New paste Repaste Download
    - The report is generated using the combat log, which is far from perfect.
    - Use the report as evidence something DID happen and keep in mind the data is not exhaustive. In other words the report DOES NOT cover everything.
    - Some events are missing because the person logging wasn't in the instance yet or was too far away. This means inferring something DID NOT happen may be hard or impossible and requires extra care.
    - Jujus and many foods are not in the combat log, so they can't be easily counted.
    - Dragonbreath chili and goblin sappers have only "on hit" messages, so their usage is estimated based on timestamps and cooldowns.
    - Mageblood and some other mana consumes are "mana regeneration" in the combat log, can't tell them apart.
    - Lesser, greater protection potions and frozen runes don't have unique names, can't tell them apart.
    - Nordanaar Herbal Tea casts the same spell as Tea with Sugar, can't tell them apart.
    - Gift of Arthas looks like a buff on both players and NPCs, which messes up player detection, so it's not tracked.
Agedmilk deaths:1
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 67s 9c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 14s 80c)
   total spent: 7g 37s 79c
Ajdra deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 4   (6g 96s 4c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 66s 96c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 4   (4g 46s 72c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (50s 72c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (24s 47c)
   total spent: 20g 18s 78c
Ayea deaths:3
   Anti-Venom 1   (7s 95c)
   Arcane Protection 1
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Medivh's Merlot 3   (7g 34s 97c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Potion of Quickness 10   (24g 3s 80c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 3   (8g 1s 27c)
   Strong Anti-Venom 1   (36s 99c)
   Winterfall Firewater 7   (7g 51s 80c)
   total spent: 62g 98s 99c
Bigkrit deaths:0
   <nothing found>
Boggum deaths:1
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   Increased Stamina 2
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 13g 6s 53c
Boujie deaths:1
   Agility 1
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dense Sharpening Stone 8
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 2   (10g 49s 44c)
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (23s 60c)
   Elixir of the Giants 3   (3g 99s 90c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Frost Oil 1
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   Increased Stamina 1
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 4   (14g 19s 56c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2   (4g 59s 50c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 89s 99c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strength 1
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 59g 35s 90c
Britainsand deaths:1
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (5g 24s 72c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 2   (7g 9s 78c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 29s 75c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 3   (75s 45c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 7s 40c)
   total spent: 23g 83s 97c
Dags deaths:1
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Goblin Sapper Charge 5   (7g 84s 95c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 94s 64c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 34s 18c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   total spent: 21g 99s 55c
Dags (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 5   (7g 84s 95c)
   total spent: 7g 84s 95c
Darkshadowx deaths:1
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 77s 33c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 1   (2g 67s 9c)
   total spent: 12g 72s 28c
Dragonfury deaths:2
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (23s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   total spent: 1g 14s 59c
Dublo deaths:2
   Arcane Protection 1
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   total spent: 4g 86s 30c
Dublo (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   total spent: 1g 56s 99c
Duplo deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (2g 10s 91c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   total spent: 4g 66s 30c
Duploo deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (2g 10s 91c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 37s 98c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 25s 78c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   total spent: 9g 98s 92c
Ebeach deaths:3
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 4   (8g 43s 64c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Dreamtonic 7   (9g 65s 86c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 72s 40c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (46g 60s 52c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (7g 22s 31c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 64s 92c)
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 2   (14g 75s 44c)
   Invulnerability 6   (11g 7s 90c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 3   (3g 35s 4c)
   Mana Potion - Major 3   (5g 83s 92c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Regeneration 2
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 89s 99c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 6   (1g 46s 82c)
   total spent: 125g 66s 87c
Exacerbate deaths:2
   Dense Sharpening Stone 11
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 72s 40c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 2   (4g 67s 22c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Frost Oil 1
   Goblin Sapper Charge 7   (10g 98s 93c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 69s 30c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 18   (63g 88s 2c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2   (4g 59s 50c)
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (25s 15c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (48s 94c)
   Winterfall Firewater 6   (6g 44s 40c)
   total spent: 107g 27s 23c
Exacerbate (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 7   (10g 98s 93c)
   total spent: 10g 98s 93c
Exotiko deaths:2
   Demonic Rune 4
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 66s 96c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 81s 54c)
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 89s 28c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Wizard Oil 4   (79s 20c)
   total spent: 15g 81s 42c
Frimbord deaths:3
   Anti-Venom 1   (7s 95c)
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 21s 82c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 73s 20c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 8   (1g 95s 76c)
   total spent: 22g 16s 8c
Gnoops deaths:6
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dense Sharpening Stone 6
   Dense Weighstone 1
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 77s 33c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (3g 13s 98c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 84s 65c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 11s 68c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 1   (3g 54s 89c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Noggenfogger Elixir 9
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3   (6g 89s 25c)
   Tea with Sugar 9   (2g 20s 23c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 7s 40c)
   total spent: 27g 59s 50c
Gnoops (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (3g 13s 98c)
   total spent: 3g 13s 98c
Gudlevski deaths:1
   Arcane Protection 1
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 66s 60c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   Healing Potion - Major 4   (3g 29s 84c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 29s 75c)
   Tea with Sugar 5   (1g 22s 35c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 14s 80c)
   total spent: 19g 20s 42c
Gudlevski (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   total spent: 1g 56s 99c
Holbart deaths:4
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 3   (15g 74s 16c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (46g 60s 52c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 94s 64c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 71g 48s 30c
Jahakal deaths:3
   Dense Weighstone 9
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (23s 60c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   Invisibility Potion 4   (3g 63s 96c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 69s 30c)
   Lucidity Potion 1   (1g 6s 68c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 29s 75c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Winterfall Firewater 3   (3g 22s 20c)
   total spent: 25g 47s 31c
Jiginator deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 74s 1c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 66s 96c)
   Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1   (45g 38s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 10   (19g 46s 40c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   total spent: 72g 81s 36c
Kavax deaths:1
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Mana Oil 5   (8g 70s 5c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Regeneration 3
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (48s 94c)
   total spent: 21g 76s 27c
Kimaen deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 2
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 66s 60c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 54s 66c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 5   (17g 74s 45c)
   Nature Protection 5
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 34s 18c)
   total spent: 37g 7s 95c
Kreizenn deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
Kujanu deaths:0
   Arcane Protection 1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 21s 82c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Dreamtonic 1   (1g 37s 98c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   Invulnerability 3   (5g 53s 95c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 1   (50s 72c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (25s 15c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (97s 88c)
   total spent: 21g 45s 62c
Kyneswide deaths:2
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (5g 24s 72c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 3   (2g 58s 60c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 3   (7g 83c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 69s 30c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 11s 68c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 2   (7g 9s 78c)
   Noggenfogger Elixir 3
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2   (4g 59s 50c)
   Regeneration 3
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 5   (1g 25s 75c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   Winterfall Firewater 7   (7g 51s 80c)
   total spent: 56g 56s 11c
Lightbourne deaths:2
   Arcane Protection 2
   Dragonbreath Chili 9   (9g 42s 84c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Dreamtonic 5   (6g 89s 90c)
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 1   (5g 24s 72c)
   Elixir of the Giants 3   (3g 99s 90c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Flask of Supreme Power 2   (93g 21s 4c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 54s 66c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 12   (18g 83s 88c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (7g 22s 31c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Mana Potion - Major 5   (9g 73s 20c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3   (6g 89s 25c)
   Spirit of Zanza 2   (6g 95s 34c)
   Tea with Sugar 9   (2g 20s 23c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 191g 4s 80c
Lightbourne (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 12   (18g 83s 88c)
   total spent: 18g 83s 88c
Lucias deaths:1
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 21s 82c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 54s 66c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   Increased Stamina 3
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Tea with Sugar 3   (73s 41c)
   total spent: 14g 49s 83c
Maliky deaths:5
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dense Sharpening Stone 3
   Elixir of Fortitude 3   (2g 58s 60c)
   Elixir of Giant Growth 3
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Free Action Potion 3   (5g 31s 99c)
   Frost Oil 2
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (3g 13s 98c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Invulnerability 3   (5g 53s 95c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 1   (3g 54s 89c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 1   (25s 15c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 32g 66s 64c
Maliky (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 2   (3g 13s 98c)
   total spent: 3g 13s 98c
Medeste deaths:0
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 1   (1g 11s 68c)
   Lesser Mana Oil 1   (38s 9c)
   Mana Potion - Greater 2   (11s 96c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (48s 94c)
   total spent: 3g 94s 15c
Memimetizzo deaths:5
   Elixir of Greater Agility 2   (47s 20c)
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 66s 60c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   total spent: 6g 53s 20c
Mioko deaths:3
   Arcane Protection 1
   Dragonbreath Chili 9   (9g 42s 84c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Dreamtonic 6   (8g 27s 88c)
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 5   (26g 23s 60c)
   Elixir of the Giants 3   (3g 99s 90c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 3   (5g 9s 10c)
   Fire Protection 3
   Flask of Supreme Power 2   (93g 21s 4c)
   Frost Protection 1
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (7g 22s 31c)
   Healing Potion - Major 2   (1g 64s 92c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 84s 65c)
   Mana Potion - Greater 1   (5s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (7g 78s 56c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 5   (2g 53s 60c)
   Nature Protection 3
   Potion of Quickness 1   (2g 40s 38c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 3   (6g 89s 25c)
   Spirit of Zanza 2   (6g 95s 34c)
   Tea with Sugar 20   (4g 89s 40c)
   Winterfall Firewater 6   (6g 44s 40c)
   total spent: 203g 16s 56c
Mouzer deaths:3
   Dense Dynamite 4   (10g)
   Dense Sharpening Stone 3
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 5   (26g 23s 60c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 72s 40c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Free Action Potion 2   (3g 54s 66c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 4   (14g 19s 56c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 2   (4g 59s 50c)
   Regeneration 2
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 4   (1g 60c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 4   (97s 88c)
   Winterfall Firewater 5   (5g 37s)
   total spent: 78g 82s 23c
Mouzer (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 1   (1g 56s 99c)
   total spent: 1g 56s 99c
Newsom deaths:0
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 2   (10g 49s 44c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Winterfall Firewater 2   (2g 14s 80c)
   total spent: 21g 55s 68c
Noheartrate deaths:10
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 5   (10g 54s 55c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Dreamtonic 7   (9g 65s 86c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 3   (2g 58s 60c)
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 4   (4g 67s 92c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 5   (11g 28s 90c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (46g 60s 52c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (7g 22s 31c)
   Increased Stamina 9
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (7g 37s 72c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 69s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 2   (3g 89s 28c)
   Medivh's Merlot 2   (4g 89s 98c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (48s 94c)
   total spent: 124g 64s 96c
Nollar deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 2   (4g 21s 82c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Dreamtonic 2   (2g 75s 96c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   total spent: 13g 90s 21c
Noxih deaths:1
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 3   (2g 58s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Lesser Mana Oil 3   (1g 14s 27c)
   Mana Potion - Greater 1   (5s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 4   (7g 78s 56c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 9   (4g 56s 48c)
   Spirit of Zanza 2   (6g 95s 34c)
   Tea with Sugar 14   (3g 42s 58c)
   total spent: 33g 84s 23c
Physical deaths:4
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 1   (2g 10s 91c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Nature Protection 1
   total spent: 5g 76s 37c
Scattyshock deaths:5
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Tea with Sugar 1   (24s 47c)
   total spent: 2g 6s 45c
Shadowhelper deaths:0
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 5   (10g 54s 55c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 3   (2g 58s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 1   (90s 99c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 94s 64c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Tea with Sugar 1   (24s 47c)
   total spent: 21g 73s 69c
Shamancheese deaths:1
   Brilliant Mana Oil 1   (1g 74s 1c)
   Demonic Rune 1
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Fire Protection 1
   Flask of Distilled Wisdom 1   (45g 38s 60c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Lesser Invisibility Potion 2   (2g 23s 36c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 94s 64c)
   total spent: 54g 96s 7c
Shermstab deaths:3
   Elixir of the Giants 2   (2g 66s 60c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 2   (3g 39s 40c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 77s 33c)
   Potion of Quickness 1   (2g 40s 38c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strike of the Scorpok 2   (5g 34s 18c)
   Tea with Sugar 2   (48s 94c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 7s 40c)
   total spent: 20g 61s 90c
Sibbu deaths:6
   Healing Potion - Major 1   (82s 46c)
   total spent: 82s 46c
Superchoc deaths:0
   Brilliant Mana Oil 2   (3g 48s 2c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Mana Potion - Major 6   (11g 67s 84c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Tea with Sugar 7   (1g 71s 29c)
   total spent: 22g 18s 30c
Thedos deaths:7
   Dreamshard Elixir 1   (1g 83s 48c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 1   (2g 40s 77c)
   Regeneration 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   total spent: 8g 58s 12c
Toimprovise deaths:2
   Brilliant Mana Oil 3   (5g 22s 3c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 66s 96c)
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (7g 37s 72c)
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 11   (21g 41s 4c)
   Mana Regeneration (food or mageblood) 5
   Tea with Sugar 19   (4g 64s 93c)
   total spent: 44g 14s 66c
Vakos deaths:2
   Anti-Venom 1   (7s 95c)
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 5   (10g 54s 55c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 3   (5g 50s 44c)
   Dreamtonic 8   (11g 3s 84c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 2   (1g 72s 40c)
   Fire Protection 2
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (46g 60s 52c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 5   (7g 84s 95c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 3   (7g 22s 31c)
   Increased Intellect 7
   Increased Stamina 1
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (7g 37s 72c)
   Invisibility Potion 3   (2g 72s 97c)
   Invulnerability 7   (12g 92s 55c)
   Mana Potion - Major 7   (13g 62s 48c)
   Mana Potion - Superior 2   (1g 1s 44c)
   Nature Protection 2
   Rumsey Rum Black Label 5   (1g 25s 75c)
   Shadow Protection 1   (4g 89s 99c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   Strong Anti-Venom 1   (36s 99c)
   Tea with Sugar 6   (1g 46s 82c)
   total spent: 139g 71s 34c
Vakos (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 5   (7g 84s 95c)
   total spent: 7g 84s 95c
Votequimby deaths:2
   Invisibility Potion 2   (1g 81s 98c)
   Mana Potion - Major 13   (25g 30s 32c)
   Tea with Sugar 14   (3g 42s 58c)
   total spent: 30g 54s 88c
Wayan deaths:5
   Anti-Venom 1   (7s 95c)
   Arcane Protection 2
   Brilliant Wizard Oil 3   (6g 32s 73c)
   Dreamshard Elixir 2   (3g 66s 96c)
   Dreamtonic 3   (4g 13s 94c)
   Elixir of Giant Growth 1
   Elixir of Greater Firepower 1   (1g 16s 98c)
   Elixir of Shadow Power 1   (2g 25s 78c)
   Flask of Supreme Power 1   (46g 60s 52c)
   Greater Arcane Elixir 2   (4g 81s 54c)
   Increased Intellect 3
   Infallible Mind (Cerebral Cortex Compound) 1   (7g 37s 72c)
   Invulnerability 2   (3g 69s 30c)
   Mana Potion - Major 1   (1g 94s 64c)
   Medivh's Merlot 1   (2g 44s 99c)
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Strong Anti-Venom 1   (36s 99c)
   Tea with Sugar 9   (2g 20s 23c)
   Winterfall Firewater 1   (1g 7s 40c)
   total spent: 91g 65s 34c
Werewulf deaths:2
   Arcane Protection 2
   Elemental Sharpening Stone 7   (36g 73s 4c)
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 33s 61c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 77s 33c)
   Goblin Sapper Charge 4   (6g 27s 96c)
   Invulnerability 1   (1g 84s 65c)
   Mighty Rage Potion 5   (17g 74s 45c)
   Rage of Ages (ROIDS) 1   (2g 29s 75c)
   Regeneration 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   Stratholme Holy Water 1
   Winterfall Firewater 4   (4g 29s 60c)
   total spent: 80g 67s 26c
Werewulf (self damage) deaths:0
   Goblin Sapper Charge 4   (6g 27s 96c)
   total spent: 6g 27s 96c
Whackamoocow deaths:1
   Elixir of Fortitude 1   (86s 20c)
   Elixir of Greater Agility 1   (23s 60c)
   Elixir of Superior Defense 1   (2g 33s 61c)
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Nature Protection 1
   Spirit of Zanza 1   (3g 47s 67c)
   total spent: 8g 24s 38c
Wronggock deaths:0
   Elixir of the Giants 1   (1g 33s 30c)
   Elixir of the Mongoose 1   (1g 69s 70c)
   Free Action Potion 1   (1g 77s 33c)
   Medivh's Merlot 1   (2g 44s 99c)
   total spent: 7g 25s 32c
Cooldown Summary
      Death Wish
         Jahakal 24
         Werewulf 23
         Boujie 21
         Exacerbate 20
         Gnoops 18
         Gudlevski 17
         Mouzer 15
         Maliky 13
         Darkshadowx 5
      Shield Wall
         Kyneswide 1
         Boujie 1
         Jahakal 4
         Exacerbate 4
         Werewulf 3
         Maliky 2
         Kyneswide 2
         Gudlevski 2
         Gnoops 2
         Boujie 2
         Gnoops 83
         Exacerbate 80
         Werewulf 76
         Kyneswide 72
         Maliky 53
         Jahakal 49
         Boujie 47
         Gudlevski 32
         Mouzer 25
         Darkshadowx 17
      Kiss of the Spider
         Jahakal 30
         Werewulf 23
         Gnoops 19
         Gudlevski 16
         Kyneswide 15
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Gudlevski 4
         Boujie 24
         Mouzer 9
         Gnoops 1
      Diamond Flask
         Mouzer 1
         Jahakal 23
      War Stomp
         Maliky 4
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Gnoops 18
         Vakos 4
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Vakos 27
         Thedos 10
         Kujanu 8
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Ebeach 19
         Vakos 6
         Nollar 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Nollar 2
      Mind Quickening Gem
         Vakos 17
         Ebeach 12
         Kujanu 7
         Nollar 3
         Vakos 24
         Nollar 3
      Will of the Forsaken
         Ebeach 1
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Vakos 14
      Nature's Swiftness
         Kavax 20
         Jiginator 17
         Shamancheese 13
         Votequimby 12
      Windfury Totem
         Jiginator 155
         Shamancheese 136
         Kavax 116
         Scattyshock 85
         Votequimby 80
      Strength of Earth Totem
         Shamancheese 119
         Kavax 87
         Scattyshock 86
         Jiginator 69
         Votequimby 57
      Mana Spring Totem
         Shamancheese 130
         Kavax 110
         Scattyshock 88
         Votequimby 81
         Jiginator 75
      Fire Nova Totem
         Scattyshock 2
         Kavax 1
      Magma Totem
         Scattyshock 1
      Ancestral Spirit
         Kavax 24
         Shamancheese 8
         Jiginator 6
         Scattyshock 1
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Kavax 23
         Shamancheese 19
         Jiginator 12
      War Stomp
         Kavax 1
      Nature's Swiftness
         Noxih 9
         Superchoc 5
         Wronggock 1
         Kimaen 1
         Boggum 1
         Noxih 34
         Superchoc 18
      Kiss of the Spider
         Boggum 20
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Britainsand 2
      The Eye of the Dead
         Superchoc 9
      Hibernation Crystal
         Superchoc 7
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Noxih 2
      War Stomp
         Noxih 3
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Kimaen 2
         Boggum 1
      Inner Focus
         Frimbord 7
         Toimprovise 5
         Physical 2
         Duplo 1
         Frimbord 10
         Duplo 3
         Physical 2
      The Eye of the Dead
         Duplo 4
      Desperate Prayer
         Frimbord 1
      Will of the Forsaken
         Physical 1
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Physical 1
      Holy Shock (heal)
         Ajdra 176
         Shadowhelper 52
         Medeste 24
         Shadowhelper 11
         Ajdra 8
         Medeste 4
         Mioko 3
         Lightbourne 3
         Newsom 2
         Lucias 2
         Lightbourne 2
      Talisman of Ephemeral Power
         Medeste 4
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Medeste 21
         Shadowhelper 16
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Lightbourne 30
         Holbart 1
      Adrenaline Rush
         Shermstab 13
         Memimetizzo 6
      Blade Flurry
         Memimetizzo 24
         Shermstab 17
         Ayea 9
         Agedmilk 2
      Kiss of the Spider
         Shermstab 15
         Agedmilk 10
         Kreizenn 5
      Slayer's Crest
         Shermstab 6
      Badge of the Swarmguard
         Agedmilk 3
         Ayea 12
      Will of the Forsaken
         Memimetizzo 2
         Kreizenn 1
      The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron
         Wayan 24
         Noheartrate 19
      Zandalarian Hero Charm
         Wayan 1
         Wayan 6
      Chastise Haste (received)
         Noheartrate 2
      Rapid Fire
         Dags 16
         Sibbu 11
         Dublo 6
         Dragonfury 4
Proc Summary
      Boggum 238
      Kimaen 163
      Ebeach 130
      Vakos 127
      Britainsand 93
      Kujanu 55
      Whackamoocow 50
      Wronggock 49
      Thedos 43
      Nollar 30
      Gnoops 86
      Exacerbate 83
      Werewulf 76
      Maliky 61
      Jahakal 51
      Boujie 51
      Gudlevski 35
      Mouzer 24
      Exacerbate 388
      Jahakal 382
      Werewulf 364
      Gnoops 356
      Boujie 348
      Maliky 313
      Mouzer 211
      Gudlevski 192
      Darkshadowx 76
   Spell Blasting
      Vakos 87
      Mioko 68
      Lucias 68
      Lightbourne 56
      Kujanu 39
      Thedos 30
      Mioko 132
      Lightbourne 120
      Holbart 60
      Newsom 35
   Extra Attacks
      Hack and Slash
         Memimetizzo 68
      Hand of Justice
         Memimetizzo 59
         Boujie 12
         Holbart 10
         Lucias 48
      Windfury Totem
         Kimaen 377
         Werewulf 335
         Jahakal 327
         Exacerbate 302
         Kyneswide 299
         Boggum 292
         Ayea 290
         Gnoops 274
         Lightbourne 257
         Boujie 252
         Mioko 209
         Memimetizzo 206
         Gudlevski 192
         Maliky 182
         Mouzer 148
         Shermstab 137
         Britainsand 122
         Lucias 110
         Whackamoocow 92
         Kreizenn 69
         Darkshadowx 65
         Newsom 54
         Agedmilk 54
         Dublo 51
         Holbart 38
         Dags 10
         Scattyshock 6
         Kavax 5
         Jiginator 1
Annihilator Log
   1/27 20:08:15.125  Qiraji Brainwasher is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:10:15.343  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Princess Yauj.
   1/27 20:10:17.374  Princess Yauj gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:10:18.908  Princess Yauj gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:10:26.250  Vem is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:10:37.285  Vem is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:10:38.698  Vem is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:10:56.085  Lord Kri is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:10:57.826  Lord Kri is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:11:03.450  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Lord Kri.
   1/27 20:11:05.202  Lord Kri is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:11:16.666  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Lord Kri.
   1/27 20:13:29.997  Vekniss Guardian gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:18:10.826  Sartura's Royal Guard is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:18:14.594  Sartura's Royal Guard is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:18:43.435  Battleguard Sartura gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:19:10.564  Battleguard Sartura gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:20:11.039  Vekniss Soldier is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:20:32.951  Vekniss Drone is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:20:37.096  Vekniss Drone is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:20:44.457  Vekniss Soldier gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:20:59.236  Vekniss Drone is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:21:18.596  Vekniss Drone is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:21:38.235  Vekniss Soldier is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:22:30.391  Fankriss the Unyielding gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:24:16.482  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:24:18.826  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:24:28.258  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:25:13.228  Armor Shatter fades from Viscidus.
   1/27 20:25:22.578  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:25:26.442  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:25:38.498  Viscidus is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:25:59.868  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Viscidus.
   1/27 20:26:56.103  Vekniss Hive Crawler gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:27:06.515  Vekniss Hive Crawler is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:29:55.273  Anubisath Defender gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:29:57.937  Anubisath Defender gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:30:03.000  Anubisath Defender gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:30:24.232  Anubisath Warrior is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:31:05.218  Princess Huhuran gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:31:06.859  Princess Huhuran gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:31:14.838  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Princess Huhuran.
   1/27 20:31:34.623  Princess Huhuran gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:43:25.639  Ouro is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:43:31.049  Ouro is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:43:33.688  Ouro is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:44:26.202  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Ouro.
   1/27 20:44:47.936  Armor Shatter fades from Ouro.
   1/27 20:47:35.969  Obsidian Nullifier gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:48:05.347  Anubisath Warder gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:48:10.352  Anubisath Warder gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:51:15.859  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Eye of C'Thun.
   1/27 20:51:26.532  Eye of C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:51:39.857  Eye of C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:51:46.287  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Eye of C'Thun.
   1/27 20:52:04.185  Eye of C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:52:53.846  C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 20:53:04.298  C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 20:53:09.284  C'Thun is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 20:53:28.238  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by C'Thun.
   1/27 21:15:03.377  Vaelastrasz the Corrupt gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:15:07.079  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Vaelastrasz the Corrupt.
   1/27 21:15:12.111  Vaelastrasz the Corrupt gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:15:22.310  Vaelastrasz the Corrupt gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:23:24.560  Broodlord Lashlayer gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:23:31.437  Broodlord Lashlayer gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:23:41.077  Broodlord Lashlayer gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:23:41.582  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Broodlord Lashlayer.
   1/27 21:23:41.645  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Broodlord Lashlayer.
   1/27 21:25:23.431  Death Talon Wyrmguard is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:25:42.281  Death Talon Wyrmguard is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:25:46.467  Death Talon Wyrmguard is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:26:09.963  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Death Talon Wyrmguard.
   1/27 21:29:15.858  Firemaw is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:29:17.388  Firemaw is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:29:17.548  Firemaw is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:32:26.482  Ebonroc gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:32:48.419  Ebonroc gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:34:05.085  Flamegor gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:34:12.580  Flamegor gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:34:34.451  Flamegor gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:34:35.701  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Flamegor.
   1/27 21:37:40.874  Chromaggus gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:37:54.015  Ayea 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Chromaggus.
   1/27 21:38:06.595  Chromaggus gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:38:10.810  Chromaggus gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:42:26.155  Chromatic Drakonid is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:43:34.864  Nefarian gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:43:48.440  Nefarian gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:44:02.345  Nefarian gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:54:38.581  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Molten Giant.
   1/27 21:55:45.679  Ancient Core Hound gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:55:45.748  Ancient Core Hound gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:55:47.297  Ancient Core Hound gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 21:55:54.107  Molten Giant is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:56:09.137  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Lava Annihilator.
   1/27 21:56:37.687  Lava Surger is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:58:13.435  Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:58:46.895  Flamewaker Protector is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:59:07.357  Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:59:33.764  Magmadar gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 21:59:35.217  Magmadar gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 21:59:53.694  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Magmadar.
   1/27 21:59:55.685  Magmadar gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 22:01:09.299  Firelord is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:01:17.897  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Firelord.
   1/27 22:01:33.863  Molten Destroyer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:01:35.006  Molten Destroyer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:01:52.536  Lava Annihilator is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:02:17.223  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:02:20.575  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:02:40.701  Gehennas gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:04:28.300  Ancient Core Hound gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:04:32.360  Firelord is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:04:45.224  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:04:50.623  Molten Destroyer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:05:00.830  Molten Destroyer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:06:38.206  Garr gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:06:41.774  Garr gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:06:54.736  Garr gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 22:09:45.937  Baron Geddon gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:09:50.436  Baron Geddon gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:09:57.031  Baron Geddon gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 22:10:54.264  Firewalker is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:10:56.392  Firewalker is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:11:23.891  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Ancient Core Hound.
   1/27 22:11:25.594  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:12:01.607  Shazzrah gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:12:02.966  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Shazzrah.
   1/27 22:12:36.654  Firewalker is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:12:43.883  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Lava Elemental.
   1/27 22:13:38.576  Ancient Core Hound gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:14:05.656  Lava Elemental is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:14:47.910  Lava Annihilator is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:15:25.282  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Sulfuron Harbinger.
   1/27 22:15:31.914  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Sulfuron Harbinger.
   1/27 22:15:43.032  Sulfuron Harbinger gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:15:51.044  Sulfuron Harbinger gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:15:51.124  Sulfuron Harbinger gains Armor Shatter (3).
   1/27 22:16:51.799  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:17:00.301  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Ancient Core Hound.
   1/27 22:17:01.630  Ancient Core Hound is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:17:18.939  Firelord is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:17:53.065  Golemagg the Incinerator gains Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:18:01.093  Golemagg the Incinerator gains Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:19:11.266  Firelord is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:19:11.376  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Firelord.
   1/27 22:19:20.105  Kreizenn 's Armor Shatter was resisted by Lava Annihilator.
   1/27 22:19:21.249  Lava Annihilator is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:20:35.093  Flamewaker Healer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:20:45.498  Flamewaker Healer is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:21:05.201  Flamewaker Elite is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:25:31.726  Ragnaros is afflicted by Armor Shatter (1).
   1/27 22:25:38.654  Ragnaros is afflicted by Armor Shatter (2).
   1/27 22:26:09.096  Ragnaros is afflicted by Armor Shatter (3).
Flame Buffet (dragonling) Log
   1/27 20:43:27.956  Ouro gains Flame Buffet (1).
Nefarian Priest Corrupted Healing
   1/27 21:44:27.779  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:28.548  Kimaen suffers 0 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing. (366 absorbed)
   1/27 21:44:29.516  Kimaen suffers 121 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing. (245 absorbed)
   1/27 21:44:30.552  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:31.539  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:32.527  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:33.494  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:34.520  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:35.511  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:36.504  Kimaen suffers 275 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing. (91 resisted)
   1/27 21:44:37.538  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:38.474  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:39.507  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:40.537  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:41.486  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:42.507  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:43.553  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:44.522  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:45.468  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:46.519  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:47.556  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:48.502  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:49.491  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:50.534  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:51.495  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:52.527  Kimaen suffers 275 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing. (91 resisted)
   1/27 21:44:53.582  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:54.493  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:55.519  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
   1/27 21:44:56.548  Kimaen suffers 366 Shadow damage from Physical 's Corrupted Healing.
Viscidus Frost Hits Log
   Total hits 419
   Noheartrate 56
      Shoot 56
   Ebeach 49
      Frostbolt 49
   Kujanu 48
      Frostbolt 48
   Wayan 47
      Shoot 47
   Vakos 46
      Frostbolt 46
   Thedos 44
      Frostbolt 44
   Kyneswide 16
      Frostbolt 16
   Maliky 13
      Frostbolt 12
      Frost Blast 1
   Jahakal 13
      Frostbolt 13
   Exacerbate 13
      Frostbolt 13
   Gnoops 12
      Frostbolt 12
   Dags 12
      Frostbolt 12
   Ayea 10
      Frostbolt 10
   Frimbord 9
      Shoot 9
   Boujie 9
      Frostbolt 9
   Dublo 8
      Frostbolt 8
   Scattyshock 4
      Frost Shock 4
   Lightbourne 4
      Frostbolt 4
   Dragonfury 2
      Frostbolt 2
   Werewulf 1
      Frostbolt 1
   Mouzer 1
      Frostbolt 1
   Memimetizzo 1
      Frostbolt 1
   Kavax 1
      Frost Shock 1
Princess Huhuran Log
   1/27 20:31:12.597  Princess Huhuran gains Frenzy (1).
   1/27 20:31:16.327  Princess Huhuran 's Frenzy is removed.
   1/27 20:31:16.327  Dags casts Tranquilizing Shot on Princess Huhuran.
   1/27 20:31:16.580  Dublo casts Tranquilizing Shot on Princess Huhuran.
   1/27 20:31:24.134  Princess Huhuran gains Frenzy (1).
   1/27 20:31:28.453  Jahakal casts Death by Peasant.
   1/27 20:31:29.471  Exacerbate casts Death by Peasant.
   1/27 20:31:31.110  Princess Huhuran gains Berserk (1).
   1/27 20:31:32.732  Werewulf casts Death by Peasant.
   1/27 20:31:39.108  Princess Huhuran dies.
C'Thun Chain Log (2+)
   1/27 20:51:01.199  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Ajdra for 0 Nature damage. (3033 absorbed)
   1/27 20:51:01.199  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Superchoc for 4524 Nature damage.
   1/27 20:51:01.201  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Noheartrate for 3379 Nature damage. (2595 absorbed)
   1/27 20:51:10.356  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Kyneswide for 2950 Nature damage.
   1/27 20:51:10.356  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Lightbourne for 1677 Nature damage. (3111 absorbed)
   1/27 20:51:13.384  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Gudlevski for 3276 Nature damage.
   1/27 20:51:13.389  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Jahakal for 2809 Nature damage. (1581 absorbed)
   1/27 20:51:19.395  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Gnoops for 0 Nature damage. (2984 absorbed)
   1/27 20:51:19.395  Eye of C'Thun 's Eye Beam hits Exacerbate for 1996 Nature damage. (1339 resisted) (2021 absorbed)
   Dublo owned by Dublo
Class Detection
   Agedmilk rogue
   Ajdra paladin
   Ayea rogue
   Bigkrit unknown
   Boggum druid
   Boujie warrior
   Britainsand druid
   Dags hunter
   Dags (self damage) unknown
   Darkshadowx warrior
   Dragonfury hunter
   Dublo hunter
   Dublo (self damage) unknown
   Duplo priest
   Duploo warlock
   Ebeach mage
   Exacerbate warrior
   Exacerbate (self damage) unknown
   Exotiko warlock
   Frimbord priest
   Gnoops warrior
   Gnoops (self damage) unknown
   Gudlevski warrior
   Gudlevski (self damage) unknown
   Holbart paladin
   Jahakal warrior
   Jiginator shaman
   Kavax shaman
   Kimaen druid
   Kreizenn rogue
   Kujanu mage
   Kyneswide warrior
   Lightbourne paladin
   Lightbourne (self damage) unknown
   Lucias paladin
   Maliky warrior
   Maliky (self damage) unknown
   Medeste paladin
   Memimetizzo rogue
   Mioko paladin
   Mouzer warrior
   Mouzer (self damage) unknown
   Newsom paladin
   Noheartrate warlock
   Nollar mage
   Noxih druid
   Physical priest
   Scattyshock shaman
   Shadowhelper paladin
   Shamancheese shaman
   Shermstab rogue
   Sibbu hunter
   Superchoc druid
   Thedos mage
   Toimprovise priest
   Vakos mage
   Vakos (self damage) unknown
   Votequimby shaman
   Wayan warlock
   Werewulf warrior
   Werewulf (self damage) unknown
   Whackamoocow druid
   Wronggock druid
   project version 2024.1082
   project homepage
   prices server nord
   prices timestamp 2025-01-30T00:00:01.824700 (5 hours ago)
   log size 31.6 MB
   log lines 431046
   skipped log lines 11515 (2.67%)
   processed in 88.41 seconds. 4875.50 log lines/sec
   runtime platform win32
   runtime implementation (name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-310', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50990064)
   runtime version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Filename: None. Size: 45kb. View raw, , hex, or download this file.

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