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> Is there any special relationship between 42 and *?
The number 42 is often associated with the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything" in Douglas Adams' science fiction novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
The asterisk (*) is a symbol that can represent many things, such as multiplication, wildcard characters, or footnotes, depending on the context.
In mathematics, there is no special relationship between 42 and * as * is not a number. However, in programming languages like C, * is used for multiplication, so 42 \* 2 would equal 84.
In summary, while there is no inherent relationship between 42 and * outside of certain contexts, the symbol * can be used in conjunction with 42 to perform mathematical operations.
> What about in ASCII?
In the ASCII standard, the asterisk (*) is a printable character with a decimal value of 42, which means that the ASCII code for the asterisk character is 42.
So, in the context of ASCII, there is a special relationship between the number 42 and the asterisk (*) character, as the asterisk is assigned the decimal value of 42 in the ASCII standard.
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