| #include <iomanip>
| #include <iostream>
| #include <fstream>
| #include <string>
| #include <vector>
| #include <unordered_set>
| #include <cctype>
| using namespace std;
| // (The same declarations for keywords, operators, delimiters, and utility functions)
| // Classify the tokens and display them in a tabulated format
| void classifyTokens(const vector<string>& tokens) {
| // Print table header
| cout << left << setw(20) << "Token"
| << setw(20) << "Type" << endl;
| cout << string(40, '-') << endl;
| for (const string& token : tokens) {
| string type;
| if (isKeyword(token)) {
| type = "Keyword";
| } else if (isOperator(token)) {
| type = "Operator";
| } else if (isNumber(token)) {
| type = "Number";
| } else if (token.size() >= 2 && token[0] == '"' && token.back() == '"') {
| type = "String Literal";
| } else if (token.size() >= 2 && token[0] == '\'' && token.back() == '\'') {
| type = "Character Literal";
| } else if (isDelimiter(token[0])) {
| type = "Delimiter";
| } else if (token[0] == '_' || isalpha(token[0])) {
| type = "Identifier";
| } else {
| type = "Unrecognized";
| }
| // Print token and its type
| cout << left << setw(20) << token
| << setw(20) << type << endl;
| }
| }
| int main() {
| string filePath;
| cout << "Enter the path to the C source file: ";
| getline(cin, filePath);
| ifstream file(filePath);
| if (!file.is_open()) {
| cerr << "Error: Could not open file at " << filePath << endl;
| return 1;
| }
| string code((istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
| file.close();
| // Remove comments from the code
| string cleanedCode = removeComments(code);
| // Tokenize the cleaned code
| vector<string> tokens = tokenize(cleanedCode);
| // Classify and display tokens in tabulated format
| cout << "\nIdentified Tokens:\n";
| classifyTokens(tokens);
| return 0;
| }