nature Protection 2
| total spent: 1g 95s 83c
| Cliffholger deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Elixir of Superior Defense 1 (2g 46s 10c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 35s 68c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 1
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 4
| Regeneration 1
| total spent: 8g 19s 16c
| Daggup (Missmelon) deaths:0
| <nothing found>
| Doxicated deaths:2
| Nature Protection 1
| Faylily deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (99s 66c)
| Increased Stamina 2
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 1
| total spent: 2g 73s 34c
| Folic deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Elixir of the Giants 1 (1g 35s 68c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 3
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (1g 97s 39c)
| Winterfall Firewater 2 (2g 72s 76c)
| total spent: 8g 69s 53c
| Franci deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 2
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 36s 38c)
| total spent: 1g 36s 38c
| Gorefight deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Frost Oil 2
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 4
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 36s 38c)
| total spent: 3g 10s 6c
| Granik (Greenbag) deaths:2
| <nothing found>
| Greenbag deaths:1
| Anti-Venom 2 (13s)
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (1g 99s 32c)
| Dreamtonic 2 (2g 91s 10c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Invulnerability 2 (3g 47s 36c)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 2 (3g 78s 12c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Shadow Protection 1 (4g 89s 58c)
| Spirit of Zanza 1 (1g 84s 56c)
| total spent: 19g 89s 79c
| Hypty deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Nature Protection 2
| Jammers deaths:1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 1 (1g 95s 83c)
| Nature Protection 1
| total spent: 1g 95s 83c
| Jansan deaths:2
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (1g 99s 32c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (4g 36s 65c)
| Invulnerability 4 (6g 94s 72c)
| Nature Protection 2
| total spent: 13g 30s 69c
| Kotegawa deaths:1
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 1 (99s 66c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 28s 10c)
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 1
| total spent: 5g 1s 44c
| Missmelon deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 28s 10c)
| Dreamtonic 3 (4g 36s 65c)
| Greater Arcane Elixir 1 (2g 72s 54c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (31s 45c)
| total spent: 9g 68s 74c
| Mojomeister deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 91s 66c)
| Nature Protection 3
| total spent: 3g 91s 66c
| Mootails deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Dense Dynamite 2 (2g 6s 2c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 3
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 36s 38c)
| total spent: 5g 16s 8c
| Moraban deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Mana Oil 2 (3g 91s 66c)
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 28s 10c)
| Increased Intellect 3
| Invulnerability 1 (1g 73s 68c)
| Nature Protection 3
| total spent: 7g 93s 44c
| Narghulz deaths:0
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 2 (1g 99s 32c)
| Frost Oil 1
| Increased Stamina 1
| Nature Protection 2
| Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 (31s 45c)
| total spent: 2g 30s 77c
| Nofoxgiven deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elemental Sharpening Stone 4 (22g 30s 40c)
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 4
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (1g 97s 39c)
| Winterfall Firewater 3 (4g 9s 14c)
| total spent: 30g 13s 88c
| Nosha deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Brilliant Wizard Oil 3 (2g 98s 98c)
| Dreamtonic 1 (1g 45s 55c)
| Increased Intellect 4
| Invisibility Potion 1 (82s 51c)
| Invulnerability 2 (3g 47s 36c)
| Medivh's Merlot Blue Label 4 (7g 56s 24c)
| Nature Protection 1
| Potion of Quickness 4 (10g 54s 64c)
| total spent: 26g 85s 28c
| Raidll deaths:0
| ??? Elixir of the Sages ??? 1 (1g 70s 99c)
| Nature Protection 2
| total spent: 1g 70s 99c
| Shocksho deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Nature Protection 1
| Stickyboots deaths:0
| Arcane Protection 1
| Elixir of the Mongoose 1 (1g 76s 95c)
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 1
| Potion of Quickness 1 (2g 63s 66c)
| Winterfall Firewater 2 (2g 72s 76c)
| total spent: 7g 13s 37c
| Strikedood deaths:0
| Dense Sharpening Stone 4
| Frost Oil 2
| Nature Protection 4
| Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1 (1g 97s 39c)
| Winterfall Firewater 1 (1g 36s 38c)
| total spent: 3g 33s 77c
| Sylean deaths:0
| Dreamshard Elixir 1 (2g 28s 10c)
| Elixir of Fortitude 1 (86s 75c)
| Nature Protection 4
| Regeneration 1
| total spent: 3g 14s 85c
| Sunder Armor Summary (trash and boss counts)
| Mootails 92
| Strikedood 64
| Babyray 54
| Gorefight 44
| Folic 34
| Nofoxgiven 3
| Cooldown Summary
| Warrior
| Death Wish
| Nofoxgiven 10
| Babyray 9
| Strikedood 8
| Gorefight 7
| Recklessness
| Mootails 3
| Nofoxgiven 2
| Folic 2
| Strikedood 1
| Gorefight 1
| Babyray 1
| Bloodrage
| Folic 32
| Nofoxgiven 31
| Babyray 29
| Gorefight 20
| Strikedood 16
| Mootails 16
| Kiss of the Spider
| Strikedood 9
| Mootails 7
| Slayer's Crest
| Strikedood 10
| Folic 4
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Strikedood 1
| Mage
| Combustion
| Kotegawa 6
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Jansan 5
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Doxicated 7
| Mind Quickening Gem
| Jansan 5
| Kotegawa 1
| Shaman
| Nature's Swiftness
| Raidll 5
| Shocksho 2
| Mojomeister 1
| Windfury Totem
| Shocksho 36
| Raidll 30
| Mojomeister 27
| Strength of Earth Totem
| Shocksho 35
| Raidll 32
| Mojomeister 26
| Mana Spring Totem
| Shocksho 38
| Mojomeister 29
| Raidll 21
| Fire Nova Totem
| Raidll 3
| Mojomeister 1
| Ancestral Spirit
| Raidll 4
| Berserking
| Mojomeister 1
| Druid
| Rebirth
| Nosha 1
| Priest
| Inner Focus
| Brunella 4
| Moraban 2
| Resurrection
| Baldi 2
| Stoneform
| Moraban 1
| Will of the Forsaken
| Brunella 1
| Paladin
| Slayer's Crest
| Sylean 2
| The Eye of the Dead
| Sylean 1
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Berrithal 2
| Zandalarian Hero Charm
| Narghulz 7
| Rogue
| Adrenaline Rush
| Franci 7
| Arekusandoru 6
| Blade Flurry
| Franci 18
| Arekusandoru 11
| Kiss of the Spider
| Stickyboots 9
| Slayer's Crest
| Stickyboots 6
| Badge of the Swarmguard
| Stickyboots 1
| Warlock
| The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
| Greenbag 6
| Hunter
| Rapid Fire
| Hypty 7
| Jom Gabbar
| Hypty 5
| Berserking
| Hypty 5
| Proc Summary
| Clearcasting
| Cliffholger 65
| Jansan 51
| Faylily 48
| Kotegawa 47
| Doxicated 13
| Enrage
| Nofoxgiven 36
| Babyray 34
| Gorefight 22
| Strikedood 18
| Flurry
| Babyray 197
| Gorefight 170
| Strikedood 151
| Nofoxgiven 150
| Nature's Grace
| Nosha 97
| Spell Blasting
| Berrithal 37
| Vengeance
| Sylean 3
| Extra Attacks
| Hand of Justice
| Gorefight 35
| Nofoxgiven 22
| Cliffholger 16
| Reckoning
| Narghulz 27
| Windfury Totem
| Babyray 141
| Gorefight 124
| Mootails 113
| Strikedood 107
| Stickyboots 102
| Cliffholger 99
| Narghulz 91
| Nofoxgiven 83
| Franci 74
| Folic 72
| Arekusandoru 68
| Berrithal 59
| Raidll 3
| Annihilator Log
| 2/11 20:01:10.037 Vekniss Soldier is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:02:26.537 Vekniss Soldier is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:04:34.942 Fankriss the Unyielding gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:04:39.157 Fankriss the Unyielding gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 2/11 20:05:08.345 Vekniss Hatchling is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:07:55.110 Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:08:15.235 Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 2/11 20:08:30.002 Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
| 2/11 20:09:14.954 Armor Shatter fades from Viscidus.
| 2/11 20:50:35.678 Eye of C'Thun gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:50:35.692 Eye of C'Thun gains Armor Shatter (2).
| 2/11 20:51:01.330 Eye of C'Thun gains Armor Shatter (3).
| 2/11 20:51:19.895 Claw Tentacle is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:51:40.281 Giant Claw Tentacle gains Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:51:51.637 C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
| 2/11 20:52:16.458 C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
| 2/11 20:52:27.050 C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
| Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
| <nothing found>
| Pets
| Tareco (Cabum) owned by Your
| Blueey (Hypty) owned by Hypty
| Class Detection
| Arekusandoru rogue
| Babyray warrior
| Baldi priest
| Berrithal paladin
| Brunella priest
| Cliffholger unknown
| Daggup (Missmelon) unknown
| Doxicated mage
| Faylily unknown
| Folic warrior
| Franci rogue
| Gorefight warrior
| Granik (Greenbag) unknown
| Greenbag warlock
| Hypty hunter
| Jammers druid
| Jansan mage
| Kotegawa mage
| Missmelon warlock
| Mojomeister shaman
| Mootails warrior
| Moraban priest
| Narghulz paladin
| Nofoxgiven warrior
| Nosha druid
| Raidll shaman
| Shocksho shaman
| Stickyboots rogue
| Strikedood warrior
| Sylean paladin
| Tech
| project version 2025.1087
| project homepage https://github.com/melbaa/summarize_consumes
| prices server nord
| prices timestamp 2025-02-14T00:00:01.275210 (17 hours ago)
| log size 9.9 MB
| log lines 135182
| skipped log lines 50825 (37.60%)
| processed in 15.09 seconds. 8956.82 log lines/sec
| runtime platform win32
| runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
| runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]